Monday, April 27, 2020

Eat Less, Move More

TL;DR: I lost 15 lbs in 3 months by slowly and steadily eating less and moving more. This sounded impossible in January. Now I want to lose 10 more lbs and I'm actually excited!

I love food. and I love eating. I always have, and I probably always will. in my younger years, this was very manageable because I had a really fast metabolism I guess. I was also very active in sports and outdoor activities. I didn't even hit 100 lbs until I was 17 (I weighed 98 lbs for most of high school). Even in college, I didn't have to worry much about what I ate, or how much. I still was able to stay around 115 - 120 lbs, eating whatever I wanted AND drinking so much booze, I don't know how I did it honestly.

I've also always suffered from depression, and food was always the first thing I could turn to for comfort. I think that was how/why I first started gaining weight my senior year of undergrad in college. also my metabolism probably slowed down? so maybe I was always doing it, just didn't notice until I was steadily gaining weight.

fast forward 3 years through grad school, not exercising at all, and eating a ton of crap food to get through the stress and late nights and suddenly I was 140 lbs! once I got my graduate degree, I got a full time office job, which of course didn't help my weight issue. and I was still eating whatever I wanted whenever I wanted. I was also very depressed (for a host of reasons, but weight gain definitely didn't help my mental state). this went on for another 2 1/2 ish years.

So this January, I went to my annual doc appointment and I was nearly crying when I stepped off the scale. I weighed 150.1 lbs. I couldn't believe it. I felt so gross and fat. before this, I had started walking every day to just try to feel better, not really to lose weight. but after that doctor's appt, I was determined to do more. I had known about the CICO strategy forever, but never really took it that seriously. until now!

starting in early to mid February of this year, I counted every calorie I ate. even if I ate, like, one piece of chocolate, I logged it (I used myfitnesspal). I even logged fruits and veggies. and I started looking at my "calorie budget" like money, which is something I've always been really good at budgeting. I got better and better at managing my calories so that I could eat things I liked and still stay under the budget. it was all about planning ahead and compromising, something I am really good at I guess.

today I stepped on the scale and it said 135 lbs! my goal weight was 130, but I think I want to try to get to 125, or at least between 125-130. I think that is when I'll feel my healthiest. in January, this would have sounded IMPOSSIBLE to me. now it seems super doable! and sustainable.

I suppose I should mention during this time, I have been walking 30-60 minutes per day. I walk briskly, but at a comfortable pace, keeping it enjoyable for me so I actually look forward to walking. the walking has helped my mental health more than my weight loss though, I think. the eating less part is what really helped me lose.

More than weight loss though, this journey has taught me a lot about self discipline and also self care! it is ok, nay, it is NECESSARY, to love yourself and your body, you deserve it! and by love your body, I mean take care of it, something that I never thought about seriously until recently.

Sorry this got long. I just really wanted to tell my story. and this thread has been a great source of motivation and comfort, knowing that I'm not alone and we all move on this journey at our own pace.

submitted by /u/Kelly_Louise
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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