Monday, October 19, 2020

M/24 Down 66lbs (30kgs) from 256lbs (116.7kgs) to 191lbs (86.8) in 3 months !

weight loss pics

Long time lurker, first time poster. I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life, always being large through high school and college, but I finally found a diet and routine that worked for me.

For the last 5 years I had been working to get under 100kgs with little results. I had lost my job, and put weight on over covid, but refused to come out of this year with nothing

I went from being a XL-XXL in shirts to a M. Pant size 38-40 to 34.

I did a diet of keto (21g carb max) and IMF, mixed in with training 5 times a week Push/Pull/Legs. I also played soccer twice a week for cardio! (I’m from Australia where it’s not too bad with covid)

I’m nowhere being satisfied yet, but I’m super happy with my progress so far !

submitted by /u/A_Mazza3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Logged calories for one month straight

I've been at an uncomfortable level of weight for about 2 1/2 years now. Prior to that I'd been at 175 (I'm a 5'5" woman) for 5 years, which I was actually okay with because I'm hourglass shaped and all the extra weight went to my bum, hips, upper thighs and breasts. But when I went through some pretty serious health issues I ballooned to 245 lbs. I've been trying off and on to lose it ever since.

Let me say up front that I hate logging calories. Hate it. So for those 2 1/2 years I tried to get my weight down in ways that worked in the past as this isn't my first weight loss rodeo. Intuitive eating, OMAD, vegetarianism. I couldn't stick with any of them. I went on a camping trip with my family this August, and looking through the pictures of myself from that trip, I couldn't stand any of them. I decided I was going to have to bite the bullet and submit to calorie counting.

After a shaky and non-commital start, as of today I've logged for 30 straight days. I haven't weighed myself in that time (I personally find it discouraging to only see small decreases in the scale) or taken measurements, but I feel like I can see a difference already, particularly in my waist and hips. In that time I've gone over my calorie budget 3 times by 100-300 kcal and plenty of days I've gone under. I'm still learning which meals/snacks work best for my goals, but overall I'm feeling pretty good about the future. I'm supposed to get married August 1st, and more than anything I want to feel beautiful and confident on that day.

submitted by /u/LastArmistice
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I being ridiculous?

I'm 5'10 179 lbs dude, My latest journey through fitness and weight loss has been my most successful ever. I've flirted with having a healthy lifestyle on and off since I was a teenager but I always seemed to be more of a yo-yoer than anything else. I'm proud to say for the last 5.5 months I've been able to steadily lose around 45 lbs and I'm at a level of fitness that I thought I could personally never achieve. I felt like the plateau was an inevitable factor because of my genetics and that I would be stuck at a certain weight. This time though I just stayed as consistent as I could and I was finally able to overcome a certain number that plagued me for years. So, I'm happy and getting more fit each day, have a very sustainable diet and lifestyle that has been the furthest thing from difficult, at least, that's how its seemed for the last few months. Overall, I feel like I'm sprinting past my goals and I'm loving every second of it. However, something just happened on my way home from work that hasn't happened at all since I started and I just want to know I'm not alone.

I'm a binge eater through and through, fast food being my drug of choice. I work in construction so it just became so easy to stop at taco bell for lunch and then hit it up again on the way home and yes, sometimes again late at night. I've always been active so even with my penchant for tacobell and the several packages of oreos I would destroy on the weekdays, I never got to far from obesity 2 or whatever. My Job requires me to move and somewhat strength train so that was a boon for me in a way. Still, I could easily put away 5-6 thousand calories a night.

Onto what happened. I was driving home and I saw the tacobell on my right side fast approaching before I got on the expressway. I've passed it 100s of times now and kept it out of my mind but this time something pulled me in. I started to think about the food and memories I had attached with them and how nice it made me feel. I pulled in and almost instinctively got in line for the drive through. While I was waiting there I felt a pit in my stomach, not hunger but something else entirely. I tried to ignore it and kept moving up in line but out of nowhere I just had tears rolling down my cheeks. I could see myself in my mirror and it made me feel actual fear, like, "Why the hell am I crying? What is wrong with me? I've been good, I can eat one quesarito and it isn't going to ruin my progress." I mean, that's logical right? I've had a slight calorie deficit and been exercising consistently for months and it was working. So one dumb cheesey , steak filled, calorie dense piece of junk food wouldn't be enough to reverse all my hard work, right? Well, I pulled back and parked my car and just sat there in the tacobell parking lot, crying. Grown ass man, afraid to eat a piece of food because I can't trust myself to let it end there.

I don't know, I'm just looking for some solidarity I guess. This is my first post on Reddit and I just didn't have anyone else in my life that could possibly relate to this. I know many other people are out there struggling to lose more than I could ever fathom so I don't wanna sound like woe as me, all of our challenges are valid. Good Luck everyone.

submitted by /u/Doorsopenletsgo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Week 2 Update - What a difference seven days can make!

You were all so incredibly supportive to me last week, and several of you have reached out in the last day or two, so I thought I should post an update today on how things are going.

I started my weight loss journey seven days ago at 473.3. This morning I weighed in at 455.0, for a total loss of 18.3lbs! I am certain that much of this is water weight, and my progress will slow soon, but I’m absolutely thrilled with what I was able to do this week.

I have also had three NSV’s this week!

First, I’ve lost 1.5 inches off my waist and need to add a few new holes to my belt to keep my pants up.

Second, I was able to bend over and put on/take off the walking boot I’m currently using for a broken foot. Previously I needed to awkwardly put my leg up on a chair or the bumper of my car to adjust it. I know this may seem minor to some, but it’s such a tangible improvement in my quality of life, I am overjoyed. Thankfully, the walking boot should come off Thursday pending any unforeseen issues.

Third, while I am obviously still diabetic, my glucose numbers have begun trending downward. A user from /r/SuperMorbidlyObese graciously invited me to a Diabetes support group on Discord, and that community, like this one, has been immensely helpful as I began to make these long-term changes this week.

I will mention that about half-way through the week I made the decision to follow a Keto diet. This is day four of that, and I have been experiencing some of the symptoms of the “keto flu” (though as of this morning I do feel a bit better; I hope that lasts!). Also, If anyone is looking for a good food log program, my Diabetes group friends turned me on to Carb Manager and I personally like it much better than MyFitnessPal.

Alright, this has gotten long so it’s time to wrap it up. Thanks again for all your help and support, folks. Have a great week!

submitted by /u/Tostito-Bandito
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Certain family members don't like that I'm trying to be healthy...

For some concise background information: the majority of women on both sides of my family are either overweight or obese, and unfortunately, health issues/risks run pretty high (heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, and joint/bone problems, to name a few). I already have a few health issues regarding my respiratory and immune system, so I've always been cautious about my weight and health since I'm already at a slight disadvantage compared to the majority of my cousins/relatives.

I'll start by saying I'm definitely not extremely healthy, but I'm no couch potato. However, since quarantine, I've packed on some extra weight, and two months ago, I decided that I needed to be proactive and shed the weight (and more) off. When I first weighed myself, sad to say that I was more than a little disappointed with the number on the scale. 165 lbs. Yikes. It's not the highest I've ever been (that would be in middle school when I was closer to 200 lbs), but it definitely was a much-needed shock to my system to get my butt in gear. While I eat relatively healthy (I'm a pescatarian and lactose-intolerant), I knew that I needed to exercise more if I really wanted to lose the weight.

So, I started walking a mile every day, and once I felt comfortable, I started jogging for 30 sec every other minute and got to a point where I could maintain that interval of jogging for longer periods of time. (Now I can jog for a good 30 mins without stopping!) Initially, I hadn't planned on announcing any sort of weight loss journey or anything like that, but once I was down to 155 lbs, I felt the need to celebrate it.

This would, in turn, be the starting point for snide and judgemental comments from my family.

My family isn't new to gossiping about other relatively in front of others or badmouthing them. So, I should've seen it coming, in all honesty. The short post I had made on Facebook was, 'Down 10 lbs, only 30 more to go!'. And it was enough to have a flurry of passive-aggressive comments by my 'supportive' family members. Some of which were:

'I can barely tell the difference, great job!'

'[Name], you don't need to lose any weight! You'd feel a lot better if you actually ate food!'

'Good for you! But don't lose too much, you don't want to be one THOSE people...'

'👍 doing great, hunny! I hope you're having fun!'

'[Name] everyone knows diets don't work! Be careful!!! You'll probably gain it all back after a few months of this, but best of luck!'

While their comments I could tune out since I barely use Facebook at this point, when I talked to them over the phone, their disapproving tone was apparent, and they started making assumptions as to why I wanted to lose weight. The whole argument that I'm doing this for some guy and it's not healthy, and I'm losing so much weight too fast that I must be doing something else to lose weight.

At this point, the comments are a bit ridiculous, but I know these people, so I really shouldn't be surprised. It's not like I'm throwing it at everyone or posting about it constantly. I don't bring it up at all in conversations or brag about it. (Because of personal reasons and body issues.) Yes, I'm proud of myself for losing weight but damn, I just wish they had something else to gossip about. I'd be lying if I said that it didn't bother me since this is my family. I guess this is just another obstacle to overcome (or, at the very least, ignore). But as of today that I'm writing this, I'm finally at 149 lbs!

If anyone has any tips for dealing with this, I'd highly appreciate it or if you have experienced something similar!?

P.s. They have said harsher and more vulgar things to me but I didn't want to include them because I didn't want this to end up being NSFW! Sorry!

submitted by /u/codenamekoda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weigh Loss/Body Measurement Tracker, and Small Wins Chart!

Hey Guys!

I just wanted to share a little chart I made myself, and hoping it helps me to stick to my goals and stay on track. I started by making a chart that tracks my measurements, BMI and Body Fat percentage.

I also made a little "calendar" where I can cross off each and every pound lost. My goal is to lose 40 pounds and get into the "normal" BMI category!

My stats: 28F, 5'5 SW: 179 CW: 177 GW: 140

I'm looking for some ideas for celebrating weight loss small wins that don't include food! Here's what I have so far:

175lbs, 29 BMI : Pedicure

170lbs, 29 BMI: New Sports Bra/Leggings

165lbs, 28 BMI: Pedicure

160lbs, 27 BMI: 20 pounds lost! Facial

155lbs, 26 BMI: Pedicure

150lbs, 25 BMI: New Lingerie Set

145lbs, 24 BMI: Pedicure

140lbs, 24 BMI: 40 pounds lost! Ultimate goal- New Tattoo!

What do you guys do to celebrate yourself and keep yourself motivated when you have a significant amount of weight to lose?

Thanks for all advice and ideas!

Here's a pic of my chart if anyone wants to replicate:

submitted by /u/plaun006
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

At my breaking point

TRIGGER WARNING: Eating disorders, suicidal thought mention.

Hi all. I’m 27/f/5’6/275 pounds and I’ve been overweight basically my whole life but right now I’m at my heaviest. I’ve tried it all, CICO, prescription weigh loss medication, keto, you name it and nothing seems to stick. I lose motivation if I see the number on the scale not be where I want it. I’ve hit some dark times in my life, borderline suicidal as a teen, but mentally I feel like I’m in a good place with that. I just still have a lot of self confidence issues. Ironically the last time I weighed anywhere near a healthy weight was right after I had my daughter almost three years ago and was breastfeeding I was down to 190. But since I stopped the pounds just won’t go away. I began researching weight loss surgeries but they freak me out a little. Any advice or comforting words would be so great.

Thank you.

submitted by /u/killerkitty0517
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from loseit - Lose the Fat