Saturday, November 30, 2019

NSV: stopped eating when I was full!

Y’all. No one irl will understand why this is such a big deal to me so I’m posting it here because I need to get it out.

Today I went to brunch with a friend. The place isn’t a chain so they aren’t required to have calories on the menu.. and they didn’t. Fine, not the end of the world.

I love waffles so I ordered one and it was and it was fucking delicious. MORE IMPORTANTLY I stopped eating when I was full. Not when I was stuffed...I stopped eating when I no longer felt hungry.

I left half that waffle behind. It sat in front of me on my plate for about 30 minutes while my friend finished her meal. I don’t think I’ve ever not finished my plate at a restaurant. Part of that is because I’m paying for it and feels wasteful (in more way than one) to throw out the rest. Or, if the person I’m with is still eating I’ll keep picking at my plate until they’re done.

I know this is how normal people eat all the time but I’m proud of myself. Knowing that I CAN do this makes me realize that I don’t have to isolate myself or stop socializing during my weight loss journey.

Thanks for reading :)

submitted by /u/rosegold_ari
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Day Accountability Challenge - December Sign ups!

Hello lovely losers! Happy almost December!

A new month is starting which means a new Daily Accountability Challenge!

This is the sign up post to make your goals for the month.

There will be a daily post for you to post your progress on said goals.

At the end of the month, there will be a wrap up to talk about your general progress & how you feel about everything! If you miss the sign up post, you're always welcome to hop in, the waters fine! You can also read everyone else's progress & commiserate, congratulate & whatever else needs ating. Your goals can be weight loss or general health related, creative, self care or whatever else you need to focus your mental energy on. We try to foster a supportive place to chat about your successes & failures & what you've learned from both.

Leading by example, here are my goals, subject to mild tweaks as needed!

Weight by end of month (217 - 214 lbs, preferably trend weight): I’m going to be real with you folks, I will always aim for deficit but with all the life changes I’ve had in the last six months, I’m okay with maintaining this month. December is fraught with festivity & other less joyous things. I need to be compassionate to myself not just others.

Stay within calorie range: May or may not keep the day count on this. X/X days.

Exercise 5 days a week: Habitual but I always want to be chasing intensity & more strength. X/X days.

Limit purchased coffee drinks (3 a week), if exceeded, $25 donation: I feel like I should be working towards spending less money on coffees out but I also recognize that sometimes it’s one last indulgence I haven’t cut out. So this solution makes me feel balanced. X/13 allowed.

Self-care time (drawing, journaling, beauty treatments, anything that makes me feel taken care of):

Try a new recipe once a week: I like to add to my recipe book. X/5 weeks.

Finish The Body Keeps the Score: It’s kinda self-care too.

Note something jolly every damn day: Ho ho ho bitches. Get Grinched.

Your turn losers, tell us all about the month ahead for you!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Question: Hair loss

SW:208 GW:145 CW:150

I am nearing the end of my weight loss journey. I started last December at 208 and am now 150! While my body is starting to feel better, my hair is not. Closer to my 170 range I noticed my hair thinning a bit and asked my doctor and she said it was maybe from weight loss. I am feeling so unattractive about my hair currently and am at a loss of what to do. I am using Pura D'or Shampoo and Conditioner. I am not blow drying my hair or straightening it. I am taking a women's multivitamin (with biotin and collagen) as well. Will my hair go back to how it used to be? I don't know what else to do. T_T

TL;DR Hair is thinning will it grow back?

submitted by /u/Delafant
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

“What do you eat today?” Leave me alone.

Okay so I’m back home for break and I’ve saw a couple people I haven’t seen since I was fat as hell, and I get they just won’t shut up. I keep getting asked “What did you eat today” over and over like why do y’all care.. and one of them is always asking me, it’s so annoying.

The most annoying moment was when I was first asked this and I said a chimichanga covered with cheese and some chips (it was good as hell btw) and immediately here they come with “That isn’t healthy” “aren’t you supposed to be eating clean” “why would you eat that?” “Ooo omg wow” I just try to get them to understand I can eat what I want and losing weight and getting healthy doesn’t mean I have to go cold turkey on any type of junk food? I get annoyed really quickly and I snap back with so what tf did you eat today... but I get no response and the conversation quickly changes LMAO! The funniest/most annoying part is is that these people were all smaller than me before (since we’ve known each other) and then actually got big, it blows my mind they really think they have any room to worry about my eating choices. Mind y’all I do a 80/20 split AND since I’m on thanksgiving break I’ve decided to not even count calories just eat what I want but in moderation.

I get it, it’s different for them to see me this way because oh have the turntables... but geez I literally don’t give a shit about what they eat now or when I was heavy, all in all the weight loss process is a very interesting experience lol

Edit: If you got the reference at the end you’re amazing

submitted by /u/outofparadise
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for exercises I can do to gradually lose weight.

I'm a 17 year old college student, still living at home. I've been slowly but surely changing my diet for the better by cutting out sugary drinks and junk food. In regards of regular diet, I'd say I'm getting better by the day. My current dilemma is the exercise I should be doing. Currently I walk an average of 3-6 hours 4 days a week. I don't get much time at home as I spend most of my time at college and I either get straight on Xbox or go to sleep once I get home. I'm looking for some exercises I can spend a bit doing before or after college that will help me with gradual weight loss.

If anybody could recommend or link some I'd appreciate it.

submitted by /u/Nacho_Escobar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First Day of my New Life


I'm starting my weight loss journey from today.

I started gaining weight when I was 16 and had my board exams - a chocolate a day for 25 days and junk food shot up by 8 kgs. After that constant stress in life and being called fat by family all the time (even though they thought this would motivate me to lose weight - it so did not - made me even more stressed) led me to just keep eating. Over the past years I have been gaining a couple kgs every year and reached 80 right now.

I have been having a lot of health issues especially digestive system so I got a lot of tests done after consulting a gastro - it's IBS caused due to so much stress and anxiety. And fatty liver - he said that I badly need to lose weight like right now.

I am someone who has spent the past 9 years depressed especially the last couple and as such have lost all the willpower and ability to follow through.

So I'm going to start small. Daily maintenance 1756 - I will first cut to 1500 and 10 mins of walking per day and increase from there.

I am hoping for support and accountability from this subreddit! I'm glad I found this place!

Thanks for reading!

submitted by /u/karishma_2020
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

thank you

i made a post a while ago (now deleted) about having an ed history and wanting to lose quite a significant amount of weight from a healthy bmi. many of you warned me about setting such lofty goals, so I ended up reducing my weight loss goal to something more realistic and tried to diet in an extremely healthy way without any VLCDs. unfortunately, I overestimated my ability to separate myself from the disorder, and spiraled- so I’m going inpatient soon. this isn’t so much a result of prolonged extremely unhealthy choices but more so of the fact that many years of an ed means that my body isn’t as resilient.

It would’ve been a lot worse if I’d never heard from all of you. Thanks for all being so supportive, and for looking out for everyone.

submitted by /u/yikelily
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from loseit - Lose the Fat