Monday, April 19, 2021

need advice(?) for 60-70 lb weight loss (women specifically)

This is for women who have lost 60+ pounds. How much smaller/how many bra sizes did you go down once you lost 60-70 lbs? And where there any exercises/work outs that helped you lose breast fat?

I started at 5’5 and 183 and currently i’m down to 174, and my goal weight is around 115. I noticed that as i’ve lost weight so far my rib cage has gotten smaller and my bra band feel really loose but my actual breasts haven’t gotten smaller. I’m really scared that once i lose the 70 lbs my boobs wont be that much smaller, they are pretty big and uncomfortable but i want to lose 70 lbs before i even consider a breast reduction.

submitted by /u/em0pisces
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Artificial sugars & diet sodas were critical to my weight loss/maintenance. Since cutting them out for three weeks, I’m recognizing I may be sensitive to them. Any advice?

For three weeks straight I cut out all artificial sweeteners from my diet.

That meant no diet coke, no coke zero, no splenda, no equal.

I replaced all of the above with water, iced tea, and sparkling water.

By week four I was really missing my diet soda and my splenda and equal in my coffee every morning. I realized too that the sweeteners helped me eat less sugar versus more. I noticed after looking at myfitnesspal over the past three weeks that I'd eaten more addedsugar than ever before.

So, the next morning I decided to add some equal (aspartame) to my coffee, no more than two packets.

Maybe an hour or so later, I started feeling nauseous, headaches, etc.

I thought that was odd, but went on with my day despite my head really hurting. I had some splenda in my iced coffee later that day and noticed some bloating, a mild headache but not that bad.

I tried it again the next day, and soon after I drank a coke zero (aspartame) the headaches and nausea returned.

I know it has to do with artificial sweeteners because that is the ONLY thing that changed in my diet.

It seems splenda/sucralose doesn’t give me as much of a reaction as equal/aspartame does. Stevia, i’m not really a big fan of.

However, this whole experience is really leaving me bummed out because artificial sweeteners are the only things helping me not overeat on snacks and sweets.

Has this happened to anyone else? Anyone have some advice?

submitted by /u/chrysanthemym
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Finally stuck to a diet for a day!!!!

(Male, 15, 5’11, SW 260, CW 265

First, some background. I have always been “fat”, and I never really thought much of a diet of exercise. This changed in 8th grade when I felt like doing something about it. I joined the wrestling team, something that is very weight based, at that time I was 240, and I couldn’t go past 250, and I liked that kind of mindset. So I did wrestling, and I didn’t loose much weight because I would go home and eat whatever because I “deserved” it for doing practice that day, which really set me back.

Skip forward to last June and I found a scale, and I was super stunned to see that I was at 260. I wanted to go back down below 250 because of wrestling. So my dad helped me set up a diet and I somehow managed to loose 10 pounds in about 10 days of the diet, along with some sort of exercise everyday. After that 10 days I binged on pizza, and it all went downhill from there. From June to August I slowly gained back the weight due to me not being motivated. I already signed up for football before school shutdown, and luckily that was starting back up in September. I managed to loose 20 pounds from football and a somewhat diet. This put me at 240, just in time for wrestling, the same weight I was last year. I reached my goal for wrestling.

Wrestling went on for all of November, but the start of December, my state shut down all winter sports for a month. This was okay as for as my weight loss. But it changed end of December when my family and I went to Disney. I gained 10 pounds in the week we were gone, putting me at 250. That was fine for wrestling cuz of a two pound allowance (I know it’s confusing)

But since wrestling ended I’ve gone back up to 265. And today marks the first day of me starting back up the diet after weeks of me trying to start one, but ending up giving up at the end of the day and start binging. I hope to go back down again, but for next years wrestling the weight class I would be in would be 215-285. For anyone who knows wrestling that is all the heavyweights, and if I weigh less then that means it will be harder for me, but I might be on JV since I will be a sophomore next year and there will be someone else in 215-285, and that should give me time to (hopefully) drop down below 215.

Anyways thank you for reading this. I would greatly appreciate advice from someone in similar shoes.

submitted by /u/Toadliam769
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing weight without tracking calories/food intake?

