Thursday, October 1, 2020

Finally Making Progress

Hey all,

November 1st of 2020 I took it upon myself to take control of my health. At the time I was this 6'0 650lb guy who had just entered into the first stages of a divorce. After adapting to a healthy eating plan the weight started to come off. The number was moving initially, but I didn't really see any change in my body. After about 6 months, people I knew started mentioning that they could tell I was losing weight. By this time I had lost about 90lbs. As my back, knees and hips stopped hurting as much I was able to start a few physical exercises. It's been 11 months since starting this journey and I've hit a solid -181lbs down. My goal was to lose 200lbs in a year and although close, the weight loss has slowed down some. As much as I want to hit that 200lb mark, I'm ecstatic with the progress I've made so far and even if I miss my goal, I will not see it as a failure.

Here's where I need some input. As an adult with ADHD, let alone poor self image/self esteem, I find relationships are hard to manage. My divorce was finalized earlier this year and I entered the dating scene again. I've met an amazing woman who took the time to get to know me for who I am, not what I am and while I'm delighted, I am not naive to the trouble poor self esteem can cause in this situation. Any tips for improving self image/self esteem during and after weight loss?

submitted by /u/BigBurdBold
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I Hit My Weight Loss Goal! I Lost 20 Lbs in 5 Months

Photos (NSFW)

About me: 5’0, female, started at 131 lbs on May 1, today October 1 I reached 110 lbs. Measurements 30-26-32.

I exercise at least five times a week. Plant based vegetarian/vegan diet. Cardio/strength training.

My body looks way different than it did 5 months ago and I’m happy with the results. People notice too which has felt good!

Stubborn belly fat continues to be an issue, I still have a lot of fat in that area. I really want to get rid of the fat in this area. You know, be able to not squish my tummy rolls :) I’m not sure how much more I can reasonably lose (I only weigh 110 lbs!) If anyone has tips for losing the belly fat, feel free to share!

Thanks for reading 💕

submitted by /u/lizw47
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: haven’t succumbed to cravings for a week!

I had a bit of a NSV today, I haven’t succumbed to any of my cravings for a week, and now after a week of sticking to my meal plan, I don’t really get anywhere near the cravings I go before, and I finally feel content with the healthy food that I am eating.

I know this may seem like a small thing to many of you, but cravings normally dominate me all day, and it’s so easy to end up eating a cake or a bag of Doritos. But after thinking about it, I just thought what is the point? I have 2 minutes of fun when I enjoy the taste, but then feel like shit afterwards!

It may sound cliche, but the key thing that helped me is making “food is fuel, not comfort” my mantra. Whenever I felt like eating bad food, I would ask myself if the food is worth screwing up my day of healthy eating! I also found drinking more water (instead of diet soda) significantly reduced my hunger, and that is a big part of cravings!

I hope this can inspire some people to not cave into their cravings, just as so many posts on this sub-reddit have helped me on my weight loss journey so far.

I’ve just started a 35 day challenge (until the end of October) because My weight loss stalled after losing 45lbs these past few months (check my profile for details and pics) and that has also helped me. I for one, love having structure in my life. It helps to keep me on track. My goal is to lose 25lbs more, then I’ll FINALLY be happy!

Hopefully, I shall soon return to this sub with a SV post marking me finally hitting one-derland.

Thank you to everyone of you who post on this sun, for giving me the will power to carry on when I could easily give up.

submitted by /u/Jack-Dick-King
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advices on Binge Eating Disorder "therapy"

BED = Binge Eating Disorders (in my case the urge to feel "full" of food but it is a very basic summary)

Hello everyone, I'm here to provide you with my journey on my BED "treatment", please feel free to post comments with your advice or review on this

Some context : I have BED mainly associated with stress / boredom and when I start the "cycle" it doesn't end after several months.

