Tuesday, December 31, 2019

What losing 60lbs has taught me

I've been trying to lose weight for most of my teenage years. I was 240lbs at 15 and I said enough is enough. Joined a gym, started dieting and I went down from 240 to 200lbs. I wasn't at my goal yet but I was out of what I considered to be the "too big" category.

Into my early 20s, I had some major setbacks. I stepped on the scale March of this year and I was 245 lbs. How did I get here? How did I screw up so bad? College really messed me up, I was emotionally a mess. Riddled with anxiety and just ate my feelings out. I was officially the biggest I've ever been in my entire life. It all came to a head when I was at my grandmother's house and we had heard the news about my grandfather dying of a heart attack. He never took care of himself and he suffered for most of our lives. Like his father before him. And like my dad does too.

I swore I would break our family curse. Started going to the gym the moment I got back from my grandmother's. Counting calories, lifting weights, running. And the weight was shredding off. From April to the end of this year I went from 245 down to 185.

Now I'm nowhere where I want to be, but I do want to share what worked for me, what didn't work for me and what happens when you lose that much weight.

What Works

So for me, CICO worked great. I'm not the type of guy who can live in a restrictive diet, so I can't cut out certain foods, but I can moderate my eating. I weighed every ounce of food that came into my body and stayed within a calorie limit of 1500 - 1700 calories. Maybe you'd rather do keto or something else, but for me personally I knew I could do basic CICO.

On top of that, I knew from my previous experience of weight loss was that I couldn't outrun a bad diet. So I cut out a lot of things that were bad. I didn't snack for a long time. I would only have 3 square meals a day. I do work out consistently every week, but I don't use my workouts as a way to "make up" for a bad day of food. They are bonus points, not make up points.

The last thing I did was I did some soul searching. I found out who I was, who I wanted to be mentally and emotionally and I've stuck to it. I realized I needed to be at peace with myself, clear out the fog that clouded my mind so I can focus on improving myself.

What Happens after Losing 60lbs

Losing 60lbs is no small feat. I dropped almost 5 inches off my waist, but sometimes it's hard to see it. I get colder a lot easier now, but I also sweat a lot less now. I smile a lot more, look at myself in the mirror a lot more and I'm not afraid of going clothes shopping now.

My heart is a lot stronger now. I went from running a 12:30 mile all the way down to running a 6:30 mile. And I'm stronger too as most of my lifts have at leasts doubled.

Where I plan on going next?

So while I lost 60lbs, I wasn't planning on stopping there. I didn't include any weight loss pics yet because I haven't made it to my goal. My flair says I want to be dummy thicc and I stand by that. So I've removed attachments to a weight goal and more an aesthetic. So if I hit my goal aesthetic in 10lbs, I'll stop there, but I'll keep going until I'm content.

I also plan on doing more races. So this year, I did one Spartan Race, but next year I plan on doing two more as I think that having that kinda looming in the background definitely pushed me to hit my goals.

submitted by /u/baesicallysteve
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/358PxI5

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