Sunday, June 14, 2020

Cutting Calroies

Gender: Male

Age: 35

Height: 5'6"

Current Weight: 239 pounds

Goal Weight: 210 pounds

Maybe it is just because the water weight is almost gone but the first week I was losing about a pound a day on a 1,800 calorie diet. Next week the same thing. But then last week I dropped my daily calories to 1,500 and my weight loss has stopped. The food I eat has not changed. Just smaller portions and less calories. Am I cutting to many calories? I am down to a size 38 in the waist pants.

My main food is boneless skinless chicken thighs, small red potato, yellow onions, broccoli, green beans, peas, salmon, greek yogurt, sometimes hamburger meat, eggs, carton of egg white, and I get 100% Lindt chocolate as a snack. I stay away from fruits high in sugar and use lettuce as a hamburger bun. No ketchup either. I do use a low calorie garlic and lemon marinade for my chicken.

I have worked a little bit of pasta and white sauce into my diet, but I was losing weight. Everything is weights/measured. Sometimes even adding on 15% more calories than I calculated.

submitted by /u/Delta5o1
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When will the mini panic about social events stop?

Female 5’1” SW: 158 CW: 120 GW: 110?

I started my weight loss journey in January and it has been a struggle. I struggled with my habits and was overly restricting my food intake and doing so much exercise I hurt myself. After starting therapy and getting some help, I’ve started to do this in a healthier way. I still struggle with letting myself have rest days because then I feel guilty whenever I eat that day. Now this upcoming weekend I’m going home to see my family that I haven’t seen since December. My sister is graduating from high school and she’s having a graduation party. Of course I’m beyond excited I’m going to see them but I am freaking out a little bit about the food aspect. I won’t be able to weigh anything and I won’t know calories and it’s stressing me out. Then they want to do a graduation dinner the next night and then a Father’s Day lunch the next day before I leave. I want to go home and enjoy myself but I can’t shake this feeling and fear that I won’t have my food scale or my actual scale. I don’t want to focus on calories and exercise the whole weekend I’m home, but I’m also terrified by the idea of not doing that. Does this ever get easier?

submitted by /u/LOLLIPOP1789
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any meal plans where I can choose what to eat during the week and buy my own ingredients??

Hello all! Me and my husband have been dieting a good couple weeks now with little to no weight loss. We have been very strictly watching our calorie intake to lose about a pound and a half a week . My husband (270 lbs) has a calorie goal of 1800 a day, and I (250 lbs) have a calorie goal of 1500 a day. We both make sure that we stay under our goal, but also eat above 1500 for him and 1200 for me to make sure we don't develop some sort of metabolism problem.

We have stopped eating junk food with the exception of some veggie straws and coconut clusters here and there, and we snack only on veggies and fruit. dinner usually consist of chicken, veggies, eggs, sausage, potato chunks, pork, and lower calorie foods (we never eat beef)

I was about to cave in and go try nutrisystem, but after seeing some of the things people have said about it on this reddit, i'm reluctant to try it. I've seen people say it tastes awful or they never finished it because it was always microwave food.

So, on that note - is there any place online where I can choose meals weekly and then go buy the ingredients myself?? obviously something aimed at weight loss. it's become clear to me that I'm not going to be able to do this on my own without some form of help. I have back problems and fibromyalgia that prevent me from doing a lot of workouts, and the area around here is unsafe to go for walks... and a severe lack of room for a treadmill.

Any suggestions or help would be appreciated - I'd really love to get on a meal plan, I just need to find one where I can choose the meals i eat. My husband is really picky as is, but the meal plan sheets i've found in the past have foods i absolutely loathe as well (like salmon. so much salmon...)


submitted by /u/Soren49
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fell off the wagon again, vent post

A few months ago, starting in march, I had managed very well with omad/if and lost around 15lbs. Then, around the beginning of may, when quarantine ended for I completely fell off the wagon bc of the huge change in schedule and probably gained everything back.

To be honest I'm just so TIRED. I absolutely hate dieting, I hate having to meticulously watch what I eat, I hate having to constantly fight with myself about whether and what I'm allowed to eat, I hate having my dad, who was very supportive of my weight loss endeavours, now constantly berate me for getting a snack or getting seconds and nagging me about what happened to my diet bc unfortunately it just doesn't HELP, it makes me feel ashamed and stressed and that makes me want to turn to food.

I just don't know how to get back on track again without hating every second, I'm terrified of even weighing myself. But I'm also absolutely terrified of continuing to gain weight because I just keep eating and eating and eating because I'm constantly craving. I'm just so fed up with myself, I hate myself for being so weak and undisciplined. Idk what to do, I tried so much, calorie counting drove me insane and near breakdowns every day, IF/OMAD worked for a while but I fell off as soon as the stress factor school was added back into the mix and now I just can't bring myself to try again. If anyone has any tips on how to get back on track or get over my fear of weighing myself or ANYTHING please tell me bc I feel horrible.

Thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/berry-blonde
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am trying to convince someone that your metabolism slowing down cannot offset your caloric intake enough to cause to maintain weight in a deficit. I would like some research to cite in support of this.

The Compendium says,

Your metabolic rate can slow down during weight loss, but it will never slow to the point where it causes you to maintain or gain fat; in this sense, "starvation mode" is a myth.

