Monday, June 22, 2020

Reached my goal weight in time for my birthday!!

I finally reached my goal weight of 110lbs! :) I've been on a weight loss journey to lose 20lbs for 4.5 months and I'm proud to say I've reached the end of the 50's!

Just a bit of background, I'm 19F 5'3 with a SW of 134lbs. I was always the fat friend/sibling among my friends and family. Yes, I was at a healthy weight, but it didn't look like it from the way I carried my weight. My thighs and chest were unproportional to my body, I had no self-esteem throughout high school and by the time I entered college, I wanted to change that.

I made a deadline for myself that I will lose weight by the time of my birthday and enter adulthood as a happy and confident young woman who's comfortable in her own skin :) I didn't think I'd make it BEFORE my birthday since Loseit said I'd make it by July, my family even laughed when I told them I'm determined to weigh 110lbs! I couldn't blame them though, I haven't weighed less than 120lbs in YEARS. And by years, I mean more than 5 years.

But ya girl finally did it!

Throughout this whole journey, I realized the real struggle isn't physical, it's emotional and mental. At the start of my journey, I nearly fell into an eating disorder, I was under eating and had urges to throw up after eating, but I held back. I never gave in. I tracked my calories, made sure I reach at least 1000-1200 without starving myself. As I reached halfway into my journey, I brought up the intake to 1400-1600 all while doing at least 30 minutes of HIIT workouts. Surprisingly, my weight still went down, a bit slowly, but still steadily.

But the biggest thing that surprised me the most, ironically, was when I stopped being so strict with myself - when I stopped obsessing over calories and tracking it after every meal, the weight just naturally fell off. This didn't mean I let myself go, I just continued what I've been doing these past few months - avoid soda/sugary drinks, minimize snacking between meals(around once a week), drink plenty of water between and during meals (I skip dinner since I don't get hungry at night), and staying consistent with my HIIT workouts.

I used to work harder to lose weight, other than the HIIT workouts, I'd spend 30 minutes doing cardio, 10 minutes on stretches, an hour on random workouts when I hit a plateau. But when I stopped all of those (except the stretching), my weight just dropped. I don't feel as tense as I used to, I stopped pressuring myself and I slowly let go of tracking calories. I just... Let loose.

And I never felt happier.

I'm not trying to discourage anyone from being strict on yourself, I still have to discipline myself sometimes to stop snacking and limit my portions, but right now, it feels as if it became second nature. I eat way less rice than I used to, I make sure to fill half my plate with veggies and the right amount of meat, I opt for water when my family feels like drinking soda, and eat fruit if I feel my stomach rumbling at night.

When I started, 110lbs was a far away dream of mine. But here I am. An early birthday gift to myself and this is the best birthday gift anyone has ever given me.

I'm hoping to maintain this until my birthday which is 3 days away :D wish me luck!!

I just wanted to tell everyone to PLEASE not give up. There will really be bad days, there will be breakdowns, but that's okay. It may seem impossible now, but if you stay consistent and disciplined, you WILL reach your goal. Maybe not in a few weeks or months, but you WILL get there. Don't let one obstacle be stronger than your willpower to achieve what you want.

submitted by /u/IntrovertTrashx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice on not eating enough and eating too late at night

Stats: 5’10”F, SW:230, CW: 210, GW: 180

I started my weight loss journey about 2 months ago. I was eating very badly and just cutting out a lot of bad foods helped me drop 20 pounds with no exercise. However, I always assumed that not eating anything throughout the day was a good idea until my weight loss completely plateaued. It wasn't until I forced myself to have a protein shake for breakfast and lunch, a regular meal for dinner and then didn't eat past 6pm that I finally lost a pound after staying the same weights for about 2 weeks. Has anyone else had this experience?

I also have a question about eating at night- past 7pm. I have heard that eating snacks (even if "healthy") before bed can stall weight loss. I love a nice snack in bed while watching netflix lol but if this is going to stall my weight loss, it isnt worth it to me.

Any comments or advice would be greatly appreciated!!

submitted by /u/mrk1717
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

10 Summer Pie Recipes for a Satisfying Sweet Treat

Pies are among America’s favorite desserts and a classic indulgence in the summer season. There’s nothing quite like a nice slice of pie to finish off a delicious BBQ dinner. Unfortunately, these summertime favorites and epic Labor Day desserts are traditionally packed with fat and sugar that can easily derail your healthy intentions and weight loss journey.

