Monday, April 27, 2020

Just found this subreddit, I have some serious questions regarding myself.

Hi everyone. This is my basic status: 24M, 5'10" 300lbs

I've packed on weight since I was a child (about 6-7 years old and onward). You could say I've struggled with weight/food issues nearly my entire life. I've done traditional "diets", fasting, keto, etc. Keto put me from about 325lbs to 255lbs in about 4 months, it WAS the only thing I stuck to that worked but I've just packed it back on ever since going full time at work and struggled to motivate myself to continue my weight loss. I know what I'm doing day to day is going to kill me, and what makes me feel worse is even knowing that, I still fight this addiction. I've smoked, quit that. I've drank, quit that. I've never done hard drugs. Food however, is a constant battle. I've never truly understood the addiction mindset, because I have the food addiction mindset. The human brain is interesting to say the least.

I guess what I'm asking whoever reads this post is:

a) were/are you in a similar scenario to me?

b) did you change your life around, if you did what inspired you other than the general knowledge of "being fat is gonna kill me" because we all know how easy it is to cave in this mindset.

I feel like my entire life is gonna slowly crash because of my food/weight issues. Any insight/brutal honesty is greatly appreciated.

submitted by /u/BradleyNL
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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