Wednesday, June 24, 2020

[F28, 5", 154lbs] Hitting a plateau in weight loss!!

[F28, 5", 154lbs] I've been on a weight loss journey since Jan 2020. It went well (shed 17 pounds) until about 3 weeks back when I hit a plateau. Since then, for two weeks, I started to do HIIT everyday (previously 4-5x a week), counting my calories with MyFitnessPal (currently average of above 700 calories to 1k cal consumption per day, I admit the accuracy is questionable, but def not 1.3k calories), and started IF 16:8 (to be fair that was 4 days ago). Still unable to hit that elusive steady state 69kg (152 pounds).

My steady state weight now is 70kg (154 pounds), increases to 71kg (156kg) at night after dinner, but goes back down to 70kg in the morning.

My sister was saying I should switch to running but I really HATE running. I feel that it's more time efficient to burn more calories with HIIT... Is my body already conditioned to it? I sweat buckets and pant like crazy after almost every session; with no progress its hard not to feel discouraged...

I'm also not sure if it's diet... Or should I even eat lesser? A friend of mine literally only ate 2 peanut butter sandwiches, 1 Nutella sandwich and a bowl of cereal the entire day to reduce calorie count since she's not working out. I really hope it doesn't have to come to that! Or should I try a longer fasting cycle or OMAD?

Bahhh it's really frustrating right now, hope I can get some tips or encouragement :(

submitted by /u/rattlingmice
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When Weight Loss Starts to Lose It's Novelty

I feel like my weight loss journey has begun to lose it's novelty. I lost 20lbs since March so that's roughly within 4 months. I want to lose another 20lbs in the next 4-5 months. I don't care if it takes the rest of the year.

Since I feel better about myself, I'm trying to find the incentive to keep going because I actually don't like exercise despite doing so for the last 16 weeks. My main incentive lately has just been having nothing else better to do. I have already done HIIT, cardio, Pilates, and now finishing up a Barre program. It sounds like a lot, but it helps me to stay interested. I could be ADHD.

Does anyone have advice to keep weight loss interesting after the first third or quarter of your fitness journey? I'm kind of at that point where I'm like, "Wow, what a long 4 months. Time to hibernate for the rest of the year,". Ha, ha. You know what I mean? I plan to stay healthy and still exercise but I kind of want that extra boost that makes it feel fun to me. Maybe I can do some sort of 30 day challenge or give myself a reward for the next 5 pounds I lose. What do you all think?

submitted by /u/beesontheoffbeat
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cherries and Weight Loss: 5 Surprising Reasons This Fruit is a Summer Superstar

Life may not be a bowl of cherries, but a bowl of cherries may do wonderful things for your life. We’re here to tell you why this summer fruit is the cherry on top of your healthy diet. When it comes to these sweet little red gems, you’ll be shocked that something so delicious can be so good for you. Our health and wellness experts have done some research on the benefits of cherries and how they can help you reach your weight loss goals.

Superfood Saturday: Why You Should Eat More Cherries

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Here are five reasons to add cherries to your SmartCarb shopping list:

1. Cherries put out the fire.

The Leaf cherry benefits for your health

Cherries can help you keep the pounds at bay during your weight loss journey by reducing a damaging process in your body called inflammation. Research shows that obesity can cause inflammation. It’s a chemical reaction triggered by your immune system that, in response to an injury, can help it heal. The problem is that when it becomes chronic, inflammation can cause significant damage to your arteries and organs. “Overeating increases the immune response. This increased immune response causes the body to generate excessive inflammation, which may lead to a number of chronic diseases,” says Science Daily.

Runaway inflammation might also contribute to weight gain. One study, published in the journal Diabetes, found that men who had high levels of certain inflammation-sensitive proteins in their blood were more likely to gain weight. “This relation could contribute to the relation between inflammation, the metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease,” says researchers.

Cherries contain high levels of compounds called anthocyanins, which may quell the damaging obesity-related inflammation that can lead to disease, says According to, the Oregon Health and Science University says that these beautiful little berries, particularly tart cherries, have the highest level of anti-inflammatory compounds of any food. That gives them the potential to put out the fire that puts on the pounds during your weight loss journey!

