Thursday, December 26, 2019

My excess weight will destroy my body but my relationship with food is a disaster

To make a long health story short. I (22F) am 5'4" and 14 stone. The heaviest I've ever been. I've also got Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (hypermobile version) and the excess weight will only damage me further and faster than my body's natural inevitable degeneration.

Unfortunately my relationship with healthy meals has never been great. Due to gastrointestinal issues I can barely eat green vegetables or stuff like peppers, tomatoes, courgettes, etc without a violent reaction. I was the 'go hungry' child when presented with eating what I was given or nothing, and it took me years to discover that many vegetables were my IBS trigger.

Growing up the only thing that stopped me gaining lots of weight was probably my violent gastrointestinal issues in action and over the past six years, with worsening health and bad snacking habits and avoiding my triggers like the plague, the weight has slowly been piling on in the absence of eating my trigger foods and I struggle to not give in to salt/cheese/chocolate cravings. Its particularly during episodes of insomnia/painsomnia, which has been up to multiple times a week this year as my body gets worse faster. And I know night eating and barely sleeping isn't my friend either.

Due to having no money after to losing my benefits I can't just buy my own food to eat as an alternative to the less than ideal stuff in the house (living with family who aren't the healthiest.)

I occasionally go to the gym with my partner when we have the time to try and strengthen certain vital areas of the body that EDS can wreck. We used to go twice a week but embarking on new mature students studies has eaten up a lot of our free time. I have an exercise bike at home as its the best exercise for my joints and I genuinely enjoy going to the gym but mustering the energy/remembering to use the bike can be difficult as I've never been good at maintaining any kind of routine with anything for long unless forced, (taking meds is an adventure).

I don't know how to go about slowly getting back to around the 10 stone I once was - 140lbs, down from something like my current 194) when people always mention diet being the most important part of weight loss. Particularly when most vegetables that make up many balanced meals aren't available to me and I definitely eat too much of the wrong things.

Any suggestions on how to start approaching this (outside of seeing a dietitian, because I'm thinking about asking my health specialist about that) would be very welcome.

submitted by /u/vagueconfusion
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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