Sunday, August 2, 2020

I’m celebrating today and I want to share!

I just joined this subreddit and maybe should read more before I post, but it’s late here and sleep deprivation does not help with weight loss!

I’m a woman and am turning 30 later this year. I had a baby early last year.

In the last 8 weeks I went from 79.2kg (174lb) to 71.8kg (158lb). For me this is the difference between overweight BMI and normal range BMI. I took progress photos today and I’m blown away by what a difference 7kgs can make!!

I have visible back muscles. My back fat folds are gone. My chin and cheeks are definitely slimmer. My tummy almost looks flat. How did the weight loss make it look like my stretch marks went away? My hips look more curvy because my waist is smaller. I have a figure instead of looking like a barrel. My arms don’t have bingo wings. Even my boobs look perkier.

I feel on top of the world. I’m more confident at work. I’m happier. So today I celebrate!

I really want to remember to be happy with my body and not just always hate it. I have weighed 62kgs before in 2016. Part of that weight loss was because I was very sick. I don’t remember really enjoying it. I remember aiming for even more weight loss. This time I’m going to enjoy the milestones and be happy!

submitted by /u/Vonnybon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Seeking check-in buddy to stay on track despite tough times 💪🏼

Hey everyone! I started my weight loss journey about 3 weeks ago. This sub has been amazing, but I'm looking for a daily check-in weight loss buddy as circumstances have gotten increasingly difficult. Covid has taken a nasty turn in my country, and the societal situation is uncertain. My job has gotten more difficult and a promised raise has been postponed, meaning I can't quit my part time job (that I do in addition to my full time job) like I'd been hoping. I'm stressed and afraid, and the urge to binge is stronger than ever.

I would love to have a buddy to check in with about weight loss and health. It doesn't have to be about any of the above (i.e. me ranting about my job, covid, etc.) but moreso a buddy to hold each other accountable and check in about the process.

For background, I'm 27F, 5'6", SW: 240 lbs, CW: 230lbs, and my goal weight is 150lbs. I'm an American expat in an Asian country and interested in any kind of person/stats/etc. as a weight loss buddy, as long as you're down to check in often!

submitted by /u/lelo_neno
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Psych medications and weight loss

I've always heard that it's hard to lose weight on psych medications.

I know they can increase your appetite, so you eat and then gain the weight and if feels like the medications did it to you. I too thought this. But I'm realizing that the most that it did is mess with my hunger cues. Like I am/was hungry all the time. And when I felt hungry, I ate. I ate myself up to 241.

Last month, coinciding with the loseit challenge, I decided to take my weight (and health) into my own hands.

I've been trying to relearn my hunger cues and having to physically tell myself that I don't need to eat all the time. That I just want to. And I started to lose some of the pounds. I got down to 237. So it was possible to lose. Lat Friday I started to track calories an rally up my activity (with some mild walks 4-5 times a week)

And the weight is melting off. I'm down 10 lbs from my weight of 241, 231 as of this morning. I know some of that is water weight. And I'm fine with that. But I know some of that is fat. And each little tick mark down is a step in the right direction.

I just wanted to share this with someone.

submitted by /u/tealswirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I need to take a break [TW]

I don't know where else to post this really, I love this community and it's helped me take my life back.

I went from 245 to 172 (as of yesterday morning) and I need to step back. 2 months ago I was more confident than I've ever been, I was living in the moment, I felt beautiful. But I've been focusing too much of my time and energy on weight loss.

TW; disordered eating

Some not-so-hot things have happened in my personal life and I'm scared of the road I'm going down. I eat way too few calories each day. From 200-600 max. I know it's unhealthy and damaging, I don't know why I can't help it. I don't want to go into it here because this isn't the place. I feel like I'm fighting myself right now and I'm holding onto this little ledge, I'm worried if I let go I'm going to fully dive into my unhealthy urges. I still hope to hit my goal weight one day but I want it to be a healthy weight. I try browsing and I try posting but it feels like I'm posting about the body of somebody else and makes me sick.

Thank you to this subreddit for giving me the tools I needed and the showing me courage that I didn't know I had inside of me. I just need to log off for a few weeks. Or months. I don't know. Somehow I feel like I'm failing you all. I feel like I was so close to being a success story and I fucked it up. I'm hoping I can come back and get back into hyping up people in comments and being inspired by their journey, sharing my stories and helping others get healthy bodies.

Have a nice day everyone, hope to see your lovely usernames again :) <3

submitted by /u/humanchonker
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hit a Wall, Don't Know What to Do

Hey loseit,

Apologies in advance for the long post but I hope someone takes the time to read it cause I am full of frustration this morning with my weight. Former fat guy here, went from 260lbs to 175 y years ago. Maintained for 2 years, and then jumped back to 190. Still not terrible, but I've been trying to lose weight to get back to 175. For the last 3 months, I've been going extra hard at fitness and have cut calories quite significantly, but after not weighing myself for weeks, I've actually gained 2 pounds and I have no idea why.

For the first month, my fitness routine was choosing 8 exercises, doing them for 30 second each with a 10 second break, and doing that set of 8 6 times while walking for 45 minutes a day. Now, as quarantine has gone on, I just go until I'm tired with individual exercises at a time, so in a day I usually do this:

  • Run for 2 miles
  • 75-100 situps
  • 30-50 russian twists w/ 10 lb weight
  • 500-600 jump ropes
  • 50-60 burpees
  • 20-30 pushups (omg I suck at these)
  • Various other small exercises that serve as mini-breaks during these sets
  • a 45 minute walk during the work day

With the exception of the walk, I do that almost every day in about an hour, 6 days a week. The 7th day is usually 2 to 3 hours of tennis with my buddy, but it's high level tennis as we both played in college.