2. They have a secret ingredient that creates calorie-burning fat.

weight loss tips

There’s another beneficial compound in tart cherries that might surprise you: melatonin. You probably know it as the hormone your body produces to help put you to sleep. However, according to Science Daily, researchers from the University of Granada have found that it might also help you control your weight.

In their studies on obese diabetic rats, published in the Journal of Pineal Research, scientists found that melatonin can help control weight, even without curbing food intake. According to Science Daily, “melatonin consumption helps control weight gain because it stimulates the appearance of ‘beige fat’, a type of fat cell that burns calories instead of storing them. White adipose tissue stores calories leading to weight gain whereas ‘beige fat’ (also known as ‘good or thinning fat’) helps regulate body weight control, hence its metabolic benefits.”

3. Cherries might help you sleep.

The Leaf cherry benefits for your health

According to Healthline, melatonin can also help you get a good night’s sleep, another factor in keeping unwanted pounds at bay. Scientists have discovered that people who don’t get enough sleep at night experience an increase in hunger and appetite, particularly for calorie-laden foods, says Mayo Clinic. One reason: Lack of sleep may affect the hormones that regulate hunger. Another: Fatigue makes you look for energy in all the wrong places (like the kitchen) and may discourage you from exercising too.

Can’t sleep? Click here for five reasons why! >

8 Red Foods You Need in Your Life

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4. Cherries may improve your heart health.

tart cherry juice

While you’re getting in some melatonin by sipping a glass of tart cherry juice, you may also be reducing your risk for heart disease. Researchers at the University of Michigan Health System found that rats who were provided a whole tart cherry powder on a high-fat diet didn’t gain as much weight or body fat as the rats who didn’t eat the cherry powder. According to Science Daily, “their blood showed much lower levels of molecules that indicate the kind of inflammation that has been linked to heart disease and diabetes. In addition, they had significantly lower blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides than the other rats.” The rats who ate cherries also experienced another benefit: less weight gain in their stomachs. Belly fat is said to increase the risk for heart disease.

5. Cherries may counteract a high-fat diet.

The Leaf cherry benefits for your health

What about sweet cherries? Don’t pass them by. Research out of The University of Tasmania found that mice on a high-fat diet who were treated with inflammation-reducing compounds from sweet cherries gained 19 percent less weight than mice whose high-fat diet wasn’t supplemented with the compounds.

Obviously, sweet cherries are available in the produce section of your supermarket. Eat them out of hand, toss them in a green shake to mask the taste of kale or spinach or pit and freeze them for an icy snack (you can buy cherry pitters for under $20). You can get your daily dose of tart cherries by drinking juice (available in bottles and as concentrate) or popping a few dried tart cherries—also right there in your market. Make a refreshing summer drink by combining tart cherry juice with no-calorie seltzer and add a non-calorie sweetener to cut the tartness if needed.

Both sweet and tart cherries are considered a SmartCarb on the Nutrisystem plan, meaning they’re packed with nutrients and fiber but low to medium on the Glycemic Index. One cup of cherries is only 77 calories, has 2.5 grams of fiber and supplies 39 percent of your daily recommended amount of vitamin A, says the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Looking for some healthy recipes to enjoy this delicious fruit? Check out some of our favorite ideas below:

Fill your summer menu with fresh, fun and fruity sweets! Check out these mouthwatering and nutritious dessert recipes from our expert recipe developers at The Leaf. Enjoy these healthy treats throughout the summer months or any time of year for that matter!

12 Nutrisystem Frozen Foods Perfect for Your Summer Menu

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The post Cherries and Weight Loss: 5 Surprising Reasons This Fruit is a Summer Superstar appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Cool Off & Slim Down: 3 Delicious Protein Popsicle Recipes

As a child, perhaps you found nothing more satisfying than the sweet treat of an ice-cold popsicle. The trouble is, traditional popsicles are packed with sugar and offer no nutritional value whatsoever. But what if there was a way that you could have a popsicle that not only satisfied your craving for something sweet, but also packed in some serious protein power? That’s the case with these three delicious recipes for protein popsicles, each of which has protein-rich ingredients that up their nutritional goodness. That means that with any of these recipes, you can let go of the guilt associated with indulging and simply just enjoy your treat to the fullest.

