Friday, July 9, 2021

Vent: I realized tonight that I feel like I need to have the “right” reasons for losing weight before I “deserve” to keep it off

Background: Lifetime of yo-yo dieting and weight shifts, lots of family involved in the same lifestyle too. I decided a few years back I wanted to refocus my weight loss on health and not looks, spending more time on being active and energetic over aiming for an impossible size or high school weight.

Since then, I’ve self-sabotaged a lot by telling myself I need to get my head right before losing weight - and by that I mean I can’t jump back into calorie counting or exercising if I have any embarrassment or shame or anger at my body whatsoever. And I realized how counterproductive this was. Shockingly, telling myself I can’t lose weight (or shouldn’t try to) until I’m perfectly happy with the body I have now and hold no ill feelings against it just flat out backfires. So here I am, not losing weight and saying I can’t until I am happy exactly where I am, which I’m not.

It’s taken me awhile to have this sink in, hopefully it helps someone else. I’m going to start again before my intentions are completely “right” and make this mental journey alongside my weight loss journey. I’m going to work on releasing the emotional weight with the physical and try to accept that there will always be a part of me that wants to lose weight for less-than-perfect reasons, and that part of me deserves to be loved too.

submitted by /u/magnolia_20
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve lost 82 lbs since December and want to find ways to help my extra skin. I am still 90 lbs overweight. Oh, and 15 weeks I’m pregnant.

Hi guys! So due to a few healthier lifestyle choices and mainly some anxiety and depression issues turned physical I’ve lost quite a bit of weight since December. I started at 330 ish lbs (stopped weighing). And I now weigh 248. The best thing to happen was my weight loss helped my PCOS and I’m now pregnant!

Because my weight loss has been fast and not really included much exercise I feel like kind of weak vs stronger and healthier. I know my skin is also starting to really loosen up and I’m nervous it’s going to become really saggy. I am looking for any advice on pregnancy safe things I can do to help both those points. I would love any advice you have for exercises and what not that can help my skin! If there are any other pregnancy safe tips to help skin while still losing weight please let me know! :)

Edit to add: my doctor is encouraging exercise and anything suggested that I haven’t ever discussed with her I’d run by her first just looking for ideas :) I am not trying to loose weight while pregnant I just mean I am still in this journey not like only trying to tighten skin at the end or something

submitted by /u/mindlessness228
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss made me more insecure about my body

(Hi all, new to this community! Please forgive me If this isn’t allowed)

I technically started my weight loss journey in 2019. I am 5 foot woman. I got to my peak weight of 215. And I’ve tried COUNTLESS things before; many types of diets, exercise, calorie counting, portion sizing- literally I tried everything.

Fast forward into august 2020, where the real start happened. I had gained some more weight, and was at my highest peak of 226. I had been diagnosed with PCOS the very end of 2019. The reason why I couldn’t lose weight is because of my hormones- my body was literally unable to shed the weight. So my endocrinologist had put me on a weight loss pill, which I was skeptical of. It was hard; but it worked. My body shed the weight and I helped myself more by portioning and eating healthier and training myself when to eat, while taking this pill. Fast forward to now, I am 166, and my doc lowered the pills dosage. I have excess skin and loose skin and now have a consultation made with a surgeon to see how we can fix that.

Everyone always says to me “you look so great!” “You look so much better!” “You must feel so much better!”

But why don’t I feel it? I have more insecurities now than before I even started losing weight. I don’t feel better at all. this surgery is going to be the only thing that makes me feel like myself.

submitted by /u/saramarieidk
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss made me realize that it wasn't the exterior results that I was most proud of, but rather my determination to stick through it

SW: 170, CW 145, GW, 115

Let me preface this by saying that I know my weight loss accomplishments pale in comparison to some of the other ones on this thread. I've seen some drastic and amazing changes on here, and want to congratulate those who have accomplished that. This is a post more so focused on the mental, NSVs that I've developed, most importantly, the mental changes.

Never in my life had I actually stuck through to losing weight before. I would stay at it for like a week, and then relapse into my old habits. I would never exercise unless I had to, and would lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle. When I graduated college and came back home, I realized I had gained almost 20 pounds during quarantine. I store my weight fairly evenly, so I hadn't noticed much of an aesthetic change, but seeing the number on the scale was quite shocking. I have a major issue staying consistent in my goals (god bless my ADHD for that), so I thought it would be impossible for me to stick through long term weight loss.

College had been a trying time for me, so I decided to turn a new leaf and start my journey of reinventing myself with weight loss. I starting with developing a healthier relationship with food, where I wouldn't use food as a coping mechanism for my anxiety and depression. I started using food scales to measure my portions and decided to eliminate purchasing any snacks. Along with better eating habits, I starting working out, alternating between small HIIT workouts (20-30 minutes of those Chloe Ting workouts) and 10,000 step walks, combined with an inclined hike (started off at 8 miles and worked my way up to 12 miles, burning 1500-3000 calories depending on the length of the hike) every Saturday.

And then my college friends visited.

It sounds so stupid looking back, but I was scared.

