Friday, September 25, 2020

🤡 Clown Moves to Avoid During Your Weight-loss Journey

Over the last year, I've managed to drop from being 73kg at 5'2" to 50kg (110lbs). This was only possible by changing the habits and ideas I had about food, eating and health. Along the way I definitely did some clown behaviour that slowed down my weightloss and had other negative consequences. So I'm sharing them today, in hopes that they'll prevent others from doing so:

🤡 #1. Not eating for days. Granted fasting works really well for some people. But what I noticed was, this would always eventually lead to binging/regaining all the weight back. But the important lesson recognising this pattern of behaviour wasn't sustainable for me and stopping.

🤡 #2. Not eating protein. Oh my god I wanna go back and smack myself. Please make sure you eat enough protein or you will lose so much hair, and muscle mass. Also I was binging so much more when I had less than the minimum amount of protein for my height/weight a day. Protein is so essential, I can't stress it enough.

🤡#3. Obsessively weighing myself, especially in a negative mindset. There's nothing good that comes out of it. When you notice yourself obsessing about your weight/food etc, it means you're probably on an unsustainable diet, and something needs to change. Also don't weigh yourself after a binge. Wait a few days, about 3-4 days where you are following your normal routine again. And then feel free to do so.

🤡#4. Restricting the day after a binge. Don't do it. Just follow your normal routine, normal calories (maybe slightly less if you're really full). Don't punish yourself with exercise or eating less. Weight loss needs to come from a place of caring about yourself. Self loathing and hatred will never let you be successful.

🤡#5. Wanting really fast results. The only correct way is a sustainable long term lifestyle change. If you can't see yourself following this "diet" for life, you have the wrong diet. Even if you manage to lose weight short term, you won't have gone through the mental journey, and the habit changes, that will help you sustain this for life.

Please share your own mistakes and clown behaviour down below!

submitted by /u/hsjfthjth
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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