12 Mouthwatering Pudding Recipes to Savor

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Check out the recipes for these three delicious protein popsicles that won’t derail your healthy diet:

1. Raspberry Lime Protein Popsicles >


With just four simple steps, these yummy popsicles are easy to make while still being full of flavor. The unique flavor combination of raspberries, limes, and mint make this a cool and refreshing treat that will satisfy your sweet tooth. The addition of some plain, nonfat Greek yogurt not only adds creaminess but also protein to these delectable pops. In fact, Greek yogurt has nearly double the amount of protein of regular yogurt as a result of being a more concentrated product. With Greek yogurt, the protein is left behind in the solid yogurt during the straining process. While these sweet treats might taste like a splurge, they only clock in at 50 calories a piece. That means you can have two yummy popsicles to count as one serving and only 100 calories. On the Nutrisystem plan, one serving also counts as one PowerFuel.

2. Cinnamon Banana Protein Popsicles >


This popsicle is not only rich and filling, but it’s delicious, too. And unlike ordinary popsicles which are packed with sugary ingredients that deliver no real nutrition, this popsicle has wholesome and healthy ingredients like nonfat Greek yogurt, a banana, and some slivered almonds. The banana is not only high in potassium but also contains good levels of protein and dietary fiber. Plus, thanks to the Greek yogurt and the nuts, this recipe packs a serious protein punch while also satisfying your craving for something sweet. Some stevia and vanilla extract turn up the sweetness factor without packing in lots of extra calories. In fact, two popsicles count as one serving and total only 147 calories. On the Nutrisystem plan one serving counts as one PowerFuel and one Extra.

3 Delicious Donut Recipes You Can Enjoy on a Diet

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3. Chocolate Peanut Butter Popsicles >

 protein popsicles

A chocolate popsicle that’s also healthy? It’s almost too good to be true! But with this homemade chocolate peanut butter popsicle recipe you control the ingredients going in. Instead of being packed with empty calories, this recipe uses healthy ingredients like nonfat Greek yogurt, nonfat milk, and peanut butter. The rich chocolatey flavor comes from unsweetened cocoa powder while some stevia and pure vanilla extra sweetens the flavor mix even more. It’s creamy, sweet, and—best of all—it comes with zero guilt. The peanut butter and Greek yogurt give this pop protein power while the use of healthy ingredients ensures it doesn’t have lots of unnecessary and sugary calories. One popsicle counts as one serving and contains just 100 calories. On the Nutrisystem plan it counts as one PowerFuel.

Check out the rules to our awesome summer giveaway! >

The post Cool Off & Slim Down: 3 Delicious Protein Popsicle Recipes appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Went from where’s the snacks to he’s a snack 😂😂😂

before and after

Hey guys, first time posting!

I am a 5’11 male and I recently hit the 40 pound lost mark! I started at 325 and my current weight is 285. I would like to get to around 220, my old football playing weight haha.

My journey kind of began with a drinking problem. I began drinking out of control, which led to a bad diet, mental problems and general lack of motivation. I decided last November to quit drinking and it was the best decision of my life. I haven’t had a drink since and slowly decided to work on other aspects of my life.

I went to therapy to deal with my emotions, and I went on a diet to help with the weight loss. I wouldn’t so much call it a diet as much as a lifestyle change. I’ve done fad diets before that worked, but I ended up gaining it all back. My goal now is to lose the weight slowly but change the way I eat forever.

I started with just changing out things that I eat and going for a mile walk once a day. Now I’m in the gym everyday and trying to eat clean everyday. I don’t always succeed but I’ve learned to live with my mistakes and look forward to tomorrow’s opportunities. Anyways this journey has been so motivating and I really think I can do anything haha.

submitted by /u/cfr50
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How I lost 26 pounds without even realizing

I lost 26 pounds without even knowing in 2019. I had made a New Years resolution that was very simple: I’m going to be healthier. What did that entail? Not some crazy diet or hours of rigorous exercise every day. Not even counting calories or cutting out any specific food. All I did was make healthier food choices with meals that fit along my schedule, and exercise for at least 20 minutes almost every day.