I was scared because I knew they didn't need to lose weight and I would be taking them to fancy restaurants and bars because I live in a big city. I couldn't force them to follow my diet plan and I didn't want to take away from their enjoyment. I had lost some weight at this point, and I knew this week would be the most challenging because we would be going to places that had delicious meals with more calories than my daily caloric intake. This would be the ultimate test of my determination.

And I stuck through it. I managed to adhere to the healthiest options on the menu and save most of my food consumption until I got home without getting tempted by the amazing food my friends were eating. I managed to squeeze in small workouts while my friends were sleeping. I stuck through my routine to the best of my abilities, even though I had no option but to go slightly over my allotted caloric intake for the week.

I didn't see any physical results after that week, but I was proud of myself for sticking to my goals.

I know my weight loss goals are very small compared to the other ones on this sub. But I have learned so much through this process about being disciplined and sticking through. I have learned that it's okay to not be on your A game all the time. Now, the physical results seem inconsequential to the healthier mindset I've developed, and that's something that will stick with me forever.

(I have also learned that I might just have a death wish to go on 12 mile hikes in the heat, but that's a different story)

submitted by /u/dischordiangel
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice and Help on Losing Fat (F22, 5'6, 188lbs)

Hi everyone,

I need some help/guidance on how to lose some fat. Unfortunately, even though in 188, I feel like I look much larger. I have been on a weight loss journey for a while, over a year now and have lost 55lbs since last March. This weight was lost mainly last year from March to July eating a measly 700 calories a day and walking 3 miles in 2 hours at my own pace around my neighborhood. I have been very lax with it ever since (maintaining without really trying). I signed up for a gym a few weeks ago and have been going 5 days a week, mainly doing cardio burning around 500 calories from incline training. (I've had little energy or motivation to weight lift...I want to change this.) I've been eating around 1200 calories, a little less most days and a little more a few days. I'm getting back into fasting as well. Anyway, I've been weighing myself and taking measurements and not much has changed. Last year I lost like 5lbs in 2 weeks...I've lost nothing. I'd love to lose some fat by mid September for a trip I'm going on. I'll be in my first bikini that I bought today and want to wow my boyfriend. Any tips on what to eat, drink, or exercises I should do to reduce some pudge?

Tl;dr: got a vacation coming up in mid September and want to look fire. Haven't lost weight after going to gym and watching what I eat + fasting. Want advice on how to kickstart fat loss.

submitted by /u/dollyg3
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to get through that last leg of weight loss?

Hey everyone, I'm 5ft 6, 26, female, started at 180lb and made it down to 151lb since March, as expected the last few weeks it's really starting to slow down. I know it doesn't matter as long as its gradually coming off but having initially had more significant losses at the start and fairly consistent 1.5lb every week for the last month or two give or take the odd week where it didn't move.

Now I'm finding I'm only just about able to lose a pound a week if that, which I know makes sense for my height and weight now so I'm not expecting it to increase as I know it's not realistic or safe to be losing 2lb a week at this weight.

While I wait for the last 10-15lb to come off over the next two or so months, does anyone have any tips for not getting discouraged and eating junk? It does feel a bit easier right now to get take out or junk, especially as it's really warm where I am right now and its been a stressful and tiring month for me, interviews, new job, driving lessons, tests, new car... just loads on the go so it's been even easier to cave and get shitty food. I don't feel too hard on myself for that, but it has probably left me retaining lots of water weight from all the salt along with hitting maintenance calories, this is all fine and just part of life and I didn't go mad eating over my maintenance, but it hasnt helped how slow my progress has been lately.

Any tips for riding out the long last leg of the journey and not feeling dishearten or annoyed/bored or tempted to eat more junk?

submitted by /u/xhayleyquinnx
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling a little bit stuck

Hi everyone!

Thanks for all the amazing posts - they really keep me motivated!

So I've been stuck in my head about something the past few days and thought some of you might be able to help.

I am a 29 year old female, 168cm tall and I currently weigh 121.5kg. My starting weight at the beginning of June 2021 was 125.5kg. This time is basically the first time I've ever managed to clean up my diet and try and adopt a healthy lifestyle. I think I've been doing pretty well - I track everything meticulously in myfitnesspal and I'm currently eating between 1400-1500 calories a day and my TDEE is around 2300 (I've been using the spreadsheet from this subreddit to track weight loss and calories to get the TDEE).

The first few weeks were good and I lost about 1kg a week which I was super excited about but for the past 2 weeks the scale literally hasn't moved and it's freaking me out because I've been eating much healthier, especially the last 2 weeks, sometimes even ending up below my calories because I was full and starting to work out more but now nothing.

I weigh at the same time every day and it's just not going down - some days it even goes up a bit 🙈

I'm just feeling so demotivated right now because I have so much more to lose (over 40kg at least) and if it's stalling now, I'm kind of just worried how I'm going to do the rest.

Anyway, I was just wondering if anyone had any advice.

Sorry for the long past and thanks in advance ☺️

submitted by /u/sammismoochie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat