Monday, September 28, 2020

Recovering from illness and struggling a bit

I am mostly a lurker in the r/loseit so don't post too much. For background I'm down 100 lbs overall and 40 since the beginning of the pandemic with roughly 75 to go.

I got either Covid or Fuaxvid in early September, All the covid symptoms including shortness of breath (more on that later) but 2 negative tests. My fever, dry cough, general body pains, and pretty much every other symptom other than shortness of breath and fatigue are gone.

Pre-illness I had worked my way up to running 2-3 miles a day 5 days a week (or the cycling equivalent) and then doing some brisk 1 mile walks on my rest days just to get my legs moving and fresh air.

3 weeks out from my worst symptoms and I just can't break into a run. I can walk, but a soon as the pace increases beyond a brisk walk, I am immediately out of breath, my HR spikes to near VO2 max HR. So I've been walking everyday, but am so frustrated about not being able to exercise hard.

For me, exercise drives weight loss and healthy eating habits. If I train that day, all I want to do is eat grilled chicken and veggies. If I do not train, I want to go back to my old eating habits: fast food and junk food in super human quantities. And comforting myself with food because I feel like shit. I lost 7 lbs the 2 weeks I got sick, but gained them all back +2. I'm not concerned over the number on the scale, but I feel like I'm losing my motivation and discipline and need to get myself back on the wagon. Any ideas while my body is recovering enough to go out there and train hard? I know this is a demon I have to tackle in the future if I get sick again or get an injury.

submitted by /u/PeanutButterSmears
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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