Thursday, June 4, 2020

What was your real motivator for losing weight?

For most of my life I’ve been overweight and constantly toeing the line with a BMI of right around 30. Both of my parents were morbidly obese. My mother got weight loss surgery when I was about 12 which brought to light many of the body image and self esteem issues I had brewing under the surface. Even at 12 I was so jealous of my mom for losing weight, I felt like it wasn’t fair. Later in life I’ve become immensely proud of her. My dad got diagnosed with diabetes last year and has since lost about 80 pounds and is getting closer everyday to getting off of his meds.

I’ve battled eating disorders since I was 13 and put myself in dangerous cycles of restricting myself and starving, then binging often for a couple months at a time.

In the beginning of 2020, I faced the most debilitating depression that left me in bed and isolating myself in university. It was the result of doing nothing to take care of myself and leaving my depression untreated for so long. I truly believe my body dysmorphia and self esteem issues were one of the biggest factors in my depression. I’m studying voice at an amazing performing arts school. Singing has been my passion for so long, it is my favorite thing and always has been. However, during this time I felt no happiness or creativity and I didn’t even want to sing, which was terrifying for me. I left school for a semester to focus on my mental health, something that I’ve promised myself I’d do time and time again, but never succeeding or really seeking actual help. I started therapy for a second time after not going for two years and slowly started to make healthier choices, but never really buckled down or got my shit together.

Then Covid happened. I’m young, have no underlying conditions, I’m just kind of fat, so I’ll be okay right? I started seeing articles linking obesity to higher mortality rates in covid patients, which of course makes sense. For so long I’ve justified my obesity to myself because “I’m not that fat” or “I make relatively healthy choices” or “I don’t look or feel like I weigh 193 pounds”. It doesn’t matter what you look like; if you’re obese, you’re obese. I really asked myself if I’m at a higher risk of dying from this, and I was finally honest with myself and admitted that the answer was yes.

So, in April I decided enough was enough. I need to do this for myself, and I need to do it the right way. I’ve worked really hard on my mindset with the help of therapy and now I understand that food is fuel and moving your body more really does make a difference in my mental health, personally. Who would have thought that the advice you’re always given to aide depression would actually help if you stick to it, lol.

I’m proud to say that I’ve lost almost 20 pounds so far and I’m feeling better than I can ever remember. I’m actually feeling relief from my chronic back pain due to an extra vertebrae for the first time! I’m singing again! I’m doing yoga and exercising everyday and eating food that makes me feel good and gives me energy. I still have a ways to go, but I think this is what a mental breakthrough feels like. I’m so much more open with my partner and family. I feel the happiness that always seemed so out of reach. This is my life now. I’m holding myself accountable and I have a much better relationship with my body and mind. I feel like I have my life back and I’m so grateful to myself (something I don’t think I’ve ever said out loud) and my wonderful support system.

So, it took a global pandemic for me to finally get the ball rolling. What made you decide to take action?

submitted by /u/funkydeluxe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m three days into my weight loss journey and I’m pushing on, but it’s very, very emotionally hard. How do you guys handle this?

I was laying in bed after doing some cardio and Pilates, and I was so emotionally down. I was thinking to myself, “How did I let myself become this out of shape? How am I gonna lose weight if the bare minimum of exercise is hurting me so much? I’m so out of breath so quickly, how am I going to ever gain endurance if I don’t push myself?”

All these negative thoughts keep popping up the further I get into this. My friends are all beautiful and they barely exercise, my girlfriend has been losing weight flawlessly for the last year or so, everyone is out and about exercising constantly. I feel like the black sheep of the world, just so large and cursed.

I’m currently 5’3, 196.6 pounds, African-American, 21 years old and female. I’m genetically predisposed to more weight-related diseases, and my father passed away due to high blood pressure when I was young. All these things deeply terrify me, and I’m just ready to change before it’s too late. But it all just hurts so much knowing how my muscles shake when I work out, how my heart beats so hard when I run, how I need to take several breaks in between my workouts.

I know it will take time, patience, and moreso, just overall dedication. I have all those things but it just hurts so much right now. Emotionally, it hurts a lot.

submitted by /u/BigGreenApples
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The Mental Side of Losing the Fat

In the last 11 years I have been all over the scale, somewhere in between 145-222. In 2018, I lost 50 pounds but then found myself back up to 222 again. I have since lost 26 pounds back down and I'm currently on a weight loss plan to get down to my goal. Again. SO I know how to lose weight. The theory is simple: burn more calories than you eat; diet & exercise.

So why do I gain the weight? It's not the know-how. It's the mental side of it. No one really talks about that part. My relationship with food needs dealt with so I can maintain when I get there.

I stress eat, I eat to feel better, I eat to comfort myself, and to celebrate. I find myself in this cycle: Have a bad day? Beer and ice cream. Want to celebrate a happy time? Celebrate with carbs. Feeling sad? Better get those cookies out. Accomplished something? Go have a big fancy meal with loved ones!... then i'd feel ashamed and guilty as the scale went up... These habits need to change. Food is energy, it's not a reward, it's not a hug, it shouldn't provide me with lots of happiness or sooth anxiety. Its not something to do. It should not make me feel sluggish. I need to master the emotional/mental part of losing the weight so I can maintain my big weight loss feats going forward.

Don't forget about this part in your journey folks. Try to pinpoint when and why you eat - learn to recognize your triggers and defeat them! I bought myself a journal, and when I find a trigger or I have an unnecessary craving, I journal and try to figure out why and see if I can 'treat' it in a different way.

submitted by /u/roshielle
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[SV] Finally broke through my wall

I've tried time and time again to really lose weight and every time it's been super smooth going for a while but I get derailed and fall off the weight loss wagon before I break through 250 lbs.

