Friday, December 27, 2019

Calculating calorie goals while breastfeeding

This is looking ahead a little bit, but I've always been a planner, so here we are.

My first child is due later this winter, and I'm trying to figure out how to go about losing the baby weight. I plan on breastfeeding, which I know can help with weight loss, but I'm at a loss as far as how to calculate a calorie deficit that won't tank my milk supply. My goal pre-pregnancy was 1200 calories per day for weight loss. I've read that breastfeeding burns about 500 calories-ish per day - so should I aim for roughly 1700 to lose weight, then?

This is all very new, and I want to be sure I'm not jeopardizing my health / the health of my kid in the name of shedding a few pounds. I know baby formula is a perfectly reasonable choice for a child should my supply dry up, but I would like to breastfeed if possible.

My pre-pregnancy stats (if helpful) were: 5'4" & 135 lbs. I'm a 31 year old female who was in the process of trying to lose weight when I got pregnant. I'm probably around 160 right now, and at 30 weeks likely have a few more pounds to gain (though I know a chunk of that is baby & fluids that will disappear shortly after birth). GW is 120 pounds.

Thank you!!

submitted by /u/Jaserocque
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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