Saturday, September 26, 2020

Healthy caloric deficit

So I’ve started taking my weight loss seriously. I’m currently 320 pounds. 5’8”. 20 years old. (And a guy)

My idea is to eat 1200 calories a day. I’ve done it for a couple days now and I’d be lying if I said it was EASY, I’m hungry as hell but I already feel better. And all it takes is me being mindful of what I put in my mouth for once. With no snacking and no sugary fizzy drinks.

BUT now I’m worried it may be too much of a deficit. My tdee seems to be around 3000 calories from the different calculators I’ve used. I’ve seen a couple posts that say this is too much of a deficit so I’m concerned that I might be damaging myself in my bid to lose all this damned fat.

Any feedback would be greatly appreciated

submitted by /u/reallyfatthrowaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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