Tuesday, November 26, 2019

310lbs -> 170lbs in 16 months then 170lbs -> 210lbs in the last 12 months, I don't know how to fix this

As the title states I (24/m) went from 310 lbs to 170lbs in about 16 months then over the last 12 months I gained 40lbs back. When I was losing the weight I was very much in control of my routine and lifestyle and was able to tweak everything about it to optimize my weight loss. For a majority of my weight loss I did OMAD, which worked well for me mentally and physically. Once I reached 170lbs I wanted to begin my physique transformation and start building muscle as I essentially only dieted to lose my 140lbs and did little to no exercise. I couldn't handle the physical stress of working out when I was obese; the sweating, the aches, heavy breathing, etc, was too much for me. But I could handle hunger. A few months after I hit my weight goal though I met my current girlfriend and a few months later I started working a full-time overnight schedule. These two changes in my life have led me to go astray from my healthy lifestyle. During the week I leave for work at 8pm and get home at 6am, then sleep from 8am-6pm. I've gotten into the habit of eating a large meal before work, getting a "midnight snack" at work, and then eating a large meal when I get home from work. I've tried to cut out the snacking, or eat smaller meals, with little to no success. If I cut out the snacking I do nothing but think about food while working and it makes the time there unbearable. If I eat a smaller meal before work, I just compensate with eating more at work. If I eat a smaller meal after work, I can't sleep properly because I'm fighting hunger pangs. As for where my girlfriend comes in, during the weekends I spend almost all day everyday out with her which results in 2 meals a day of fast food and snacking as well in between. I should mention my girlfriend is petite (5'1, 100lbs) but she loves to eat and considers herself a foodie. The difference between us though is portion control. I have a hard time not eating myself into a food coma which is why OMAD worked so well for me. I relished in the fact I could stuff my face with 1200 calories of anything I wanted once a day and still lose significant weight. But she's an average person who eats three small meals a day and light snacks. I can't do OMAD with her while taking her out for three meals because she would feel funny to eat alone and I honestly don't think I could avoid the temptation anyway. When I order less food, I just end up compensating when we find a snack or during the next meal. Also I have a complicated relationship dynamic with my girlfriend as she is very religious and practices abstinence and I've never been with someone who practices abstinence. I spent my life feeling rejected due to my unhealthy appearance and lifestyle and then as soon as I lost my weight and was feeling confident I met and fell in love with someone who can't even express to me remotely any physical desire. This has been a problem area for me as to be honest a big part of my goal of weight loss was to be a more appealing partner as being healthy and living a healthy lifestyle is an attractive trait to most. I have to dig compliments deeper than "you're cute" out of her because to her any expression of physical desire is immoral. This is rough for me. Because I had no one and have no one to appreciate my body I sort of lost motivation as well to maintain it which combined with everything else I've mentioned is making getting back on the wagon a seemingly insurmountable feat. I used to frequent this sub on another account during my weight loss journey but I can't remember the password or the e-mail I used hence this new account. I don't know what to expect but I just needed to vent to people who understand what I'm going through.

At the least thank you for reading, lovesnailsandapples

submitted by /u/lovesnailsandapples
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/37DUbAe

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