Monday, September 28, 2020

Dear Scale: You tell dirty lies!

Okay so fam, I go FOUR months on a calorie deficit. Doing great. Decide to take a maintenance break for a couple weeks and gain 10 (read it! TEN!) pounds .... Still looking good though :)

Just wanted to share for all you all who have a tough time with the daily fluctuations. It's normal. It can be jarring but it's normal.

It's definitely been a challenge the last few days to transition back to deficit. I feel like I lost my groove. But I am trying to remind myself of some of my favorite weight loss related thoughts:

  • It feels really good to trade high cal things for low cal "nice" things. It feels like I'm taking care of myself.
  • Boredom is not hunger. Hunger is hunger. Hunger is also not an emergency. Our brains like to think it is because hunger meant we should start looking for food back when it was scarce, or we put ourselves at risk. These days, we can do our best to take over with logic and tell ourselves, "I can wait, the food is right there when I really need it."
  • So many foods are literally engineered to make us overeat. Taking control over that has been really empowering and I like the feeling of knowing I CHOOSE what and how much of it I put in my body.
  • My body is not the bin! I reeeeeally try to not eat stuff that I wouldn't put in a container for later. If I didn't want it enough to save it - why on earth would I eat it?? (In truth it's because I was taught to clear my plate. But I'm really working to retrain that way of thinking.)
  • Trust the process! If I'm eating at a deficit, the scale/measurements WILL go down.


tldr: FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK -- The scale is not the full picture.

submitted by /u/maxxxamillion
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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