Sunday, September 20, 2020

Accountability for changing my lifestyle

I was somewhat active on this sub in the past when I was on my weight loss journey. Well recently it was my birthday and I had to celebrate alone due to COVID, and with the stress/depression of another birthday alone I ended up eating much more than I should’ve. I haven’t looked at the scale since before then because I’m too afraid, but I know I’ve gained a few pounds because I can see the fat on me now.

My lifestyle is going to change. Water will become a #1 priority for me. I never want to feel dehydrated again, and never want to eat because I’m actually thirsty.

No more eating out. For the next 7 days I will not eat out from any restaurant of any kind. I will have to make all of my meals myself which will force me to eat less/healthier.

No finishing other people’s foods. Too often do I finish my coworkers burrito or sandwich at lunch because they’re full and don’t want anymore. It doesn’t matter how good it looks or how hungry I am, I have a diet to stick to and that’s that.

No special treats because “I’ve been doing good”. Treats just mess up my stomach and make me feel defeated afterwards. It’s Friday and it’s been a long week and I feel like I deserve a pizza which I have the calories for? No, you’re going to down a 32oz water bottle and make yourself a delicious fish dish or something.

I will do hold myself accountable for the next 7 days, and hopefully after that I will want to continue the streak for as long as possible.

submitted by /u/The_Paper_Cut
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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