Monday, April 27, 2020

64 days | 17.4 lbs down | check in

First post to this sub. First off I want to thank everybody who posts on this sub. You inspire me!

SW: 222 CW:204.6 GW:125 5’ 7” female

On February 23 I started faithfully tracking my calories in MyFitnessPal. I had just returned from a work trip and remember feeling tired of being obese. I have a pattern of feeling defeated every couple of years, then starting a fad diet, losing some weight and then regaining it back. In February, I was tired of the mindless eating, my clothes not fitting, and avoiding full body pictures at all costs. I picked up my phone and downloaded MyFitnessPal again. I didn’t know if I could stick to it this time. I practiced logging some of my food here and there for a couple of days. February 23, 2020 is the first full day of logging.

When I started my current journey, I didn’t realize that we would be in this period of Quarantine. I think actually quarantine has helped me to reset my behaviors from unhealthy to healthy ones. This time around I am focusing on just my diet. In April I added in light walking goals (15 min in the AM, 15 in the PM). I know from mt past weight loss attempts that I get super hungry if I work out too hard. When I get hungry, it’s hard to stay under my calorie deficit. From 2015-2018, I did intense circuit training (bbg, CrossFit, orange theory) which was fun but did not result in the weight loss I wanted. The exercise wasn’t to fault thought. My diet was off. I’d work our hard and justify a huge meal afterwards (Mod pizza or Taco Bell). Dieting while working out hard is difficult for me. I’m too hungry. So for now it’s all MyFitnessPal, calorie deficit, consistency, and math.

My goal is to lose 1.5-2 pounds a week.

Some new behaviors that I feel are making a difference:

-eating a salad with a prepared meal (Trader Joe’s); I feel full. This was learned from a short stint with Jenny Craig (too expensive to maintain long term for me)

-drinking tea! Helps control my appetite. I try to drink a cup of green tea after each meal. Also in the evening I drink herbal tea to stave off hunger. It works.

-drinking water! I am tracking my intake with a water app on my Apple Watch. Getting 90-128oz a day. I am way less apt to feel tempted to snack.

-taking a “one day at a time” approach. I’m trying not to get spooked by thinking about having to lose 97 pounds. That’s cray cray. Instead I just focus on making today good. A bunch of good days will stack up to make a good month(s).

-limiting myself to checking the scale once a week. I find that I become obsessed with checking my weight. It’s good to check your weight to make sure you’re making progress, but for me checking too often can hurt motivation. Today, I have a whiteboard and count the days that I haven’t weighed myself.

-Using a whiteboard calendar to track things. I now put a green checkmark for days that I say under my calorie deficit and days that I don’t weigh myself. I also have a tracker of the pounds that I want to lose and cross off each pound until I reach my goal. I also have written some inspiring quotes around my whiteboard. It probably looks a little goofy if somebody saw it but for me it really helps to stay motivated.

-Some quotes that are helping me. “Quitting doesn’t make it go faster.” ..... “don’t hope it will happen, KNOW you’ll reach your goal.”

Anyway I plan to check in soon with another update. Just want to thank y’all for this community. Stay safe in quarantine and believe in yourself!

submitted by /u/Giving_less_fuks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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