But don’t get discouraged! While store-bought pies and traditional summer dessert recipes will have you loaded up on white flour, butter and sugar, our recipe developers at Nutrisystem and The Leaf Weight Loss Blog have created some diet-friendly options. Our healthy recipes will provide you with your fill of pie while keeping your healthy eating plans on track. These 10 summer pies use simple swaps and healthy ingredients to lighten up some of your favorite summer desserts.

Here are 10 summer fruit pies for a seasonal and satisfying sweet treat:

1. Fresh Peach Pie >

peach recipe

Nothing screams “summer” like a big slice of peach pie. Summer is peach season and that means lots of tempting peach desserts will be popping up—including some not-so-healthy ones. Fortunately, our healthy summertime version of peach pie uses a whole wheat crust and a diet friendly fruit filling with five cups of fresh peaches. No added sugar needed in this sweet treat! Peaches are rich in vitamin C, potassium and fiber, making them a great addition to your healthy diet during beach season. One slice of this peach pie is 170 calories and counts as one SmartCarb and two Extras on the Nutrisystem plan.

2. Healthy Apple Pie >

The Leaf Summer Desserts & Pie Recipes

As they say, an apple a day keeps the doctor away—an old adage that just may ring true considering the fact that apples have been linked to a lower risk of heart disease. But when apples are used in traditional pie recipes, their health value tends to get lost. Instead of burying apples in a load of sugar, this summer dessert recipe gets its sweet flavor directly from the source—whole, delicious apples. It’s a yummy indulgence you can feel good about. One slice of this healthy apple pie is just 147 calories and counts as one SmartCarb and two Extras on the Nutrisystem plan.

3. Must-Try Strawberry Pie >

The Leaf Summer Desserts & Pie Recipes

Where fruit pies tend to go awry is in the crust. Pie crusts (and tarts) are usually packed with lots of butter. On top of that, many fruit pie fillings contain added sugar. However, this lighter version of strawberry pie uses a simple pie crust made from graham crackers and just two tablespoons of butter plus an egg. It also features a simple yet delicious strawberry filling that’s made from whole strawberries and a sugar-free gelatin mix. You’ll get a healthy dose of superfood strawberries—known to be a great source of fiber and vitamins—while indulging in a sweet treat. A slice of this summer pie is 132 calories and on Nutrisystem counts as one SmartCarb and one Extra.

Summer Skin Care: 8 Tips to Keep Your Skin Glowing in Hot Weather

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4. Blueberry Pie Crumble >

The Leaf Summer Desserts & Pie Recipes

Add this beautiful blue baked good to your seasonal summer menu! This berrylicious crumble looks like a gourmet dessert from your local bakery. However, don’t be fooled because it’s extremely easy to make. The secret ingredients that make this recipe unique are chia seeds and oats, which create a satisfying yet smart slice of pie. One serving contains 138 calories and counts as one SmartCarb and one Extra on the Nutrisystem program.

5. No-Bake Strawberry Pie Parfait >

The Leaf Summer Desserts & Pie Recipes

No-bake pie recipes that are quick to whip up are absolutely welcomed in the summer when nobody feels like heating up the house with their oven or spending a lot of time in the kitchen. This simple-to-make no-bake recipe will give you the taste of strawberry pie in a delicious parfait. It’s a matter of mixing up a few ingredients and then layering those yummy mixes. In addition to healthy whole strawberries, this summer dessert recipe also uses nonfat Greek yogurt, which contains probiotics to support good gut health and boost your health and wellness goals! One parfait is 252 calories and counts as one SmartCarb, one PowerFuel and one Extra on the Nutrisystem plan.

6. Skinny Peach Cobbler >

The Leaf Summer Desserts & Pie Recipes

With summer being peach season, here is another wonderfully peachy dessert recipe to try! Though a light alternative, it tastes so much like traditional cobbler that it just may transport you to a front porch in the South. This version is made healthy by ditching the highly refined ingredients like white flour, white sugar and butter for whole wheat flour, brown sugar and only a smidge of light butter. It’s a delightful and guilt-free summer dessert staple, coming in at only 135 calories per serving. On the Nutrisystem plan, this Skinny Peach Cobbler counts as one SmartCarb and two Extras.

7. Raspberry Chocolate Mousse Pie >

chocolate dessert recipe

When it comes to decadent, indulgent and healthy summer desserts, anything with the words “chocolate” or “mousse” easily tops the list. But most chocolaty summer pies are also packed with fat and calories. Fortunately, this light version has all of the decadence without the guilt. The secret ingredient for the creamy, silky goodness of a typical mousse pie is none other than tofu in this recipe! But if you weren’t the one to be whipping up this dessert, you’d honestly never know. Top it off with a cup of fresh raspberries to get your antioxidant power, too. A serving of this summer raspberry treat is just 157 calories and counts as one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel.