I've already performed several diets and losing each year for 3 years 30 kilos then gaining them all back, they were all kind of "hard diet" with 5/7 days of sport

Now I've been back on the BED and this time is way worse than the other times since even with food in the fridge i will order on deliveroo/ubereats even if it's not diet food in the fridge the urge to order was insane (this was two weeks ago)

Now I'm followed by a therapist about that and I'm mainly focusing on CICO while looking for eating to reach my daily goal instead of trying to optimize it I'm doing the opposite, always trying to reach it so i do carve anything

On the previous diet I liked the fast that I was able to lose 20 kilos in 3 to 4 months but after 3 times that diet it proved to be not-achievable on long term

For now based on my therapist input my goals are as follow :

- Focus on losing the BED habit

- Focus on moving more during the day (Walks, sport, ...) but never overextend

- Weight loss is too early : focus on eating correctly

But unfortunately I'm struggling a lot with the weight loss since I would like to see the results quickly, I'm feeling horrible and ugly because of that and I know that my well-being is vastly dependent on that, and even if I've been free from BED for 14 days and the urge is not there so it's super cool because I'm able to control the BED but I'm still struggling to feel good / look forward and accept that I must leave my body lose weight at a slow pace, to be maintainable over time.

Do you think this is ok ? Sorry for the long message and thank you a lot for your reviews

submitted by /u/Darkvirusk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Eat more, lose weight? What is happening?

I have lost and regained weight multiple times, though never got into the "healthy" range. F41: 5'2" CW: 172. To get back into weight loss a few weeks ago, I started tracking food, just to see where I am without making changes at first. I realized that I was only eating between 500-900 cals daily, and only getting 30-50g protein. Wtf. That's not healthy. I read a lot of you on this sub saying protein, protein, protein, so I spent the last week eating more (1100-1500 daily, 80-115g protein), and I am down 3 lbs this week.

Is this where I should try to stay? Was I slowing down my metabolism by not eating enough? Multiple online calculators say I should shoot for 1400cals to lose 1lb/week at my height/weight. Is it even possible to get and stay obese eating that little?

submitted by /u/moanet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No-Low Calorie Ingredients for Flavor and Sauces?

So I recently discovered how wonderful and versatile Dijon Mustard can be for weight loss efforts. There are only 5 calories in one tsp of the stuff and you need to use very little for a single serving of whatever you are making. Before, I was making salads and drizzling olive oil and balsamic vinegar as a dressing, but now I mix together the Dijon mustard, balsamic vinegar and dried herbs such as basil or oregano for my salads and I am saving a lot of calories by nixing the olive oil. (I know I could just use balsamic vinegar alone but that has gotten old after a while lol). I also made a tuna salad the other night and instead of using Mayo or Avocados, I just used the Dijon mustard and it was wonderful! I have also mixed it with red wine vinegar to use as a dressing for my quinoa salads or bean salads that I make for the work week.

So my question to you guys is if you have any other ingredients/condiments that are low in calories that you can easily put into a sauce or dressing w/ minimal ingredients to throw on things for more flavor? Maybe some suggestions that are less acidic than Dijon and vinegars?

submitted by /u/LavenderRobot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling hopeless after thinking I was doing everything right (23F)

Hi everyone- this is mostly a vent but I also wouldn’t mind some advice.

I’m a female grad student and have always struggled with maintaining weight loss. When I moved to college, I was able to restrict my calories to 1200 a day, with a four hour eating window and very quickly lost weight. Of course weekends were awful because I would binge like crazy. Then I regained even more weight but was able to lose it again by shifting to a low carb diet. I’ve been able to maintain pretty well up until a month ago- where I decided to include carbs back in my diet.

Now in that one month I’ve gained so much weight - all my clothes are tight and I just feel uncomfortable and bloated. I hate going to campus on in person days because last year I was so fit and thin but now I’ve blown up- it’s embarrassing. I thought I was helping myself by eating a balanced diet but now I can’t help but want to go back to low carb since I know it works. And everyday I feel like I’m gaining even more weight even though I’m diligently tracking calories.

Just feeling hopeless here. Any advice on going from low carb/cal to a more balanced diet without feeling awful and gaining so much?

I don’t have a weight for reference because i never really liked scales - but I did just buy one to help keep me on track. I’m probably around 130ish since a month ago I was about 120-125. I do work out- but due to school stress I’ve taken a step back from running in the mornings to Pilates workouts

Thanks for any advice y’all :))

submitted by /u/whatthefork2020
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from loseit - Lose the Fat