Tuesday, December 31, 2019

[Update] My new year's resolution isn't to lose weight.

At the beginning of this year, I made a post about how my new year's resolution was not to lose weight, but instead to set goals for myself that would ideally lead to weight loss. I just wanted to post an update here to let people know how it went!

My goals were to:

  • log my food every day, even if it's just my best estimate

When I finish logging my food for today, I will hit a 365-day streak on LoseIt! I haven't been able to be totally accurate every day, and there have definitely been lots of days where I've gone WAY over my budget. But continuing to track has really helped to keep me accountable and get me back to my goals even after a few bad days.

  • get my 10,000 steps every day

I was doing really well with this until a couple months ago, when getting 10,000 steps every day got harder for various reasons - but I'm still finishing the year with a daily average of around 9800 steps, only about 44,000 steps short of my 3,650,000 goal. I'm ready to try again in 2020!

  • hula hoop for at least 10 minutes every day

Another one that's been harder to keep up with recently, but I managed 217 days this year and plan on getting back into it next year.

  • do 16:8 IF

This one hasn't been perfect because life is difficult and unpredictable, but I've done really well with it and stick with an 8-hour eating window about 90% of the time. It's really helped cut down on late night snacking.

  • weigh every morning

I've done this whenever I've been close to my scale and it's really helped me keep an eye on fluctuations and stay accountable.

  • forgive myself for any missed days and get back on track ASAP

I think I've done a pretty good job of this, just based on the fact that I'm posting this update! I haven't given up and I'm ready to keep going next year.

From my highest weight recorded on January 1st this year, to my lowest weight a couple months ago, I lost 17.8 pounds. I've gained back some weight over Christmas, but my highest weight after all the indulgence of the past couple weeks is still 10 pounds lower than my highest weight this time last year.

This year has been perfect by no means, and I know I could've lost a lot more weight if I'd been more strict with myself. But I'm trying to create habits that allow me to live a real life while being as healthy as possible, and some days it's just not realistic to meet some arbitrary goals. I'm really proud of the progress I've made and I'm definitely going to stick with these new habits I've created - and I'll probably set a few new health and fitness goals for myself for the coming year, too.

Happy 2020 to you all and best of luck reaching your goals!

submitted by /u/fitinabit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2QdBXyR

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