Monday, May 4, 2020

I can do it. AGAIN.


This is both a confession and, hopefully, something that can help others that, just like me, fell of the wagon completely. I'm a 5'7" female, at 31 years old. Between November 2015 and April 2016 I lost 40lbs, from ~180 to ~140. I was so proud, I was estatic and I swore to any and all Gods that I would never ever ever be fat again. For more than 3 years that was true and I felt great. And then life threw me for a nice horrible stressful 2019 and lo and behold, when I went to the doctor in late February of 2020 I was once again at 180. FUCK.

My brain started yelling at me like crazy "What had I done, why had I ruined all the hard work, how could I?" I was so so ashamed of myself and my failure. Piling on all that guilt and anger on top of my already miserable situation made me feel like I should just give up. I was doomed to be fat, this proved it, didn't it? I couldn't even do something as simple as not stuffing my face....

But there was a tiny little voice somewhere in that missery and chaos that said "Hey, look. You did just fine for years, when you where okay, not depressed, stressed out and scared 24/7. You need to sit down and look at what went wrong ASIDE from your diet. WHAT triggered all this? What made you eat the wrong things for comfort, why did you feel the need to do that? And we got this, yeah? We did it once before, we know what to do now to do it again, yes?

So I sat down and took a long good look at the past year. My moms illness had gotten a lot worse and its a progressive one with no cure, the place I had worked at for six years at that point had just got a new boss again and I came home crying more often than not because the work enviroment had gotten so bad. I was not given the permanent position I had been promised for years, throwing a complete wrench in my husbands and my plans to buy a house because w/o a permanent job I could not co-sign on a loan. Somehow we still managed to buy a small house in May, but at that point I worked six days a week, no vaccation and and on top of moving houses on that schedule, there was no time to care about when or what I ate. In Novemeber I gave my two week notice and left and slept for a month, more or less. My body and mind was burnt out completely. I was supposed to be estatic and happily set up our new home, instead I hid in bed for days. No wonder I had absolutely no energy left to care for my diet....

I can still recognize that it was my actions that caused the weight gain, but I refuse to attach any shame or guilt to it anymore. I did what I did. It happened. It wasn't a good choice, but I've learnt from it. Now I know that when my world falls apart I still revert to comfort foods, candy and overeating. That is a lesson I have to work on, propably for the rest of my life.

It took another couple of weeks before I was in a place where I felt I could try to start undoing what I did. I downloaded MFP again, set a goal of 1200kcal/day, just like I did last time, bought a small mountain of vegetables and bit the bullet.

Since mid March I've lost 11lbs. Im already a quarter of the way there, again. I am so so proud of myself, with IF and calorie counting I am once again working towards a happy and healthy self. Without the guilt and shame. I am still overweight, but each and every day is now a small step in the right direction. The big angry voice telling me I failed is silent. The small hopefull one is still there, whispering "We got this!"

I will not let this be the road block at the end of my weight loss journey, I rather look back and see it as a bigger bump among the smaller ones on a long road stretching behind me.

submitted by /u/Meenite
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintenance Monday: Optimism and Realism

Reached your goal weight and in need of a space to discuss your maintenance journey with others who have gone or are going through similar experiences? Welcome to the weekly Maintenance Monday thread, for weight loss maintainers! Whether you're new to maintenance and don't believe your TDEE can be that high or wondering how to increase your calories, you've been around a while and want to get advice during times of struggle or the holidays, or if you're keeping on as normal, this place is for you! (If you're losing weight, community threads are posted daily and weekly, linked in the side bar, as well as the daily US and European 30 Day Challenge.)

What did you hope for from maintenance and what’s your reality been? What are your hopes for the future and what do you think might actually happen?

Maybe you hoped your stomach would shrink, but your tastes simply changed for the better. Maybe you hope to move toward intuitive eating long-term, but know that for now you have emotional eating tendencies left to overcome when times get hard. Maybe you just hoped reaching maintenance would be a check box you'd tick and never think about again, but really what maintenance means changes, as things do. Let us know!

Anything else on your mind pertaining to maintenance? Is your diet going effortlessly, or have the last few weeks been more of a struggle? All questions, remarks and worries are welcome topics of conversation!

Previous Maintenance Monday threads can be found here.

submitted by /u/satisphoria
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

missed my goal by a hair

M36 178cm 5ft10
went from 107.4kg to 90.3 today (136lbs to 199)
i realy wanted that 9 gone before my birthday. :-(
so i'ts a bit of a double feeling: kinda sad, because i didn't reach the goal.
but still..., i've lost 17kg (37,5) so far :-) so that 400 grams isn't the world.
today is a cheat day. i'm not going to look after calories on my birthday ;-)
not going extravagant either....
tomorow i'm going back to the counting.
current goal 77 (170) ; hoping to reach it by christmas, but not going to beat myself up, if i don't reach it by then.
i would beat myself up if i'm still the same or more heavy than now.
on my 3rth weight loss journey. -30 -20 now going for -30 again.
this is what i've learned so far.
it doesn't matter how fast you get there.
enjoy the road toward it, and make sure you arrive
and don't fall back into old habbits when you reach the goal.
honestly didn't know this, the first 2x. i know, stupid right?

wow, just did the calculations to add lbs after typing all the rest...
now that 199lbs looks good :-D
weird how numbers work

submitted by /u/kavijak
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Sunday, May 3, 2020

Just celebrating some loses .. feel free to skip/ignore ..

