Monday, June 1, 2020

Starting my journey!

I made this reddit account for a different reason but now I think it’d be best for me to use it to track my weight loss journey! I am new to this site so please be nice if I make any mistakes!

🐉Anyways I’m Sage, 20F and at 324 pounds. My goal is to lose at least 150 pounds in the next year (If I lose more though, that would be awesome lol.)

Earlier this year I had attempted losing weight and managed to get down to about 305 pounds but then fell back into depression habits and quarentine happened so I just binged like crazy.

I’m not sure how much I weighed when I started this time around but I’m gonna assume around 335 since I got a scale half way through the first week and I was about that. So, I think so far I’ve lost about ten pounds?

I started changing my diet and I actually feel much better! The first few days I decided to get healthy I did have some binges, but I haven’t felt the need to binge up until recently due to PMSing.

I work 8hrs-12hrs at a gas station so I am on my feet and walking most days, so I hope that helps me lose weight too! Once gyms open up again I’m gonna plan on getting a member ship and start lifting weights and stuff!

I think my weight loss journey goes kind of hand in hand with my mental health recovery journey; I’m not sure if that matters to anyone but I realized that if I can’t work on my mental health and process all my traumas then my physical health isn’t gonna get any better either.

Haha, sorry for the info dump and rambling! I’ll attempt to post weekly or bi-weekly weight updates for anyone who’s interested in following my journey! I’d love to make friends too! Although I do have a lot of anxiety so it may take a while for me to show my face or body.

submitted by /u/ValiantUnicorn
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

One year comparison - 50 lbs down

Last June I took the picture on the left at 265 pounds. Today I decided to recreate the same picture at 215 pounds. I started my weight loss journey last January at 283 lbs, so I've lost a total of 68 lbs so far.

I work out, but the main thing I've done is just diligently count calories. At this point it's just normal for me to quick log everything I eat in my journal. My target every day is 2000 calories (I'm 6'2", 29M). Sometimes I'm a little over, sometimes a little under, but that has proven to be a good number to keep me losing weight at a steady pace.

So far I've been operating on the theory that WHAT I eat doesn't matter nearly as much as HOW MUCH I eat, so I've been tracking calories and not worrying about nutritional value. Now that I'm approaching my goal weight (200 lbs), I'm actually going to start tracking macros a bit to optimize my diet. This month I'm going to experiment with adding more protein (I actually did some math on my diet in the last month and realized I am barely getting any protein at all, compared to recommended amounts).

Anyway just wanted to share this milestone. I'm proud of how far I've come and I'm ready to hit my goal weight.

submitted by /u/PinnacleOfJimbo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A little check in to hold myself accountable (still too shy to post progress pics). F/24/168cm SW:95,9kg CW:94,1kg

I struggled with my weight for years. Even more after I reached my ultimate goal weight once but then I gained all the weight and a little more back. Many of us know the tale. Now I’m finally sick of the self pitying and starting my weight loss journey again. I also need to lose the weight know because the doc told me I have high blood pressure and I don’t want it to turn into anything worse (my dad died because of some complications from being obese and having diabetes) I bought a used elliptical which I use 6-7 days a week, I’m counting my calories and am making healthier choices. IF is helping me to keep my binging under control. I also have some weights and I will do some body weight training once I lost some more kg. So far I’ve lost almost 2kg in 1,5 weeks. It’s not much yet but mentally I’m in a much better place because I’m no longer beating myself up for not doing anything despite knowing how to lose the overweight.

submitted by /u/FreddyFrosch
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost 143lb from Mid June '19 to this morning - Also...FINALLY IN ONEDERLAND

It was a long journey from 340lb to 197lb. Ultimately, I'm going to keep cutting through the end of this month, then get a DEXA scan to see where I'm at...

But from June 15th of 2019, I have been tracking, counting, and watching every calorie I stick in my body with the goal that I would be able to get under 200lb one day.

And this month, I was finally able to do it.

Seeing the changes beyond just weight loss has been incredible, and I've been very blessed to have the body I do, and how well it's reacted to CICO. I know many others struggle with things beyond their control, and I was fortunate that I didn't have any health or other items to hinder weight loss.

The plan is to keep cutting until July 1st, which I'll start my lean bulk to start putting on muscle in the right ways. With some luck and determination, I'll be able to achieve the body I've wanted my whole life... but only waited until 2019 to actually do something about it.

Thank you all for all your help, motivation, and encouragement throughout this past year. I couldn't have done it with out.

submitted by /u/Artist_X
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How long for a whoosh?

Hi folks, long time lurker.

I’m a 51F, 5’10” 237.4 lbs (107.7 kgs). On May 12 I decided that I was going to do the things I need to do to lose weight. This is not my first rodeo, and after losing 70 lbs on keto and diet pills but regaining it back, have been determined to lose weight this time with a sustainable lifestyle.

So, everyday I have been logging in MFP and everyday I have been riding the Peloton (this is after doing zero exercise for the past five years). MFP is telling me I can eat 1480 calories per day and adds about 200 per day for the bike, so 1680 per day. I have been under this by 400-600 per weekday, and tend to eat the full amount on weekend days. Before I started keeping track I’m sure I was eating 2500 calories per day at least. I feel much better; some chronic hip pain is gone, my core is more engaged and I have had zero late night self-loathing as the result of gross overeating.

So, after three weeks of consistent logging and getting on that bike every. single. day. (the struggle is real, y’all) as of my weekly Monday morning weigh in, I have lost... .6 pounds. Not six pounds. Point six pounds.

I know that pending menopause slows weight loss. I know I am producing more blood with the exercise. I know at some point I’ll be building more muscle, too. But still... shouldn’t I have had a whoosh by now?

I appreciate any guidance you might have for me before I give up on this logical approach and go back to the diet pill insanity! (Just kidding, I wouldn’t really. But I do dream of those 3 pound per week losses, ahhhh!)

Thanks, Christine

submitted by /u/christilla
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

From 450lbs to 170lbs in 3 years. Imagine where you can be 3 years from now!

Exactly 3 years ago, my extreme weight loss transformation began and now it has finally come to an end. I don't mean that I won't still be exercising everyday and eating right, but for the first time I feel like I don't need to lose weight anymore. It is an incredible feeling and I hope that every single person in the sub gets to feel this way someday. And I know you can if you put your mind to it. This sub has been an incredible inspiration to me throughout my journey so I just wanted to give back and hopefully inspire others.

Progress Photos

I started with small changes to my diet, like removing fast food, and just kept eating less and less as my weight dropped. I went from drinking soda, to low calorie lemonade, to just water. As I lost weight, I began to eat healthier and healthier. Quarantine has improved my diet substantially as I have had more time to cook. I make eggs in the morning followed by fruit for a snack. I have chicken, tuna, veggies, and a protein shake for lunch. For dinner I have chicken and veggies again. I have peanut butter and casein before bed. I like to have one cheat meal and lots of health snacks on the weekend. Halo Top ice cream is a lifesaver. I have never really tracked my calories, but I am always mindful of how much I am eating. I weigh myself ever morning.

When I started I would walk a lot, 2-3 hours on workdays and 5-8 hours a day on the weekends. I eventually transitioned to running and now I run 10-15 miles a day usually, even more on the weekends. I run at a slow leisurely pace and enjoy podcasts everyday. It is my version of sitting around watching TV. It sounds like a lot, but it doesn't feel that way. My gym just finally reopened so I started weight lifting again this morning. I am hoping to pack on a little bit of muscle, but mostly just to maintain my weight loss. I would like to stay under 180 but I am not afraid of gaining a little bit in the winter. It is more about sustainability than staying at a certain weight.

I am happy to answer any questions, and I just want you to know that I may seem like the exception, but I am not. I believe that all of us can achieve our goals if we work hard and keep fighting for them everyday. If you fall down, get back up. You are in control. You can do this. Where will you be in 3 years?

submitted by /u/FreethoughtChris
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Med student - excited for "Multi-Disciplinary Management of Morbid Obesity" elective

Good morning, I've been lurking for some time because I have an interest in going into Family medicine residency next year and really love focusing on lifestyle change and how important it is compared to current western medicine approach which mainly treats problems once you need a stent, etc.

During your fourth year of med school you get to choose mostly what elective rotations you want to take and I'm really excited about this elective about Multi-Disciplinary Management of Morbid Obesity. According to the course description I'll get to work with Endocrinologists, Psychologists, and Surgeons to see how they help this patient population.

My point in making the post was that in my excitement of looking things up I stumbled upon a great set of recipes on a hospital's website that shows the nutrition facts for each meal and they're all high in protein which is great for weight loss. Technically they're for post-bariatric surgery patients but some of these look so good that I'll definitely be trying them.

This isn't self promotion, so I hope it's okay to post?

submitted by /u/HealthyConsistencyYT
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from loseit - Lose the Fat