Wednesday, April 1, 2020

What do I do?

Sorry I'm advance for the long explanation.

About 3 years ago, I started doing keto and lost about 30lbs in ~6 months (roughly 215lbs to 190lbs). Then I moved and life got complicated, but I had picked up good habits - way less snacking, almost no junk food.

Over the next year and a half, I slowly gained back like 20 lbs (190lbs to 210lbs).

A year ago (January 2019), I started exercising regularly, martial arts 4x a week and weights at the gym 2-3x a week. My eating habits changed slightly - eating less frequently, less snacking, marginally healthier meals. By April I was down 26 lbs (210lbs to 184lbs), and plateaued. End of April I sort of accidentally started doing OMAD (got sick one weekend and didn't eat, but stuck to it). It kicked me out of my plateau and by July I was at 174lbs.

In July, I moved again and life got crazy again. I'm down to martial arts about 3x a week for exercise (before everything closed at least), and have roughly the same eating habits, bouncing between OMAD and just calorie counting, depending on my mood. Since July, I'm up about 6lbs, teetering between 179lbs and 182lbs.

Anyway, my issue is I feel like I've done the things people recommend, cutting out soda and fast food and general junk food, adding exercise, reducing calorie intake, etc. My TDEE says I should eat roughly 2000 calories a day, which is 1500 with a 500cal deficit, but I've been consistently eating about 1200 whenever tracking for the last 3 years. I know that's a bigger deficit than I should have, but since it's been like that for so long, I gain weight if I eat any more than that.

So, my question is, what should I focus on for weight loss? Eating less? Exercising more? Eating differently? I feel like the habits I've had for years have acclimated my body so I can't lose weight with my standard methods anymore.

Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/h0wd0theyw0rk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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