I've been in coronavirus lockdown, and I was afraid I'd start eating all the food I put aside to prepare for being in lockdown, so I went on a strict 1500 cal/day diet, and OMG .. I've lost SO much weight. I'm reluctant to say how much because I've seen that there are people who just go on and on about "dangerous .." and "too much .." and all that, and I just don't want to hear it, I'd rather just be happy I've lost so much weight. Best of all it has been pretty easy. I mean I'm a little bit hungry and times during the day, but not that much, certainly not as much as I expected. I did calculations with the NIH body calculator and made graphs of what it projected my weight would be over time and amazingly it's almost spot on so far, my weight loss has been following that graph with bumps and dives along the way almost exactly.

Anyway, I don't have anyone to be happy with so I decided to be happy with ya'll. :)

submitted by /u/ratdiet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[SV] Lost 20 lbs since December. Just the beginning

SW: 260, CW: 240 GW: 170. Height: 5'8-5'9, Male.

I feel SO GOOD. My blood pressure dropped, no more aches across my shoulders, neck arteries, arms. No more warm flushed face. I was in so much pain and discomfort.

My varicose veins don't hurt as much.

Knee and hip pains have lessened. Exercise is easier!

I feel less brain fog. I can think more clearly. Mood has improved.

Things that I've learned:

Restaurants, delis, fast food: prepared outside food, they're OUT TO KILL YOU

You're an addict, they need you coming back for another hit. They're not your friends, they're your dealer.

Prepare your own food!!!! Use less oil, less salt, less sugar!

Control your hunger! Hunger is a powerful instinct trigger - maybe the most powerful. So I recommend do weight loss SLOWWWWW:

First chance WHAT you eat:

Stop eating processed liquid fats, no trans fats, no hydrogenated oils. Oils are very calorie dense but not filling.

Whole carbs! Carbs are not your enemy. My diet is 70% carbs. I eat a lot of brown rice, low starch potatoes, and nutritious veggies, fruits. I eat the rainbowwww.

Limit protein too .... oooo controversial! Ask any dietitian. We don't need that much protein after a certain age. You will get enough I promise. Most Westerners and Obese people overall eat too much protein. This might be you.

After you condition yourself to eating healthier, junk food will make you feel SICK. I had french fries today and I felt like shit.

Then gradually start to eat less. I use intermittent fasting, of course.

But find what works for you! Remember your body is a reflection of your lifestyle. Just change your lifestyle and your body will change.

I used to think those fad low carb high fat gimmicky diets were my ticket but I was wrong. I kept failing on them for years. Yo-yo'd my weight.

I eventually found what worked for me, and it was a common sense, wholesome, varied diet.

Thanks for reading. Wish me luck to reaching a healthy weight!!!

submitted by /u/haleandheartless
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Slow progress is still progress

This subreddit has been super instrumental to my weight loss journey (even though I mostly just lurked), and I am so so proud of everybody who is able to share their success stories.

However, for anybody else out there looking at this group and feeling a bit discouraged that they aren’t losing weight as quickly as other people have been able to, please know that there are a lot of us going through something similar! It took me(24 F, SW:215lbs CW:195), almost 2 whole years to lose 20 lbs, but progress is still progress and a little patience with yourself goes a long way. Just because you’re not losing weight quickly doesn’t mean it’s not a goal worth pursuing!

submitted by /u/EggMellow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

40 pounds (17kg) down, just wanted to share my thoughts and give some advice!

I started counting my calories at the beginning of the year and I've managed to lose 40lbs so far! I still have a long way to go but I'm incredibly proud of my progress. I've struggled with my weight my whole life and this is the first time I've ever been able to stick to a 'diet' for so long.

The advice people give here and in similar subs helped me a lot so I wanted to give some as well!

So, I have three important things to share:

First, I've learned that one of the most important things for weight loss is patience. At the beginning I used to step on the scale every day and feel defeated when the number hadn't moved or had gone up. It took me a while to figure out that my weight flunctuates A LOT. Most of the time my scale doesn't move for more than a week at a time, then I lose 2lbs in a day. Some days out of curiosity I weigh myself in the morning and before going to bed and I'm a few pounds heavier, which is crazy! Especially considering the things I've eaten that day don't weigh that much combined!! However weight just does that, so a little patience is needed. Just do your thing and wait it out, trust me results will come!

Second, if you're doing cico, track absolutely everything. This has been probably the thing that has kept me going the most. Track even when you go over your calories. Days like that happen, so don't beat yourself up over it. I promise that extra little something that's 300cals over your calorie budget won't ruin the progress you've made so far!

And last, I want to advise people to get an accountability buddy! I can't explain how nice and encouraging it is to talk to someone about the little ups and downs of dieting that you're going through together. (Not to mention meal ideas and recipe sharing!!!)

I hope this helps someone out there! Thanks for reading. :)

(stats for the curious: 24F 5'2 SW220CW180)

submitted by /u/celerycakes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat