Monday, October 19, 2020

Certain family members don't like that I'm trying to be healthy...

For some concise background information: the majority of women on both sides of my family are either overweight or obese, and unfortunately, health issues/risks run pretty high (heart diseases, high blood pressure, diabetes, and joint/bone problems, to name a few). I already have a few health issues regarding my respiratory and immune system, so I've always been cautious about my weight and health since I'm already at a slight disadvantage compared to the majority of my cousins/relatives.

I'll start by saying I'm definitely not extremely healthy, but I'm no couch potato. However, since quarantine, I've packed on some extra weight, and two months ago, I decided that I needed to be proactive and shed the weight (and more) off. When I first weighed myself, sad to say that I was more than a little disappointed with the number on the scale. 165 lbs. Yikes. It's not the highest I've ever been (that would be in middle school when I was closer to 200 lbs), but it definitely was a much-needed shock to my system to get my butt in gear. While I eat relatively healthy (I'm a pescatarian and lactose-intolerant), I knew that I needed to exercise more if I really wanted to lose the weight.

So, I started walking a mile every day, and once I felt comfortable, I started jogging for 30 sec every other minute and got to a point where I could maintain that interval of jogging for longer periods of time. (Now I can jog for a good 30 mins without stopping!) Initially, I hadn't planned on announcing any sort of weight loss journey or anything like that, but once I was down to 155 lbs, I felt the need to celebrate it.

This would, in turn, be the starting point for snide and judgemental comments from my family.

My family isn't new to gossiping about other relatively in front of others or badmouthing them. So, I should've seen it coming, in all honesty. The short post I had made on Facebook was, 'Down 10 lbs, only 30 more to go!'. And it was enough to have a flurry of passive-aggressive comments by my 'supportive' family members. Some of which were:

'I can barely tell the difference, great job!'

'[Name], you don't need to lose any weight! You'd feel a lot better if you actually ate food!'

'Good for you! But don't lose too much, you don't want to be one THOSE people...'

'👍 doing great, hunny! I hope you're having fun!'

'[Name] everyone knows diets don't work! Be careful!!! You'll probably gain it all back after a few months of this, but best of luck!'

While their comments I could tune out since I barely use Facebook at this point, when I talked to them over the phone, their disapproving tone was apparent, and they started making assumptions as to why I wanted to lose weight. The whole argument that I'm doing this for some guy and it's not healthy, and I'm losing so much weight too fast that I must be doing something else to lose weight.

At this point, the comments are a bit ridiculous, but I know these people, so I really shouldn't be surprised. It's not like I'm throwing it at everyone or posting about it constantly. I don't bring it up at all in conversations or brag about it. (Because of personal reasons and body issues.) Yes, I'm proud of myself for losing weight but damn, I just wish they had something else to gossip about. I'd be lying if I said that it didn't bother me since this is my family. I guess this is just another obstacle to overcome (or, at the very least, ignore). But as of today that I'm writing this, I'm finally at 149 lbs!

If anyone has any tips for dealing with this, I'd highly appreciate it or if you have experienced something similar!?

P.s. They have said harsher and more vulgar things to me but I didn't want to include them because I didn't want this to end up being NSFW! Sorry!

submitted by /u/codenamekoda
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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