Sunday, September 20, 2020

When did obesity related medical problems begin to go away and how did you handle it?

I am curious to know when, in your weight loss progress, did obesity related medical problems begin to go away? How did you handle it?

For me, I am still on high blood pressure meds... but I am now 9 pounds away from not being obese anymore... so, I am wondering if I even need to be on this med still. I figure I may make an appointment with my doctor once I am no longer obese on the BMI to begin checking on this. I still think I have high blood pressure, however, which sucks because every other health condition I had developed has either gone away or drastically improved. For anyone who attained normal blood pressure, where were you on the BMI when that happened?

I had severe acid reflux before starting CICO that even meds multiple times a day could not control. This went away almost immediately after starting CICO. (Probably within a month.) I still have acid reflux, but is basically 95% gone. The few times it comes up, it is extremely mild and short lived. Also, this is with no medication, as I was able to stop taking this med soon after starting CICO.

Pre-diabetes and high blood sugar went away several months into CICO for me. I never was on meds for this.

High cholesterol/triglycerides also went away several months into CICO, and I never was on meds.

I had NAFLD that was progressing into liver damage. This took many months to get under control. Last time I went to get my liver checked (about a month ago), only one liver reading was one point out of range.

I also had problems sleeping, joint pain in my knees, and back pain. These took several months to improve. Back pain and knees are sometimes still there, but drastically improved.

submitted by /u/FunctionVoidSmall
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hopeless, something is wrong F [22] 149 lbs

Hi, I've been trying to lose weight since July 2020 by cutting down my calorie intake (1200 cal) and exercising (for 15-30 minutes). I've also subscribed to a weekly diet plan because obviously I have no time to prepare for my meals. I'm currently working (work from home setup) and studying law at the same time. Some noticed that I'm actually losing some BUT I still weigh the same (sometimes higher, IDK if my scale is broke). I'm suspecting that PCOS is the culprit, I only had two periods this year.

My mom isn't really helping as she would always fat-shame me and tells me how my diet plan is useless. She says that it was nonsense and expensive.

soooo... aside from the work-out, diet and such, should I take some capsules or tablets (L-Carnitine) to aid in my weight loss journey? :(

submitted by /u/seafoammy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Accountability for changing my lifestyle

I was somewhat active on this sub in the past when I was on my weight loss journey. Well recently it was my birthday and I had to celebrate alone due to COVID, and with the stress/depression of another birthday alone I ended up eating much more than I should’ve. I haven’t looked at the scale since before then because I’m too afraid, but I know I’ve gained a few pounds because I can see the fat on me now.

My lifestyle is going to change. Water will become a #1 priority for me. I never want to feel dehydrated again, and never want to eat because I’m actually thirsty.

No more eating out. For the next 7 days I will not eat out from any restaurant of any kind. I will have to make all of my meals myself which will force me to eat less/healthier.

No finishing other people’s foods. Too often do I finish my coworkers burrito or sandwich at lunch because they’re full and don’t want anymore. It doesn’t matter how good it looks or how hungry I am, I have a diet to stick to and that’s that.

No special treats because “I’ve been doing good”. Treats just mess up my stomach and make me feel defeated afterwards. It’s Friday and it’s been a long week and I feel like I deserve a pizza which I have the calories for? No, you’re going to down a 32oz water bottle and make yourself a delicious fish dish or something.

I will do hold myself accountable for the next 7 days, and hopefully after that I will want to continue the streak for as long as possible.

submitted by /u/The_Paper_Cut
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Started my second weight loss journey

I am a 6'2 223 Pound Male. Earlier this sunmer (August) I went on a weight loss journey. I went from 232 all the way down to 215. After a while I stared being unmotivated and reverted back to my old unhealthy eating habits. I gained weight again back to 223 and im tired. I feel uncomfortable with myself and want to lose weight. My goal weight has always been 190. I have a plan that I wrote out (1500 cals,exercise daily, drink more water, etc.) I just wanted to post this here to motivate myself and officially get my journey started again. Feel free to drop any motivational quotes and tips. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Flamevian
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Did a Pilates video for the first time in years ...

And I feel so discouraged. Since I started my weight loss journey at the end of May 2020 I’ve dropped 22 pounds. I have 31 left to go before I’m back to my goal weight. And I even got genuine compliments from my neighbor and mom (at separate times) this wknd that I looked good and they could really tell a difference. However, I tried what I thought would be an “easy” Pilates video this evening and I genuinely want to cry. It was so hard, and I kept catching glimpses of myself in the mirror and thinking “wow, I am lumpy and fat”. It was just so depressing. My exercise to this point has been a daily 3 mile walk, which I’m planning to continue - I just wanted to add the Pilates to start building some muscle and get more toned / definition.

Anyway, I guess I just wanted to get some encouragement or words of wisdom. I just feel so sad and still so upset I ever let myself gain so much weight to begin with. 😞 I feel like I just keep going with my current routine I’ll keep losing the weight and by spring of next year be back to my old self. However it is still discouraging how hard the video was and how horrible I felt in my own body while I was doing it.

submitted by /u/Teachez_of_Peachez
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is there a way to lose weight without counting calories?

