Friday, December 27, 2019

Questions as I transition to maintenance

Can anyone who’s been through the transition to maintenance help me out with some questions? I went to the r/ownit sub but it doesn’t look so active there...

  1. Is 2000+ calories too high for maintenance? I read a lot of people’s posts about their calories and it sounds unreasonably high? I’ve been calculating everything very precisely with MFP and a spreadsheet I found somewhere on here and that matches my weight loss data, but given my stats (28, female, 5’4”, 120 lb, maybe lightly active, and I used to have PCOS but went on to have my baby girl last year :) ) that sounds like a lot. So far I have gone up to 1900-2000 per day and am maintaining or maybe even slightly losing...but can that be right?

  2. What do I do if I binge? I feel like I don’t have a deficit to fall back on anymore, so if I go straight back to eating at maintenance, I’ll just gain weight, right? Do I just slash my calories by a bit every day for a while to make up the difference? (I do see a counselor for my binge eating among other issues, it’s getting better but I still have pretty big binges (3000+ calories) from time to time, so I don’t want to discount the possibility of a relapse happening again.)

  3. Why do I hear so often that maintenance is even harder than losing weight? I was planning on just doing all the same things I did while losing, tracking my food, going to the gym a few times a week, keeping track of my weight. So I’m not sure, but I would appreciate tips on what’s been everyone’s struggles with maintenance so I can be prepared.

This is also my SV post - it took me 4 years with a pregnancy in the middle, which is why I lost track of my old account here, but I have lost over 80 pounds now. I’ve got some loose skin, but I’ve also got abs under there now :) So I really want to make the switch to maintenance in a permanent way, cos I never want to go back there again! Thanks for everyone’s help.

submitted by /u/chikkenloaf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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