Sunday, September 27, 2020

Unsupportive Spouse

TL;DR: spouse is unsupportive of my weight loss and it's starting to negatively affect me. Advice and coping strategies are welcome.

Throw away because my spouse follows my main account.

A little background about me (F34)... Last summer, I started losing weight when my job became more stressful. I wasn't eating as much during the workday and was physically more active at work. I was losing weight without even trying or really even realizing it at first. At the beginning of 2020, the stress let up and I started to make a conscious effort to continue losing weight. I woke earlier to exercise and continued to eat less/snack less.

This summer, I recorded 70lbs of weight loss, went from obese to overweight, and made it under 200lbs. I'm currently at 85lbs of weight loss with a goal to lose another 30lbs.

In May, I gave IF a shot since I was plateauing. It was a good experience and helped me to really understand my impulses to boredom snack and got me away from eating too late in the day. I don't go to a gym or follow any specific diet plan. My exercise consists of an hour on a stationary bike that we own or a 5 to 6 mike walk outside.

I feel better, sleep better, look better. I actually have consistent periods now and the frequency of my headaches and migraines are greatly reduced. Everyone in my family and in-laws have been super supportive of my journey...except for my husband.

My spouse (M35) of 8 years has struggled with my weight loss (his BMI is in the obese category). He says I'm too braggy and recently called me conceited about my weight loss. He told me a few months ago that the more weight I lose, the more self-conscious he becomes. When I started IF, he was always talking about how I'm starving myself to where I've gone away from eating plan so that I don't have to hear that from him.

I try my best to avoid the words diet, weight loss, exercise, etc and to steer clear of anything that might lead to those topics of conversation.

I invite him on my walks and have tried to share my tips on drinking more water, snacking less, eating smarter but he's not interested in trying to lose his own weight.

Upon self reflection, I was very excited leading up to this summer and seeing myself lose weight. I dont think; however, that I've risen to the level of conceited.

His negativity and adversion to my weight loss is starting to weigh on me. Has anyone else had an unsupportive Spouse and found effective ways to cope with it?

submitted by /u/bbwcr
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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