How to Trim Hundreds of Empty Calories: Summer Edition

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8. Skinny Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble >

strawberry rhubarb

If you’re looking for the perfect dessert to bring to a picnic, this is it! Sweet strawberries shine in this Strawberry Rhubarb Crumble that screams summertime and sunshine. You can forget about kneading and rolling out pie dough with this easy dish. Simply make the filling and top it with the stevia-sweetened and gluten free crumble that’s easy as… pie! One serving contains 185.9 calories and counts as one SmartCarb and two Extras.

9. No-Bake Apple Pie Yogurt Parfait >

The Leaf Summer Desserts & Pie Recipes

Don’t feel like turning on the oven to make our Healthy Apple Pie recipe? Not to worry! We’re cooking up a no-bake sweet treat that will keep you cool during the warm summer season. Fresh apples and warm spices are layered with creamy, chilled Greek yogurt for a parfait that’s reminiscent of a fresh-baked slice of pie. A sprinkle of chopped walnuts adds a crunchy texture that’s the cherry on top. At just 186 calories per serving, you can log it into your NuMi journal as one SmartCarb and one PowerFuel.

10. Sweet Potato Pie Nice Cream >

nice cream

While this last recipe isn’t technically a pie, it’s inspired by the flavors of a classic. Plus, when it’s hot outside and the temperatures are soaring, who wants to turn on the oven? A frozen dessert is just what you need on those hot summer days. A Thanksgiving staple unites with a summertime frozen favorite. Imagine your mom’s famous sweet potato pie blended into a creamy, dreamy ice cream. Enjoy pie season even on the hottest of days with this Sweet Potato Pie Nice Cream. Cool down and stay hydrated while digging into fruity, fall flavors! One serving contains 170 calories and counts as one SmartCarb and two Extras on Nutrisystem.

Looking to Lose 10 Pounds? Why Nutrisystem Is Your Summer Weight Loss Program

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The post 10 Summer Pie Recipes for a Satisfying Sweet Treat appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

35F, plateau-ing after losing 5kg_ now what?


I have been IFing (no eating after 4pm) since 6/6 and I have rapidly lost water weight of 4-5kgs in the first 2 weeks, and now the weight loss seems to have come to a halt. I eat around 1250kcal a day and I log everything, including snacks (mostly nuts and oranges) and the only liquid I consume is water, which I drink 1L+/day.

what I eat in a day typically kind of looks like this

morning, my "(small) carb meal"

  • 20g of nuts, either almonds pinenuts or walnuts
  • small amount of carbs such as half a serving of udon noodles in kelp&soy sauce broth


  • fruit, usually a small mandarin orange

lunch, my "protein meal"

  • 1 serving of konjac noodles
  • 50g of mung bean shoots (sometimes cabbage)
  • a whole egg (courtesy of my backyard chickens)
  • 100g of basa fish fillet
  • all in kelp&soy sauce broth


  • I sometimes eat 10g of nuts or 15g of dark chocolate

4pm "dinner"

  • 100g of PLAIN greek yogurt

exercise? I do 40squats every other day and I walk to work (20minutes slow pace) that's just about it.

what do I need to do to break out of the plateau, do I eat even less? or do more exercise? any input will be greatly appreciated.

edit:English is not my mother tongue, sorry if I didn't make any sense

submitted by /u/EastEndOniMusha
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Running with LoseIt - 6/22/2020 - The Myth (and reality) of the Fat Burning Zone

This is a weekly post for the runners of LoseIt. All levels of runners are welcome here. Just ran for the first time, doing C25K (Couch to 5K), or an experienced marathoner - come on in and share, ask questions, or provide advice.

This post is mostly for sharing your weekly progress, first run reports, race reports, asking questions, or running-related NSV (non-scale victories). In addition to this, I ramble on about some topic related to running. This week -- the Fat Burning Zone.

Fat Burning Zone and Energy Pathways

I ran into the above article this week and made me think about all the confusing talk about the Fat Burning zone. This is one of those topics that's important but not because of anything to do with weight loss -- instead because it helps you run more easily and improves your health.

The Zone

So as you move and need/use energy each day, your body has different energy sources it can use. These are - current food generated energy in your bloodstream, adipose/fat stores, glycogen stores, or by breaking lean muscle/tissue. The two key pathways for energy are either from fat or from glycogen stores.