This is on behalf of trying to help my sister;

My sister has awful self-esteem when it comes to her body, partially due to living in a state that's very shallow and expects everyone to have a model body, partially due to having untreated BDD, and also just because she is overweight. She complains about her weight, and equates it to her self-worth, but won't go to the gym, won't see a doctor, nor will she see a therapist. I pointed out to her that the biggest part of losing weight is your diet/the food you eat, and that you can eat well without working out and still lose weight.
I'm on my own weight loss journey and I do count my calories; it helps me see that I used to eat way more than I should/keeps me accountable when I eat something with a ridiculous amount of calories. I even recommend LifeSum to her, since I knew it came recommended from a board-certified doctor (Dr Mike.) She refuses to count calories. She claims it'll mess with her head and mental health (not sure how she knows that, I've never heard her try to track her calories), and I'm like okay, that's valid. I only just recently got to a point where I felt comfortable mentally counting calories.

Is there any way where she can work on losing weight, without counting calories?

submitted by /u/xoemily
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Alternate day fasting is a god send

Good day all the Redditors out there! I wanna share my journey so far with all of you out there for a couple reasons; to educate others out there in potentially finding a weight loss strategy for you, because I'm so darn proud of myself!! And also just so I can maybe inspire others, so.. here we go.

For as long as I can remember ,I was always overweight. Now I know a lot of eating addictions spawn from trauma , and I would say to my situation that has some validity to it, but alot of it also goes down to your mindset, environment and other external factors. Growing up, from a bird's eye view, I had a very positive and happy childhood. I thank my parents everyday that they were able to provide me with a roof over my head, undying love , and support to make me into the man I am today. We weren't poor growing up, but by no means rich. With that the foods we ate were definately good, but having parents with both full time jobs leads to excess amounts of frozen foods, junk foods, ready to go foods. Kids eat when they are hungry, kids eat to grow, so I was never taught portion control, nor was I penalized for my food intake. Both of my parents were overweight, but not be extreme amounts, and my brother was as skinny as a twig, despite eating considerably worse than me, so I always blamed my obesity on genetics, farther from the truth. I was always the fat kid at school, either I was or one other kid were always the biggest in the class. Now keeping that in mind it never bothered me, I was thankfully never bullied throughout my childhood once by my peers for being obese. I was a genuinely happy kid at school. My brother was a different story. He was the reason I began to feel bad about myself, and spiraled into a self deprecating whirlpool of self pity and disgust. He would constantly put me down physically , emotionally and mentally, to the point of feeling undesirable and worthless. That lead to a dangerous path of eating my emotions away. I sought comfort in food, it was yummy and it made me happy. My parents were gone a lot, so a lot of this bullying went unheard and behind closed doors. Going into highschool he ended up getting in trouble with the law and I can say thankfully he is out of my life and is not having an effect on who I am anymore. Getting back to the main grunt of my story I would eat and eat and eat. Summer breaks I'd crush a case of pop in two days, eat whenever I was bored, hungry, happy, sad, all the bad foods too.

When. I turned 16 I was diagnosed with gout which has definately been crippling. Almost overnight I cha he'd my dietary habits, staying away from red meats, shellfish, but kept drinking pop, kept ordering 2 medium pizzas from dominos cause it was such a good deal! 😂 And up until recently I had to suffer this without the proper medication cause my family doctor was not great, never educated me on my gout.

21 years old now, Fast forward to the recent months I weighed myself out of the blue. 306 pounds... I knew I was heavy but seeing that 300 mark left me feeling defeated. That if I didn't make a change now then I could die.

The great thing about the internet, and Reddit for that matter is that it is a wonderful asset for information, knowledge , and interpersonal details on what has worked and not worked for others.

I did my research, read post after post of what motivated people and got them off their lazy butts 😂 so I came into water fasting.

Water fasting had several benefits to me. Being a sufferer of gout keeping hydrated is an absolute must, so drinking 4-6 liters of water a day came natural. I can be, when I put my mind to it, a very disciplined person, so the schedule of eating one day and not eating the next came very natural, and after the first week the hunger cramps and feelings faded. I started eating a lot better. I'm the days I do eat it's 1500 calories , high protein, vegetables , low carb, low sugar. Take vitamins and other suppliments to get all the healthy nutrients I might not happen to get from my diet. Only drink water, never drink calories away people!! I began to enjoy cooking for myself, getting into the routine of counting my macros and prepping for the days to come. Exercise wise I didn't change at all. I have a fairly active job so I get anywhere between 10000 to 20000 steps a day.

Some people go on to say cheat days are a bad way to insentive yourself but it works for me. Once every two weeks I don't care about my calorie intake and eat the foods I love , gives me something to look forward to. The biggest hurdle for me was disassociating food with comfort, and seeing it more as fuel for my body to get healthy.

I am currently 7 weeks in ,so fairly early into my weight loss journey, but the results speak for itself.

As of this morning, I went from 306 pounds at my heaviest to 260 pounds. That's 46 fricken pounds!!! In less than two months.alternate day fasting has saved my life. And it will continue to be a vital and integral part of my life. I'm still 80 pounds away from my dream goal but everyday you take one day at a time. There will be moments of weakness, but please don't beat yourself up. Any steps you take to better your body will go noticed, even if it's minor. I plan on making an update here and there to share my experience.

I just want to say to all of you out there with doubts.. you can do this, weight loss is possible. Go out there and prove yourself wrong!

submitted by /u/Chewbacca319
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from loseit - Lose the Fat