Thursday, October 22, 2020

Exercise advise for beginner

Seeking exercise advise...

I’m currently working towards weight loss (I’ve lost 8lbs in about 2 weeks, and 13lbs from my highest weight overall) and making some lifestyle changes.

I (27F) am 5’7 and currently a little over 294lbs. I’m working with a dietician on food and have been actively incorporating the changes she has recommended, but I’m wondering if/when I should incorporate more exercise. I work a sedentary job and didn’t want to dive head first into exercise but more ease myself in, so right now I do 30mins of walking 4-6 times a week, and I’ll get about 1.25miles In that 30mins so it’s very much leisured walking, although the last three times I’m dragging a 12inch bike for part of that walk because my child doesn’t like the feeling when riding on our rough roads lol.

Could I get some suggestions that I could incorporate into my future regiment? Or anything to ease myself more into exercises?


submitted by /u/Psyren0824
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you deal with family/partners while losing weight?

Hello fellow "losers",

I'm fairly new here and just atcthe beginning of my weight loss journey and have the following question: Did you tell your family about your plan to loose weight? Or did you just do it without announcement?

I'm losing weight for health reasons (and of course also for esthetic reasons) and I just want to do it without much discussion. My family is very health concious and everyone except me is very slender. I've lost weight before and my parents and grandparents felt like this was the most magnificent thing.

I mean losing weight is great, but I don't want my "fight with my weight" be my greatest accomplishment in their eyes and I don't want my diet to be the new dinner table conversation. I've had that before and it never proved helpful, it only made me resent my family.

Thankfully I live with my partner and I'm in charge of cooking, so the lifestyle change goes well so far. I'm just very afraid that as soon as the weight loss become visible I'll let my family's opinion of what I should eat or don't get to me.

How do you deal with this? Being the only not-thin person in your family and getting more or less helpful advice from them?

submitted by /u/cactus1989
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First big milestone - BMI below 40

Who remembers typing ASL in a chatroom? Well I’m 33/M/UK

  • SW: 306lbs / 139KG
  • CW: 262lbs / 119KG
  • GW: 160lbs / 73KG
  • Height: 5"7

This post is really for me to reflect and take stock about what I’ve achieved. It’s a kind of short term landmark in the grand scheme of things, but one I’m really happy with. My BMI score is now below 40, after starting out at 47. As previously during the height of lockdown I was technically in the vulnerable category which felt utterly stupid and avoidable. 40 is often the point where people start to mention bad things happening as well!

I started my latest journey at the beginning of the year (oh yes, I’ve lost weight before). Lockdown really hampered my progress and I went partially backwards – not in an absolutely terrible way. More in a kind of 2 steps forward, 1 step back way. Thanks to my renewed motivation I have now taken that step forward again and done another step.

My goal

My goal isn’t radical or different to anyone else’s. It’s to be in a “healthy” BMI range. I feel like this encapsulates all the other things I want to achieve too. (Fit smaller clothes, be fitter, etc.)

My motivation

Motivation and the goal and kind of synonymous right? I think yes and no. Obviously your overall goal can be massive – mine is. I’ve broken mine down into small “sub-goals”. While I want to lose 150lbs, I know this won’t happen in a day, week, month, or maybe even a year. That’s a long time and can lead you to feel demoralised on occasion. We live in a society of instant gratification. There’s very little in life that takes this long to get if you really want it.

I’ve broken my sub goals down to:

  • BMI Score into each category – this is probably the biggest and longest wait of all the sub goals. But these weights are individual to you.
  • Number of stone lost (we use stone in the UK as standard – 14 stones in a pound) – it’s really arbitrary but losing 14, 21, 28, 35 pounds aren’t really achievements people share are they? But what about a stone, a stone and a half, 2 stone, 2 and a half stone? Already sounds great.
  • Being under certain amount of stone
  • Number of KG lost (I wouldn’t normally do KG – and to be honest didn’t follow it properly until recently – more later)
  • Being under a certain amount of KG
  • Percentage of weight lost (looking at 5, 10, 15, 20) – again these are arbitrary figures and really individual to you. Nobody celebrates losing 15.3lbs normally – you do if that’s 5 percent!

You’ll be amazed how frequent these milestones are and how motivating it is. So far I’ve passed 23 of these – it certainly makes me feel better about myself.

I play football/soccer once a week in something called “Man v Fat Football” which is a UK nationwide programme specialising in weight loss while playing football. Losing weight each week gives my team goal bonuses for the match we play. Many of the games are won “off the pitch”. If I lose weight each week, I know I’m scoring bonus goals! Google it – it’s a fantastic scheme, it’s basically weight watchers or slimming world but aimed at men.

This scheme was initially how I started to lose weight and helps week to week focus on others not just myself.


  • I’ve really gotten into Swimming at my local 25m pool, and I go everyday (since it reopened early August). I started out doing 64 lengths (it’s a mile – I love to mix metric and imperial apparently) of breaststroke. I now do 70 lengths in a quicker time than I used to do 64 two months ago.
  • I go for walks 3 or so times a week, only about an hour at a time. Normally stick a podcast on my headphones. o
  • 30 minutes of football (soccer) a week.
  • Household chores count – get the vacuum, brush and lawn mower out!


I have to be fairly strict otherwise I know I’ll fail. I have the same breakfast and lunch each day (relatively speaking) and I’ll snack on fruit and veg. I’ll then allow myself variation on the evening meal. Something which is max 800 calories. I’ve got a passion for cooking so this is actually hobby for me, and I think pairs really well with weight loss and exercise. There’s nothing I wouldn’t eat for an evening meal – nothing is excluded – you’d be surprised what tasty food you can make within this remit.

I’d say I eat somewhere between 1300 and 1500 calories a day.

Same lunch and breakfast helps me to know my calories each day without doing too much thinking.

I drink water and I’ll have 3 or 4 cups of white coffee a day. I’ve cut out alcohol etc. because I know it really impacts my weight loss (the alcohol firstly, and the inevitable foods that you have!)

Other tips which work for me

I don’t weigh myself every day. In other times in my life, I have done this. This isn’t going to do your mental health any good. Weight fluctuations in a day or between days are perfectly normal.

submitted by /u/wardyms
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

NSV - Lady at my gym complimented my weight loss and muscle gains!

This is my first post after months of lurking on here. I wanted to share this validating moment at my gym.

A little bit of background - my journey started back in June. Right after COVID had begun I was participating in all these bad habits (drinking, smoking, overeating, inactivity) that were starting to take a toll on my mental health. While this was happening I had to visit my family last minute due to a health scare with my father. All of these issues he was going through were preventable - heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure - the works! I had this moment where I didn't want to put my future family in that position, I didn't want to live my life that way. Something clicked, and I've gone from 198 lbs to 178 lbs through CICO and really focusing on weightlifting. The focus on weight lifting has changed my shape quite a bit, since I never truly focused on my upper body before. I have a ways to go, my goal is to hit 140, but I've really enjoyed the journey so far! I've committed to keeping my weight loss progress slow, in order to make it truly sustainable (avg 1 lb a week).

Typically I hit the gym around 4-5 times a week (mixing in cardio as well) and make it a point to talk with all the staff. Since we really see each other often, it's only natural. This week I was speaking to one of the ladies in Spanish about the neighborhood (we're one of the few latinas in the area) and during our conversation she mentioned that she really admired my commitment to come to the gym regularly. She said she wished her daughters had that drive and that she loved seeing me not shy away from the weights like a lot of other women do.

It was such a quick little moment but it really made me feel proud of what I've done so far. I'm excited to see what the future holds since I can truly see myself doing this for a long time.

TLDR; Lady at my gym gave me a compliment and I felt seen :)

submitted by /u/AMillyMiles
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

96 days into a focused CICO/fasting/exercise lifestyle, and thrilled with the results -- but for the past week I have suddenly been extremely and unpleasantly hungry, all the time. Nothing obvious has changed, so what might be going on?

I imagine that stress could play a part in this, because this is an almost unbearable time for me generally, but for whatever reason I've found over the past few days that I'm just starving, constantly, and I have no idea why. Even immediately after eating what would have been a filling meal for me a month ago, I still feel those empty pangs. I don't imagine I'm burning any more calories than usual, as if anything I've curtailed my exercise regimen slightly due to how swamped with work I've been. Still, I'm eating the calories I've set out as my goal for each day, and some days a very tiny bit more. My weight loss continues at a steady (if slightly slower) rate.

I got through three months of this without this problem and am not sure why I suddenly feel like an empty barrel all the time now. All I want to do is eat an entire pizza or bag of chips or a bag of cookies and it's really starting to freak me out. Just today I found myself with the peanut butter jar open and a spoon in my hand and I don't even really remember how I got there.

A vitamin deficiency, maybe? I eat a varied diet that prioritizes fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins; I also take a daily multivitamin as well as supplemental D, C and B12. I guess it's possible that something in here isn't enough even with all of this, but I have to confess that precisely tracking every vitamin I ingest is beyond my ability at this point.

Could it be the cold? The temperature is dropping significantly here after a mild spell, especially at night, and I haven't turned the heaters on in my apartment yet. Presumably this must have some impact, as my body is working slightly harder to stay warm or whatever, but I don't know if it could have this noticeable an impact. This is my first winter, ever, trying to do something like this. There's probably a lot I haven't thought about.

What do you think? Has anyone experienced a sudden bout of this after a long period of seeming consistency?

submitted by /u/ColonelBy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

NSV: Friends noticed my weight loss BUT...

I've lost 8kg since April (I know that's very slow, slower than I'd like it to be but I go through periods of losing and maintaining because I want it to be a lifestyle change) and have recently gained 1.5kg because I kind of let myself go for a few weeks, but I was aware of that and am on my way to lose it again. I'm not at my goal weight by any means, about 10-12kg away.

I met two of my friends last night for the first time since March and both of them commented on my weight loss saying I looked really good and how my skin had improved so much and let me tell you it was the best feeling in the world! But then one of my friends said that she "wasn't going to eat for 2 days because she wants to lose some weight before leaving for a family reunion this weekend." My other friend said that she's "going to have to watch what she puts in her mouth" Neither of them have had a problem with their bodies since I've known them. They've always loved their body and been confident. Now that I think of it, I've been the fat friend all along. As much as I'm proud of myself for making healthier choices, I feel like my weight loss is impacting them negatively and I don't know how to feel about that or deal with that.

TL;DR: My weight loss may have impacted friends' perception of their bodies negatively and I don't know what I should do about it.

submitted by /u/voidmushroom
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

62lbs down in 6 months. I look in the mirror and still just see ugliness

Hi everyone. I (34f) am working from home during all the covid stuff which has actually been a huge blessing for me. I get to spend more time with my kiddo and husband. Husband and I have been working hard at losing weight. Started things in May and I am down to 288 from 350. I see the weight loss, and feel it. Im working hard, eating right and exercising and physically feel so much better. I know I have more to go and I am taking it in stride. However, now I feel like the damage is done and I just hate looking at my body. I still feel like I look the same and have not come very far at all. Have any if you felt this way? How have you coped with it? I do see a therapist for binge eating disorder and she believes I have some body dismorphia issues as well. Covid has actually helped me get my shit together and I do not want to ever go back. Thanks for the help.

submitted by /u/jumpropesally
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from loseit - Lose the Fat