People concerned with starvation mode are concerned that by lowering their calorie intake drastically their body will retain fat to compensate. This idea was popularised due to the Minnesota Starvation Experiment in which subjects were given 50% of their daily calorie intake for months. The result being that they lost fat until they had nearly zero fat left to lose and their bodies simply could not get the calories anywhere else. Concisely put: starvation mode happens when your fat is nearly entirely gone and your lean tissues are, quite literally, wasting away.

When you have a simple caloric deficit, your body will almost entirely make up for it with fat stores. There is a small metabolic adaptation that happens due to the lowering weight of your body and changes in leptin, thyroid, insulin and nervous system output. That metabolic rate tends to reduce more with more excessive caloric deficits (and this is true whether the effect is from eating less or exercising more) and people vary in how hard or fast their metabolism slows down. Women's bodies tend to slow slightly more. However, never is the slowing of the metabolic rate sufficient to completely offset the caloric deficit that initiates it. Further and further deepening of the calorie deficit simply yields only smaller incremental returns, but never stops or even slows fat loss.

What are some peer-reviewed papers that support the statements made here? I've always argued this point to others purely on the basis of physics - mass is equivalent to energy, so if you burn more energy than you take in, you will have to lose mass. But I am trying to talk to someone who is likely to demand research that shows this, so if anyone could point me towards that, I would appreciate it.

submitted by /u/polynomials
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting all over again

I’m pretty bummed to be making this post, but maybe it will help keep me accountable.

2 years ago I began my first weight loss journey (F 5’7” 160 lbs). I was tired of constantly thinking about food, and letting my day revolve around when I was going to eat. I felt slow and lethargic most days, like I just had too much fat I was carrying around.

I managed to go from 160–>127 in a couple of months. I logged my intake consistently in MFP, and made easy enough sacrifices that allowed the pounds to drop off easily. However, I never reached my goal of 120 pounds. Ever since I hit 127, I’ve been steadily cycling between gaining and losing weight.

Quarantine has made my weight issue even worse. I feel addicted to food, and find myself constantly thinking about my next meal, even when I’m not hungry. I stopped logging my intake, but I think I’m easily eating 2,000+ calories a day. It’s humiliating to realize I now weigh 160 pounds again. I feel lethargic, and not as light on my feet as I did when I weighed over 30 pounds less. It fucking sucks. But I know I’m the only person responsible for this.

So, here I am. I’m ready to try and rid myself of this addiction. I’m scared if I don’t take control now, I’m going to eat my way well into obesity.

Has anyone lost and subsequently gained nearly all the weight they have previously lost? I’m really struggling to find the motivation to say “no” to empty calories.

submitted by /u/peachfuzzthewolf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How I gained weight and what I'm doing now

Hello everyone I made 2 post already on this sub reddit surrounding my weight loss journey and how I've been dealing with it. But I wanted to make clear how I gained weight, how I lost some of it, how I regained that, and what I'm doing now that is actually working. I'll try my best to not make this long!

Let's get started with how I gained weight. I'm only 21 years old so only a few years ago when I was in high school I weighed 150lbs. I use to think that I weighed too much and I wish I did the research to understand that I was actually in a good area for my weight. Anyways I got into an unhealthy relationship with someone and the worst that got the more I found myself relying on food when i was very upset. So throughout high school i gained 30lbs putting be at 180lbs. After that I got into college and moved out my home. Struggling to work and go to school at the same time made something inside me break and I just got really depressed up to that point. So I gained another 20lbs and found myself at 200lbs. I would eat food to make myself feel better. But even my coworkers would make fun of my weight at that job and would brag about how they are on a juice cleanse and losing so much weight. But after that and once I landed to the job I wanted I still gained weight because now I was eating out of joy. I was happy things were going my way and I was going back to school and doing so much better financially. So my last highest weight was 220lbs last summer.

Now I'm gonna go over at how I lost some weight. I was walking with a friend and hated the fact that i could barely keep up so i started coming up with a plan on how to go on CICO. Mind you i wasnt exactly working out. I just walked a lot because i had to get to work that summer and back home. Sometimes I would go on walks on my own as well. And walking is a great exercise. But although I changed my habits I wasnt eating enough. I would eat between 1300 and 1400 calories which is not enough for my weight and on my fitness pal i didnt count that into my activity level. So i would feel hungry a lot. I did end up losing 21lbs and I was proud. But then we went back to classes, holidays came, the stress of the new year, and covid made me go back to unhealthy habits. So my weight went back up to 217lbs.

I did want to give up at that point. But deep inside I knew something had to change. So now I'm working out 4 times a week and I counted it into my activity level so now I eat much more and I'm not hungry. Unless I'm doing a prolonged activity I am not hungry. I eat around 1600 to 1800 calories. It always depends how the day goes. I also drink a lot of water. Another change I made is looking at something besides my scale weight. I did get a scale that gives you a better look at everything. I also use body measuring tape and a pair of shorts that I want to fit into one day. I'm also not limiting myself from my favorites foods but I dont want to order out. So I'm still experimenting making my favorite fast foods at home. For example yesterday I wanted pizza, so I made my own mini pizza with a tortilla, tomato sauce, mozzarella cheese, and chicken. Trust me it tastes amazing! Besides that I like chicken tenders and french fries and I finally found a way to make that healthier so I'll be making that next week. So that's what I'm doing. I hope this post wasnt too long and if you want to know more, DM me.😊

submitted by /u/jamie2298
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