Monday, September 28, 2020

A note about discouraging comments.

Hello all. The moderation team here at /r/loseit wants to say that we're so proud of all of you for your continued work and amazing weight loss and self-improvement progress. We wanted to talk a bit about mental health related to weight loss, though. In any journey of personal progress, a person often discovers what an inseparable part mental health plays. While we aren't doctors, or therapists, and don't intend to give medical advice, there is a small matter we wanted to address.

The effect others have on our progress can be pernicious. Negative words from family, friends, or even strangers on the internet can be discouraging, and sometimes make you want to quit. That is why it's so important to find motivation and satisfaction from inside, no matter what others say. Setting realistic goals for yourself and reaching them is such a large part of that -- finding that satisfaction can make a large journey feel like just a few small steps. That's one thing we love about the NSV/SV posts -- small accomplishments can bring a lot of happiness!

Discouragement happens, though, and it can come from unlikely sources. People who are in a different part of their personal progress can speak out of a place of despair, or even jealousy. That's part of the "crabs in a bucket" saying. It can feel like people who see you trying to better yourself react negatively, by trying to sabotage, discourage, or outright hurt you. While, sadly, we can't affect what others do or say, we can affect how we respond to it, and how we proceed. The only person who can make your progress is you. No one else, whether by trying to hurt you or help you, can change your life for you, unless you let them. If you face discouragement, whether from family, friends, or even comments from random users online, keep going. You're making a change for yourself, and you're doing your best to reach your goals and improve yourself. So block that troll. Don't let snide comments slow you down.

We'll all get there, sooner or later. We're rooting for you.

submitted by /u/Penultimately
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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