Thursday, April 30, 2020

Binged last night and feeling terrible, any advice?

Hey, long time lurker first time poster here.

Context: I've (24F) been doing the couch to 5k running plan for 7 weeks now and cico for around 4 weeks without any major slip ups. Sure I've gone over what I hoped I would eat by a few hundred cals every now and again and had arranged "cheat meals" but overall I've been steadily losing weight.

Last night I completely lost it and turned to emotional eating like i havent since my teenage years. I work designing medical technology for a university/hospital so obviously everything at work is crazy stressful now. I decided there was no point to doing any of this weight loss stuff any more, as all I am doing is staying home at my computer all day. I might as well just do what I want. So I ordered a huge takeout (I would guess around 3000 calories, and this was after I'd already eaten a healthy dinner) and ate as much as I physically could of it while watching divorce court in my pjs.

I made the massive mistake this morning of logging "the event" on MFP and it basically ate up my entire calorie deficit for the last week. I can't help but feel super unmotivated about this and don't even want to start tracking again. How do I pick myself up after something like this and stay on the wagon?

Tl;dr: I ate a takeout and am feeling sorry for myself

submitted by /u/the_smallest_pea
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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