Pertaining to my diet, I was always someone who would CONSTANTLY eat without even being hungry. I knew that this was bad, but the food tasted so good I did it anyway. However, when I changed this, my diet turned into: breakfast, a snack (like fruit and a bar), and dinner. Note that breakfast and dinner were mostly balanced meals. I never snacked after dinner. I always drank lots of water, so that wasn’t a problem with me. I made healthier food choices every meal, for example: instead of a PB & J for dinner and ice cream afterward every day, I normally ate salads for dinner (I love salad kits). Don’t think that you have to cut out desserts or treats forever or at any point: I didn’t! My rule is that I try to only eat them during social outings/special occasions so I’m not eating them all the time.

I was not very worried about lack of exercise. I was always an active person, for I used to do soccer and I’ve always played softball. I still play softball and I do winter track now. During the off seasons, however, I just made it a point to do some exercise so I had physical activity all year long. I would search up whatever workout I felt like doing on YouTube and made sure it was as long as I felt like doing! Since my schedule was busy, during the week it was never really longer than a half hour. That’s it! Just stay as active as you can.

You may have already heard some of the advice above, but there is one KEY part to losing weight happily. Your MINDSET!!! I cannot stress this enough!!! When I decided to lose weight, I already liked where I was! Sure, I was considered overweight according to my doctor, but I didn’t HATE my body or the way it looked. If you already love and accept the way you are, you’re changing your mindset from “This is awful I can’t stand the way I look and feel I want to change NOW” to “I’m fine with the way I am, but I know I can be BETTER and HEALTHIER”. Now, the problem with the first mindset is that you expect hard results through numbers (for example I want to weigh X amount in X amount of weeks), you constantly monitor your weight/measurements. This can be very discouraging and stressful. Don’t focus on your weight or looks!! Only focus on your actions!! Actions like making healthier food choices and exercising every day!! You will be healthy if you only focus on those things; your weight on the scale and appearance and health will naturally follow! In January 2019, I didn’t decide to LOSE WEIGHT, I decided to BE HEALTHIER. And guess what? The weight loss FOLLOWED!!

I didn’t even know I lost weight until people began complimenting me! I was like, “Huh, I did? Well thanks!” I didn’t monitor my weight loss so I don’t even know how long it took, maybe ~6 months?? But, all I know is that I dropped exactly 26 pounds to my IDEAL weight by BMI standards in between doctor visits (yep, I didn’t even weigh myself at home, I only found out my weight at the DOCTOR’S!!).

I never really cared about the number on the scale, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t care about being healthy. As long as you make healthy choices with your MIND, the weight loss will follow.

Note: I’m not a health professional; I’m just sharing anecdotal advice as to what worked for me with weight loss. I know that certain people have medical conditions that make it more difficult to lose weight, so they have to do more specific actions to become healthy. I do hope that my advice can help some people though.

submitted by /u/tired_cat124
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm back /r/loseit

I used to contribute to this community basically every day for years, but I stopped using reddit and forgot my login. So I'm back, with a new account and a new goal. I lost 40lbs a few years ago, went from an obese BMI to a healthy range BMI. I got really fit, maintained most of the weight loss for a few years. It was wonderful.

In the last 12 months I've regained a lot of the weight. First, I got busy with work and stopped making the time to take care of myself. Then I had some health problems that took some time to diagnose, which caused a bit more weight gain. I recovered and then the pandemic and the lockdown happened. My work became busier than ever but all the big life goals I had been working towards for this year got paused or cancelled. I grieved in unhealthy ways for the things I'd be missing out on, drinking too much too often and eating crap food that left me feeling too sluggish to move.

I realise now I was depressed, and I'm starting to come out the other side of it with some work to do to get my body and mind back to the healthy state I deserve. I have lost weight and maintained before so I know all the tools I need to get there. There will be good days and bad days, that's just life. I'm looking forward to spending them with you again :)

Another positive, all the tech has improved since my last time around. I am obsessed with the Nike run club app, and I'm using the nutra check calorie counter instead of MFP and so far it seems to have a much better database for foods for Ireland where I am based. However this time around I'm in my 30s, so I imagine hitting my goals will be a bit slower than when I was 25! I'm planning to do CICO again.

SW this time: 153 lbs (It was 155 the first time)

CW: 151

GW: 130

Female/ Height 5'1

submitted by /u/Sparrahs
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