Wednesday, June 24, 2020

How I lost 26 pounds without even realizing

I lost 26 pounds without even knowing in 2019. I had made a New Years resolution that was very simple: I’m going to be healthier. What did that entail? Not some crazy diet or hours of rigorous exercise every day. Not even counting calories or cutting out any specific food. All I did was make healthier food choices with meals that fit along my schedule, and exercise for at least 20 minutes almost every day.

Pertaining to my diet, I was always someone who would CONSTANTLY eat without even being hungry. I knew that this was bad, but the food tasted so good I did it anyway. However, when I changed this, my diet turned into: breakfast, a snack (like fruit and a bar), and dinner. Note that breakfast and dinner were mostly balanced meals. I never snacked after dinner. I always drank lots of water, so that wasn’t a problem with me. I made healthier food choices every meal, for example: instead of a PB & J for dinner and ice cream afterward every day, I normally ate salads for dinner (I love salad kits). Don’t think that you have to cut out desserts or treats forever or at any point: I didn’t! My rule is that I try to only eat them during social outings/special occasions so I’m not eating them all the time.

I was not very worried about lack of exercise. I was always an active person, for I used to do soccer and I’ve always played softball. I still play softball and I do winter track now. During the off seasons, however, I just made it a point to do some exercise so I had physical activity all year long. I would search up whatever workout I felt like doing on YouTube and made sure it was as long as I felt like doing! Since my schedule was busy, during the week it was never really longer than a half hour. That’s it! Just stay as active as you can.

You may have already heard some of the advice above, but there is one KEY part to losing weight happily. Your MINDSET!!! I cannot stress this enough!!! When I decided to lose weight, I already liked where I was! Sure, I was considered overweight according to my doctor, but I didn’t HATE my body or the way it looked. If you already love and accept the way you are, you’re changing your mindset from “This is awful I can’t stand the way I look and feel I want to change NOW” to “I’m fine with the way I am, but I know I can be BETTER and HEALTHIER”. Now, the problem with the first mindset is that you expect hard results through numbers (for example I want to weigh X amount in X amount of weeks), you constantly monitor your weight/measurements. This can be very discouraging and stressful. Don’t focus on your weight or looks!! Only focus on your actions!! Actions like making healthier food choices and exercising every day!! You will be healthy if you only focus on those things; your weight on the scale and appearance and health will naturally follow! In January 2019, I didn’t decide to LOSE WEIGHT, I decided to BE HEALTHIER. And guess what? The weight loss FOLLOWED!!

I didn’t even know I lost weight until people began complimenting me! I was like, “Huh, I did? Well thanks!” I didn’t monitor my weight loss so I don’t even know how long it took, maybe ~6 months?? But, all I know is that I dropped exactly 26 pounds to my IDEAL weight by BMI standards in between doctor visits (yep, I didn’t even weigh myself at home, I only found out my weight at the DOCTOR’S!!).

I never really cared about the number on the scale, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t care about being healthy. As long as you make healthy choices with your MIND, the weight loss will follow.

Note: I’m not a health professional; I’m just sharing anecdotal advice as to what worked for me with weight loss. I know that certain people have medical conditions that make it more difficult to lose weight, so they have to do more specific actions to become healthy. I do hope that my advice can help some people though.

submitted by /u/tired_cat124
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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