My diet consists of about 1600 calories a day before exercise. I actually started this at about 1200 by skipping breakfasts, but about 2 months ago, I realized I might be hurting myself by not kickstarting my metabolism. I eat peanut butter and crackers every morning for some protein with about 4 ounces of juice. Lunch is usually a salad with feta cheese, cucumbers, and onions with an apple-flavored dressing with another 4 ounces of juice, and dinner is usually after working out and can be 1 of a few things with some soda (which I know is bad for me but I've cut this down by half). I know that with only 3 exceptions, I have NOT exceeded 1600 calories in the last 2 months, and on those 3 exceptions my calories were 1800, 2300, and another 2300. We eat at about 8 after doing fitness. I measure all foods with a food scale and measuring cup appropriately. My sugars are a little high (about 60g per day), but everything else is in range and both my sugar and sodium have dropped significantly. I also go through about 80-120 ounces of water every day. We've cut out 80% of any junk food we rarely ate anyways (I miss pizza, halp), and that might even be a conservative number.

We're not going out to eat as much cause we can't afford to with Covid stuff, and our sleeping has been surprisingly excellent with an average of 7.5 hours a night. When I lost weight originally, my diet was at a strict 1900-2000 calories, and irregardless of measuring out food, I know from common sense and an eye test that my diet is noticeably better than the first round of weight loss. My fitness is probably not quite as good, but it's a small dropoff, and right now I'm working out so hard that I can barely move at the end of sessions, but I keep doing it cause on my few break days, I'm feeling extra heavy.

I totally used to be that fat guy that made excuses to my doctor years ago when I was told to lose weight, but that stopped years ago when I needed to lose it the first time, so it's frustrating when I know for sure I'm doing better now than when I originally lost the weight. I am at a wall and legitimately can't figure out why, and I can't increase my fitness more and don't really want to completely starve myself. If anyone has any reason and resources as to what I can do to break through this wall, that would be super helpful. Thanks :)

Edit: I got a fitness tracker a while ago and started using it. I know they are not always super accurate, not doubting that, but I wanted to post some screens of my activity. I feel like with these numbers, even accounting for some inaccuracy on the device's behalf, I should see some progress even with my normal diet, let alone a better one.

submitted by /u/strugglingtoloseit
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Body in worse shape after significant weight loss?

Hello all-

I’ve lost a little over 70lbs since Feb 2019, but during the last month or so, I’ve noticed my body is less...supple? then it once was. I don’t mean my exterior, I mean my joints and things. Like my ligaments are more brittle or something.

Every time I get up (which I can now spring up from the chair like nobody’s business, which is exciting) my knees both pop. I’ve had to change pillows because I started waking up with chronic neck pain, which didn’t happen before. And my lower back stays stiff.

Any thoughts on this? Will it go away as my weight normalizes? No, I’m not taking supplements but if I need to, where should I start? Thanks!

submitted by /u/justanothernewbie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Pandemic-proof: My journey in stress management

In May of 2019 I weighed 360lbs. Through some loose CICO and eliminating fast food (of which I consumed a LOT), I dropped down to 320 by September. As a teacher, it pretty much stayed there during the school year...until the pandemic.

March: Spring break exercise in the works, get outside, move around. Then spring break got extended, cool! Let’s keep it up! Then we go virtual, stress sets in. Too much time to read the news of this disaster while our district scrambled to figure how to proceed. Stress rising.

April: Get a handle on things (sort of), continue getting outside, go for daily walks around the neighborhood, stay active. Dropped down to 305, awesome.

May: Things aren’t getting better with school, no real plans to fix pandemic in place, stress eating ensues. Still active, though not as much. Jump back to 315.

June: Survived the school year, let’s get serious, find a diet that works (for once), weight loss is NOT the goal, health is, both physical and metabolic. Sticks to a strict mediterranean diet (including complete elimination of refined sugars and high PUFA oils), allows weigh-ins only twice a month - for my own discipline. Also starts cycling a LOT (side note: I bought a used hybrid bike off craigslist for $200, nothing fancy). Stress level down, pants start feeling looser.

July: Weigh-in at 290, first time below the 300 make in 10 years. Continue diet and cycling, add weight lifting on my non-cycling days.

August: Weigh-in at 270, holy crap this is working. Concern about school starting up again, making a plan to keep the exercise going (will have to be scaled down due to time restraints), good habits in place, all about having a plan.

Moral of the story: make HEALTH - not weight loss - the priority, Start slow, but START. The pandemic basically scared me into getting in shape since I checked the boxes for someone who was at high risk of death if they were to get the virus. I’m not sure why I was suddenly able to stick to a diet either, I’d never tried mediterranean before, but I’ve tried many others and failed miserably. I went this route because every medical journal entry I read about it had only positive things to say about what it did for overall health. My overall health is noticeably better, particularly in the areas of stress, sleep, and random body aches. It’s all related, eliminate the garbage, get active, and your body will thank you. I’m 36 years old and am just figuring this out, you can too. Make the change, a little bit goes a long way.

My cycling journey - it starts somewhere.

submitted by /u/tacoscholar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat