Sunday, August 2, 2020

Body in worse shape after significant weight loss?

Hello all-

I’ve lost a little over 70lbs since Feb 2019, but during the last month or so, I’ve noticed my body is less...supple? then it once was. I don’t mean my exterior, I mean my joints and things. Like my ligaments are more brittle or something.

Every time I get up (which I can now spring up from the chair like nobody’s business, which is exciting) my knees both pop. I’ve had to change pillows because I started waking up with chronic neck pain, which didn’t happen before. And my lower back stays stiff.

Any thoughts on this? Will it go away as my weight normalizes? No, I’m not taking supplements but if I need to, where should I start? Thanks!

submitted by /u/justanothernewbie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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