This time I've been staying consistent, not obsessing, and generally just maintaining a caloric deficit without worrying a ton. I've had some bad meals here or there but instead of writing the day off, I just made sure that my next meal was back in line with the plan and kept on trucking.

Two weeks ago I was at around 250.6 and then had a REALLY bad cheat day (prob around 6k calories of bad food) and weight spiked back up. I figured it was just water weight and paid it no mind, returning to the plan. A week later and my weight still was a couple pounds over where I was before that cheat day and I was feeling pretty disheartened about it.

Still, I decided I'd stay the course and trust in CICO. Cue my overjoyed happiness this morning when I weighed myself at 249.2!

I'm far from my goal weight but this is the first time I've ever broken past the wall that 250 has been for me. I cannot begin to describe how heartening that is. I want to thank this community for always having good, informative, and supportive conversations that I could look to whenever I was feeling disheartened or miserable about my progress.

Keep on working at it folks, you'll get there.

submitted by /u/DapperNecromancer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[NSV] I wear the pants of this family now

(Long-time lurker/ First post) So I have the same story as many of you: struggled with weight my whole life, had my break which lead to an epiphany, started my journey (hopefully) for the last time after many failed attempts, and now I’m here. I have successfully lost 37 lbs and am getting closer and closer to my goal each week, but that’s not the story you came for.

My mom had gastric bypass surgery and lost 150 pounds, then gained back 50 pounds over the few years after. And yet, she still weighed less than me for most of my teenage life. I could never share clothes with her because she was a couple sizes smaller than me and my body type is different than hers. At my heaviest, we were 5 pant sizes away, so I wasn’t even thinking about trying on her jeans or I feared ripping them.

However after a 37 lb weight loss, I fit into my mom’s size 16 jeans and they were BAGGY. They were baggy on me and I couldn’t freaking believe it. I have not stopped thinking about and am so happy that my hard work is paying off!!

Thank you so much to the community in this sub, just sharing your story helps inspire people every single day

submitted by /u/ze-righty
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[SV] I dropped my first 10lbs

Hi guys, just want to give myself a secret virtual high-5 for this mini goal. Have to do it here because for some reason I have a weird mental block when it comes to my appearance and I’m losing it in secret.

I’ve actually dropped 10.9 but didn’t realise about the .9 until today when I had a weigh-in. I’m now coming in at 233.1

self high-five

I have spent several years trying, stressing about, trying again and ultimately failing CICO. I’m a little OCD so on paper this is the perfect method for me, but as I alluded to earlier I tend to diet in secret. We cook literally all meals from scratch so trying to weigh everything on the sly to enter into MFP was a nightmare. I couldn’t and can’t get past my weight loss being secretive.

This is deeply rooted within me because my mechanism to deal with bullies was to basically gain more weight to send them a message that their actions didn’t effect me. In truth they effected me deeply. It was a tough time and I even received hate mail from anonymous dickheads. They even went to the trouble of getting my address and post code/zip code. My mum would hand me my post and ask if it was from a girl or secrecy admirer. It was hurtful and I could either get fit to “show them” or gain more. The latter was easier. Since then I’ve dieted atrociously for about 20 years.

[FYI I’ve never uttered a single word about this part of my life to anyone. I’m in my mid 30’s now and held onto this for decades]

Now, I feel that I’ve found something sustainable. I’ve not cut anything out, I’m not CICO and I’m not abusing my body. I’ve finally learned what moderation is, what being full is, that I don’t need the junk snack, that I will eat again, that I’m not “showing” anyone who’s boss. I also weigh myself each and every morning at the same time. At first the fluctuations blew my mind and I thought something was wrong. This sub ran the scales rule over me and now I can almost predict the swings after only a month of recording weights.

At the moment those little digital numbers mean everything to me. The guide me and the choices I make each day. I never realised just how important each and every decision I make is. I actually think it’s not too far from somebody who had a substance abuse, which has made me realise that I’ll be having to keep myself in check each and every day of the rest of my life, such was the strain I’ve put my body through since my early teens. It’s taken it’s toll and I have to realise that I’m accountable for that and I need to respect it, if I don’t then who knows how it will take it’s toll. Because we all know that it will, and the results rang from shitty to really shitty.

Please don’t think that me being a precious little prince and stuffing my face because some people said nasty things is me comparing being heavy to substance abuse as a trivial comparison, it’s more the mental side of being on top of this every day. Because food is great and I must have it! But now I get it, but now I’m smart about it.

I’m not sure how to wrap this up, but this is a little bit about how the 10lbs May be small and frankly insignificant compared to the monumental achievements I see on here, but the mental barrier and moment of clarity I’ve broken and stumbled upon feels like a game changer.

submitted by /u/stirlingcooperdraper
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

5 years in, 0.8lb difference

Unfortunately this isn’t the story of how I’ve maintained the same weight for 5 years now. In fact, it’s quite the opposite. In a previous post I stated that my weight loss tracking graph looked like a mountain range. I’m sharing this screenshot of it because it was around this time 5 years ago that I fell of the wagon in regards to weight loss. I’ve had a couple more attempts but nothing else has come close to where I am now. I started at 350 lbs on January 1st of 2015 and I’m currently 350lbs again. On January 1st of 2020 I was 398.4 lbs. Even though this year has not been ideal in any sense, I haven’t let that impact my journey. I’ve got 5 years of mistakes to learn from and more discipline and motivation than I’ve ever had before.

submitted by /u/Tafylgu
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from loseit - Lose the Fat