Monday, September 28, 2020

Difficulty with weight loss during cal restricted keto

Alright, I’m going to give this a shot to see if any of you beautiful Reddit people have any resources.

I’m struggling with my weight. I’m boarder-line overweight, have been for quite some time. I’ve tried both keto and intermittent fasting multiple times. I’m celiac with multiple other chronic health issue that excess weight makes even worse, so I’ve always been a healthy eater. It’s my most recent effort to loose weight that has me at the end of my rope.

For 10 months I threw myself into a combination of extremely strict clean under 1200 cal keto where I obsessively tracked and calculated macros and weighed/tracked everything (up to and including electrolytes) I consumed. I paired this with daily 16:8 intermittent fasting. My energy levels weren’t consistent throughout this process, and towards the end I found I was getting more and more fatigued; for context I have multiple health conditions that impact energy/pain/stamina, etc. Frustratingly enough I. GAINED. WEIGHT. Specifically what feels like a LOT of belly fat. And my stomach feels permanent bloated (I started low FODMAP again because of this since halting keto... but no luck so far). I have since upped my calories to around 1800 which feels a little bit more manageable, but with it the slow weight gain has continued. I worry that unless I find a solution soon I will be firmly in the overweight category and this will increase my pain and fatigue even more so.

Now I know I’m likely going to get unhelpful responses telling me how I couldn’t possibly have been tracking properly or following keto as strictly as I was, and how it was likely my lack of adherence that screwed things up... I’ve heard this the last few times I’ve asked for help on similar platforms. What I’m cautiously hopeful for is even a few resources as to why this could have occurred and what does end up working in difficult cases. Any help is really appreciated.

submitted by /u/RussetDireWolf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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