Wednesday, April 1, 2020

What do I do?

Sorry I'm advance for the long explanation.

About 3 years ago, I started doing keto and lost about 30lbs in ~6 months (roughly 215lbs to 190lbs). Then I moved and life got complicated, but I had picked up good habits - way less snacking, almost no junk food.

Over the next year and a half, I slowly gained back like 20 lbs (190lbs to 210lbs).

A year ago (January 2019), I started exercising regularly, martial arts 4x a week and weights at the gym 2-3x a week. My eating habits changed slightly - eating less frequently, less snacking, marginally healthier meals. By April I was down 26 lbs (210lbs to 184lbs), and plateaued. End of April I sort of accidentally started doing OMAD (got sick one weekend and didn't eat, but stuck to it). It kicked me out of my plateau and by July I was at 174lbs.

In July, I moved again and life got crazy again. I'm down to martial arts about 3x a week for exercise (before everything closed at least), and have roughly the same eating habits, bouncing between OMAD and just calorie counting, depending on my mood. Since July, I'm up about 6lbs, teetering between 179lbs and 182lbs.

Anyway, my issue is I feel like I've done the things people recommend, cutting out soda and fast food and general junk food, adding exercise, reducing calorie intake, etc. My TDEE says I should eat roughly 2000 calories a day, which is 1500 with a 500cal deficit, but I've been consistently eating about 1200 whenever tracking for the last 3 years. I know that's a bigger deficit than I should have, but since it's been like that for so long, I gain weight if I eat any more than that.

So, my question is, what should I focus on for weight loss? Eating less? Exercising more? Eating differently? I feel like the habits I've had for years have acclimated my body so I can't lose weight with my standard methods anymore.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/h0wd0theyw0rk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you get back in the mindset?

I don't know what's wrong with me. Since January 2nd of this year I've lost 1st 6lb (20lb total), but in the past few weeks I just keep slipping off which is holding back my weight loss - making me maintain or gain 1 or 2lbs. Nothing significant has happened recently - I've started working from home, but I find it's the weekends where I majorly blow it. I started off so motivated and determined and now it's like I'm battling with my own head when it comes to willpower. I just wanted to type all this down and see if anyone had any tips for getting my head back in the game. I still have 45lbs left to lose. Thanks for reading.

submitted by /u/oreosaredelicious
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss advice

I have struggled with my weight since forever! I am 27 and fed up. I started becoming more active in the gym last year and going for walks/hikes with my neighbor. In addition I changed my eating habits but i feel as though I have not made as much progress as I should have within the past year. I need to lose at least 60 pounds and with shelter in place in Washington state I feel it's so hard to get active again because I'm not used to at home workouts. I dont think walking is enough and I have never jogged but I guess I'm going to have to start to ramp up my heart rate. Transitioning from all the equipment in the gym to trying to workout from home where I have 0 equipment is a challenge for me. What are you doing to stay active during quarantine? Can you provide any weight loss tips? I struggle with stress eating and right now with the coronavirus going around I am extremely anxious and stressed out every day. I dont want to be fat when I turn 30. Help!!!!

submitted by /u/xPinkSugar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Low RMR on In-Body? Is slow metabolism a thing or just an excuse?

I had a couple sessions with a private trainer during winter break and I did an in-body scan, which, in case you're unfamiliar, measures the muscle and fat percentage in your body parts, determines your ideal weight and among another things calculates your Resting Metabolic Rate.

Mine turned out to be 1300kcal. I'm 20f, 5'3"/160cm, ~136lbs/62kg. According to online calculators, this is pretty low, the trainer said so as well. She advised me to never eat under 1300kcal a day and eat about 1600kcal on days when I exercise.

I usually do some form of exercise every day, back when I got this measurement, I was playing volleyball 2-3 days a week for several hours and lifting weights.

Has anyone else encountered this problem? Every time I try to read up on it, I see that "there's no such thing as slow metabolism and it's just underestimating calories and overestimating exercise". Has real slow metabolism caused issues with your weight loss?

submitted by /u/Luminis_The_Cat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss advice

I have struggled with my weight since forever! I am 27 and fed up. I started becoming more active in the gym last year and going for walks/hikes with my neighbor. In addition I changed my eating habits but i feel as though I have not made as much progress as I should have within the past year. I need to lose at least 60 pounds and with shelter in place in Washington state I feel it's so hard to get active again because I'm not used to at home workouts. I dont think walking is enough and I have never jogged but I guess I'm going to have to start to ramp up my heart rate. Transitioning from all the equipment in the gym to trying to workout from home where I have 0 equipment is a challenge for me. What are you doing to stay active during quarantine? Can you provide any weight loss tips? I struggle with stress eating and right now with the coronavirus going around I am extremely anxious and stressed out every day. I dont want to be fat when I turn 30. Help!!!!

submitted by /u/xPinkSugar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wear your jeans during quarantine for sanity and accountability?

Hi all!

Like many people around the world, I am in quarantine. Yesterday marked three weeks since the end of"normal" conditions of working out at the gym for me. I know for a fact I haven't been eating or working out like I usually do, but I have given myself some slack given the unusual conditions.

That being said, I put on jeans for this first time yesterday, just for a sense of normalcy and to get me out of pjs. As excepted, they were a bit tighter than a month ago, but by the end of the day, I really noticed the tightness and stopped myself from over snacking after dinner. I realized this small act of wearing jeans can keep me feeling more normal day to day inside, but also keeps me accountable for overeating throughout the day. I wanted to share this small victory, which seems so simple now that I think about it, about a weight loss/maintenance tip that works for me.

Stay safe and healthy all

submitted by /u/Dogswinesweekends
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Looking for some weight loss advice.

Hello :)

Stats: Gender: male Age: 27 Current weight: 121kg / 267lb Height: 193cm / 6ft 4

Been on a weight loss journey since february last year , i started at 136kg / 300pounds, it started really good, dropped down to like 112kg / 245lb in around 5-6 months. This was eating around 2000 calories a day , with a cheat day where i ate junk, after a while i changed it to a cheat meal, But still had no «controll» of the calories on the cheatday/meal. But with all this weight loss , I Diddnt feel like i was getting any noticeable stronger. (Lifting the same weights)

But then the summer came , and i started gaining some weight again , and managed too Get back at 112kg/ 245lb by november. But at that period i was eating 2500 ish calories as i got recomended to eat more by people i know locally who are really into fitness and such ,As They sayd i would gain muscle too and loose fat faster. But the weight loss went really slow, so think it could have affected motivation.

But in december and beginning off this year i messed up , gained alot off weight. Diddnt weigh myself until I had been on a diet for a while and water retention started to go away. Around 121kg / 267lb.

When i started dieting again I continued the 2500 daily calories , But i eat 2300cal 5 days a week and 3000cal 2 times a week.(got this idea from various YouTube videos / websites) Which is the same ammount calories at the end off the week , I feel Im getting stronger now every week , and Clothes are starting too fit better, But its really slow. My scale is pretty Much not moving.

And seeing others with success stories on Reddit etc, it Looks like They are eating way less than me. So my question is really If I should stick to my current plan? Or drop my calories which gave me really good weight loss last year, But not Much strenght? Pretty scared off loose skin, and want to avoid it as Much as possible , But also really want visible results for motivation again.

I lift 3 days a week, heavy weights low reps. And just 2 weeks ago started doing 10 min HIIT on a starionary bike 2 times a week. 2 rest days. I also have a Big dog that i walk alot.

Eat high protein high carb diet. Not Much processed.

I dont have a job, so between weight lifting and walking dog, im not very active at all throughout the day.

My goal is to loose fat and be more muscular.

All tips and advice will be highly appreciated😊

submitted by /u/SupremeRottie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat