Saturday, December 28, 2019

End of 2019 Progress Pic - 100 pounds down

Hey all,

SW (14JAN19) 354.2lbs to CW 254.0lbs (09NOV19) | Just over 10 pounds a month

I actually hit the 100 lbs lost mark just over a month ago, my current weight lost I imagine is a few pounds over the hundred mark but I've not weighed in for some time, still counting, still using MFP just a little more lax on some days. I just wanted to try acting like a "normal" person for a bit. My plan was to jump straight back into the diet (1500 cals, 6 days a week, 1 flexi-day) if I fell into my old ways but I haven't, the guilt hits me hard if I diet-cheat too hard.

My plan is to be back on it 100% every day on the 14th of January 2020, the date is symbolic to me now as it's when I started the 100 pound loss.

I was really worried I'd fall off the train eventually but I'm on board and I'm conducting this shit now. The routine was the strongest thing I started, and it really worked for me and eventually carried me through without trying. The below are some of the biggest tips I can think of.



  1. Try everything you can until you find what works for you, there's no magic trick for everyone. I've tried 20 different diets from age 15 to age 31 until I found one that stuck and also had the right motivation (my crotch goblin).
  2. Routine really worked for me, Mon-Fri at work I get 3 days of meals on the Monday from the supermarket, low fat ready meals and microwave veg, Thursday and Friday are a salad usually from Subway. Dinner Mon is whatever the missus makes, I just make the calories work, Tue - Thu is a low cal stir fry, Friday was a low cal takeaway (chicken kebab in pitta, about 600cal). The weekends were awkward being at home with a fridge and cupboards but I just snacked on low cal things.
  3. Low cal snacking = cherry tomatoes, these things are one of the lowest cal:gram items out there. Only lettuce compares and only water is better. I'd eat an entire 200g box of these over a day, every time I went to fridge or cupboards to snack on a weakend (intentional typo) I'd aim for these.
  4. Water. A cheat I found that really helped was if I was feeling hungry (usually before the routine kicked in or I was saving calories for a bigger meal) was to just drink a pint or so of water and fill the glass up and take it with me to "snack" on.
  5. I had a cheat meal once a week minimum. If you're gonna cheat though, cheat smart. DO NOT OVER BUY!!! I used to buy the best value pizza meal and end up eating 6 slices of two 12" pizzas and be left with the other 10 slices and 6 slices of a smaller garlic bread. I'd usually eat all this over the rest of the weekend. DO NOT DO THIS!!! Buy what you can eat that night with 0 leftovers. Try and get your partner to do this too if you're eating with someone else. I'd usually finish her kebab or Chinese the day after as well as my own pizza. Just accept the saving money loss as a trade for weight loss.
  6. Find your motivation. The spark that ignited my weight loss journey was just wanting to not be a fat dad who got out of breath in seconds. The ongoing motivation was a huge fukin' culmination of things I go into way more detail in my twotopia post here.

Good look on your journey and if you've any questions let me know and I'll do my best to help.

submitted by /u/Accendil
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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