Monday, June 22, 2020

Reached my goal weight in time for my birthday!!

I finally reached my goal weight of 110lbs! :) I've been on a weight loss journey to lose 20lbs for 4.5 months and I'm proud to say I've reached the end of the 50's!

Just a bit of background, I'm 19F 5'3 with a SW of 134lbs. I was always the fat friend/sibling among my friends and family. Yes, I was at a healthy weight, but it didn't look like it from the way I carried my weight. My thighs and chest were unproportional to my body, I had no self-esteem throughout high school and by the time I entered college, I wanted to change that.

I made a deadline for myself that I will lose weight by the time of my birthday and enter adulthood as a happy and confident young woman who's comfortable in her own skin :) I didn't think I'd make it BEFORE my birthday since Loseit said I'd make it by July, my family even laughed when I told them I'm determined to weigh 110lbs! I couldn't blame them though, I haven't weighed less than 120lbs in YEARS. And by years, I mean more than 5 years.

But ya girl finally did it!

Throughout this whole journey, I realized the real struggle isn't physical, it's emotional and mental. At the start of my journey, I nearly fell into an eating disorder, I was under eating and had urges to throw up after eating, but I held back. I never gave in. I tracked my calories, made sure I reach at least 1000-1200 without starving myself. As I reached halfway into my journey, I brought up the intake to 1400-1600 all while doing at least 30 minutes of HIIT workouts. Surprisingly, my weight still went down, a bit slowly, but still steadily.

But the biggest thing that surprised me the most, ironically, was when I stopped being so strict with myself - when I stopped obsessing over calories and tracking it after every meal, the weight just naturally fell off. This didn't mean I let myself go, I just continued what I've been doing these past few months - avoid soda/sugary drinks, minimize snacking between meals(around once a week), drink plenty of water between and during meals (I skip dinner since I don't get hungry at night), and staying consistent with my HIIT workouts.

I used to work harder to lose weight, other than the HIIT workouts, I'd spend 30 minutes doing cardio, 10 minutes on stretches, an hour on random workouts when I hit a plateau. But when I stopped all of those (except the stretching), my weight just dropped. I don't feel as tense as I used to, I stopped pressuring myself and I slowly let go of tracking calories. I just... Let loose.

And I never felt happier.

I'm not trying to discourage anyone from being strict on yourself, I still have to discipline myself sometimes to stop snacking and limit my portions, but right now, it feels as if it became second nature. I eat way less rice than I used to, I make sure to fill half my plate with veggies and the right amount of meat, I opt for water when my family feels like drinking soda, and eat fruit if I feel my stomach rumbling at night.

When I started, 110lbs was a far away dream of mine. But here I am. An early birthday gift to myself and this is the best birthday gift anyone has ever given me.

I'm hoping to maintain this until my birthday which is 3 days away :D wish me luck!!

I just wanted to tell everyone to PLEASE not give up. There will really be bad days, there will be breakdowns, but that's okay. It may seem impossible now, but if you stay consistent and disciplined, you WILL reach your goal. Maybe not in a few weeks or months, but you WILL get there. Don't let one obstacle be stronger than your willpower to achieve what you want.

submitted by /u/IntrovertTrashx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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