23/F 5’6” SW: 150lbs CW: 150lbs GW: 130lbs

So I’ve struggled with losing weight for a long time (being that every time that I want to, I literally can’t), and I noticed that the only time that it was even a little successful for me was when I joined WW and was tracking every little thing I ate. Although it was helpful and gave me a good start, it started to get pricey over time and tracking things became very tedious and hard to keep up with (when I would out to dinner with friends or at a family BBQ and didn’t know the exact nutritional breakdown of everything going in my body), which would cause me to lose motivation and end up back at square one again. Another reason why I’m trying to avoid tracking food all together is that I now live in France and even though I speak the language, the food labels and metric measurement system still confuses me.

So in summary: have any of you have any luck with weight loss without keeping track of calories or food intake? Basically just sticking to a general outline of a diet where you focus on eating healthier fresh foods, limiting carb intake without completely eliminating them (I personally don’t believe anything strictly keto style is sustainable in the long run). If not, I was wondering if any of you could offer me tips/resources/advice for tracking or easy (and cheap) apps I could use for it?

Thank you everyone in advance and I wish you all luck on your own journeys 💕 (I stumbled across this group today and it seems like a really great resource)

submitted by /u/amandacurrann
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How have people reacted to your weight loss?

To those who have lost weight and it became noticeable to others, how have they reacted to it?

I just wanted to hear about others experiences with people’s reactions to their own weight loss, it’s one of the most interesting topics for me to explore and regardless of the bad and good I like reading about how things have changed.

I’ve lost around 20-30lbs the last half of a year and have less then 20 to go for my goal weight. My weight loss has been noticed by people because I lose weight in my face/upper body/waist first and lower half last. So when they see my face they tend to be quick to see me skinnier and comment on it.

I’ve gotten marveled comments about “how much weight you’ve lost!” And how skinny I look, but I’ve also been asked if I was starving myself for some reason.

My relatives tend to have a big focus on me and my cousins weights and bodies, often people noting when one of us had lost weight or “how chubby” one had gotten or looked. I’m thankful that my more immediate family doesn’t make comments on my weight unless I look skinnier but my cousins are really not lucky.

So how have people reacted to your weight loss?

submitted by /u/Agrian_cusz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

After finally reaching my weight loss goal last week, I cried today during sex because I hated how my boobs looked.

I'm not sure what I want to get out of this post, I just need to get it off my chest (no pun intended).

Over the last 8 years, I've been on and off diets trying to get to my (in my eyes) ideal weight: 60 kg. At my heaviest I weighed about 80kg and my biggest boob size was 85D. I've had a great cico streak since september and lost the final 8,5 kg to get to 60. I couldn't be happier that I finally did it!

I like that I lost the weight, I really do. I feel healthier, I love my face and how more defined my smile is, I love how clothes fit me way better, I love the feeling of seeing myself in pictures and in the mirror and seeing a lean person.

I just really, really hate the fact that my boobs have shrunk and begun to sag a bit. They're a B at best now. My bras don't fill up anymore so I'm just wearing a soft bralette atm which means I practically have no chest in wider shirts. But in clothing it's not the biggest issue, the overall nice lean look I have now evens it out imo.

This evening I was on hands and knees, naked, because reasons, and I looked at my boobs and they were just hanging there like two flat little cones. The sight of it just made me tear up and we had to stop because I was so sad. My boyfriend does a great job of making me feel beautiful in case you were wondering, tonight however no amount of compliments and love could stop my sadness.

I miss my fat girl boobs. I hope that with some strength training (the gyms will hopefully open in a month or so), it'll tighten a little bit. But for now, I'm just trying to get used to the fact that at 26.. I'm already dealing with saggy boobs. I'd hoped to save that for 40 year old me after 3 children, but alas.

submitted by /u/MayiaBlue
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Maintenance Monday: April 19, 2021

If you've reached your goal weight and you're looking for a space to discuss with fellow maintainers, this is the thread for you! Whether you're brand new to maintenance or you've been doing it for years, you're welcome to use this space to chat about anything and everything related to the experience of maintaining your weight loss.

Hey everyone, here's your weekly discussion thread! Tell us how maintenance and life in general is going for you this week! And if you missed last week's (or simply want to reread), here's a link.

If there's a specific topic you'd like to see covered in a future thread, please drop a comment or message!

submitted by /u/satisphoria
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from loseit - Lose the Fat