Fat energy or fast energy

The fat fueled energy pathway in your body delivers only so much and only so fast. It's a slow process that breaks down the adipose fat and turns it into energy. But most of us have a lot of store energy in fat -- 3500 calories of it per pound.

Glycogen stores are faster energy, with a wider pathway for energy delivery. Where the fat pathway has you drinking up energy with a straw, glycogen stores allow you to chug directly from the keg.

The Easiest Fat Burning Zone

When you are in the Fat Burning zone you are using energy that is coming directly from adipose/fat being broken down in your body. This level of exercise is very light. Myself, I can get into this zone easily with moderate walking. You don't need to run to burn fat.

In fact, when you get up in the morning and before you eat you are just burning fat. You are fasted and have no energy from recently eaten food hanging around - so the body used fat stores. This isn't the zone we are talking about though. Your body using fat stores for the sip-sip-sip of your BMR is not the zone.

The fat burning zone is achieved with exercise, not by couch lounging. The body needs to go looking for more energy than you need being sedentary walking/sitting around the house/workplace.

That Sounds Great, Why Isn't It Important?

While the Fat Burning zone seems like a fabulous way to burn up calories and tilt CICO towards weight loss -- total calories out remain the more important element.

You can fat zone burn for a 60-minute walk and cover 3 miles or 5 km. Depending on your physical stats, you might burn 150-450 calories in that hour. (As a 240 lb 6' man, I burn about 300 calories on this walk.) Almost all of that will come from fat stores except for any energy from something you just ate.

With that same 60 minutes you can go for a 5+ mile run. Likely this will put you out of the zone and leave you using just 1/3rd your calories from stored fat. During that run you will use close to twice as many calories, maybe 300-900 calories. (I use about 600.) So for me about 200 calories are from fat stores, the rest, 400, are mostly from glycogen stores. Less from fat, but more overall calories out.

Your Metabolism Adapts

Even though you may be out of the fat burning zone for exercise, burning through glycogen instead, your body will ultimately need to get that energy from somewhere. Your body will use carbs you eat to replenish those glycogen stores -- instead of storing it as fat.

Now, using energy from fat and from glycogen stores makes your body better at getting to that energy.

If you use the fat burning zone for exercise, you'll get better at it. If you push that further, say walk more briskly over time. Do slow jog/walk intervals. Your body will get better and better at using fat energy.

If you push into a more glycogen burning zone you'll get your body to use that pathway better and store more of it.

Theres more than just weight loss

Both of these adaptations are great changes to your body. You can be a better fat burner. Able to slowly run using mostly fat stored energy -- as keto adapted runners do. With more vigorous exercise you can also make your body sock away gylcogen more readily instead of storing it as fat.

The more you exercise in the fat burning or glycogen burning zones, the better. You are getting your body used to using food you eat to go other places than fat or BMR. It is a energy spending machine, instead of an energy storing one.

These adaptations are incredibly useful in fitness but also in your health. These same processes help keep diabetes and heart disease away.

Weekly Check-in

How did your week go? Get your miles in? Finish a week of C25K? Training for a virtual race or some goal? Let us know!

Also if you have any questions - ask away.

submitted by /u/cmxguru
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

5'4" 23F SW:261lbs, CW:248.5lbs GW: 140lbs. Not seeing or feeling a lot of improvement but I don't think the scale can lie

Started May 28 when I reached 261lbs. Started counting calories (staying around 1750 a day) and doing interval workouts several times a week. As well as increasing my walks with my dog (who also needs some weight loss). I'm still eating the foods I like but my cravings for things have gone down. I was surprised when, after two weeks, I had half a chocolate bar and found it almost too sweet to eat!

But like I said in my title I don't really feel too different nor do I see a change in my apperance yet. Though I'm sure I'll get there. Some days my knees feel better but that usually after a day or two of being too sore (damn you squats!).

submitted by /u/VampireChild
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

6 weeks and ABSOLUTELY NOTHING. Help?

I’m 24F 5’3 180 lbs. I’ve been counting my calories and eat 1500 cal a day and working out 4 days a week and I haven’t lost anything. I’m not joking I literally gained 3 lbs. I am doing weight lifting so I tried to chock it up to gaining muscle so obviously the scale won’t show me an accurate weight loss, but when I measured myself it’s all still the same and my before and after pictures look the exact same. I know I’m definitely in a calorie deficit and I eat pretty clean no processed sugars and any carbs is whole grain or fruit . I don’t believe in keto or any other fad diet as I have recovered from binge eating disorder and any harsh restrictions can lead to me relapsing . So, please anyone who has went through this or any advice at all your help is very much appreciated !!!

submitted by /u/Cloud_Federal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat