Monday, October 19, 2020

Am I being ridiculous?

I'm 5'10 179 lbs dude, My latest journey through fitness and weight loss has been my most successful ever. I've flirted with having a healthy lifestyle on and off since I was a teenager but I always seemed to be more of a yo-yoer than anything else. I'm proud to say for the last 5.5 months I've been able to steadily lose around 45 lbs and I'm at a level of fitness that I thought I could personally never achieve. I felt like the plateau was an inevitable factor because of my genetics and that I would be stuck at a certain weight. This time though I just stayed as consistent as I could and I was finally able to overcome a certain number that plagued me for years. So, I'm happy and getting more fit each day, have a very sustainable diet and lifestyle that has been the furthest thing from difficult, at least, that's how its seemed for the last few months. Overall, I feel like I'm sprinting past my goals and I'm loving every second of it. However, something just happened on my way home from work that hasn't happened at all since I started and I just want to know I'm not alone.

I'm a binge eater through and through, fast food being my drug of choice. I work in construction so it just became so easy to stop at taco bell for lunch and then hit it up again on the way home and yes, sometimes again late at night. I've always been active so even with my penchant for tacobell and the several packages of oreos I would destroy on the weekdays, I never got to far from obesity 2 or whatever. My Job requires me to move and somewhat strength train so that was a boon for me in a way. Still, I could easily put away 5-6 thousand calories a night.

Onto what happened. I was driving home and I saw the tacobell on my right side fast approaching before I got on the expressway. I've passed it 100s of times now and kept it out of my mind but this time something pulled me in. I started to think about the food and memories I had attached with them and how nice it made me feel. I pulled in and almost instinctively got in line for the drive through. While I was waiting there I felt a pit in my stomach, not hunger but something else entirely. I tried to ignore it and kept moving up in line but out of nowhere I just had tears rolling down my cheeks. I could see myself in my mirror and it made me feel actual fear, like, "Why the hell am I crying? What is wrong with me? I've been good, I can eat one quesarito and it isn't going to ruin my progress." I mean, that's logical right? I've had a slight calorie deficit and been exercising consistently for months and it was working. So one dumb cheesey , steak filled, calorie dense piece of junk food wouldn't be enough to reverse all my hard work, right? Well, I pulled back and parked my car and just sat there in the tacobell parking lot, crying. Grown ass man, afraid to eat a piece of food because I can't trust myself to let it end there.

I don't know, I'm just looking for some solidarity I guess. This is my first post on Reddit and I just didn't have anyone else in my life that could possibly relate to this. I know many other people are out there struggling to lose more than I could ever fathom so I don't wanna sound like woe as me, all of our challenges are valid. Good Luck everyone.

submitted by /u/Doorsopenletsgo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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