Friday, July 16, 2021

Will I be healthy when I reach a healthy bmi?

Hey guys, first of all, thank you for all the inspiration and support. I find it truly helpful and I wouldnt be where I am today if it weren't for reddit and everyone sharing their journeys and tips. So I've come here once again to get thoughts from people who know more than me when it comes to weight loss and being healthy :)

Long story short, I lost 60 lbs and gained it all back again. But I lost it again and I'm only 15 lbs away from a healthy bmi. I seriously never thought I would be able to lose weight again so when I stop and think about my accomplishment i am proud. i feel like im going to be successful hitting my goal this time around and I hope I can keep the weight off for good. The most important thing for me is living a long healthy life and I almost feel stupid for letting my health go down like this. But I dont want to beat myself up. I havn't been taking care of my body well for most of my life, it's time to just be kind to it.

I'm 5'4 and 160 and the main reason I want to lose more weight is to be healthy. Pretty much everyone is telling me not to follow the bmi cause I'm an outlier and I'm going to have to make a new goal. Some people have said I shouldnt pick a scale goal and maybe should try to pick an inch goal cause my stomach is still huge. I have a 40 inch waist and haven't been able to find anyone else at my height and weight looking at pics on here and on progress pics. When i was focused on a healthy bmi number it seemed easier to get to my goal, but getting to my goal is not going to work and I kinda dont know what to do.

I guess my question is how do i know when im healthy if i cant really on the bmi scale? i guess just inches? how do i know when I'm actually at a healthy weight and can go into maintenance? I'm 10 lbs from my original goal weight but no one believes me when I tell them. I had to get on my scale cause my friends and family didnt believe I lost so much weight and I had to post pictures on here of my scale so people would leave me alone cause they needed proof. I guess I feel like a fish out of water. I feel like I did everything and now I'm basically at my goal and found out that my goal wasn't good enough and I don't know what to do or how to make a new goal or how to figure out when I'm actually in a healthy range.

i have my progress pics, scale pics, bmi, everything is all on my profile if you want to know more about my journey

submitted by /u/applepuddin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 84 pounds in 6 months

I'm 25 years old and 186cm tall. I never thought of myself as being fat, not fit, but not exactly fat either.

I was chatting with a friend when he pointed out that I have been getting a bit bigger recently, I brushed it off as I thought that I looked exactly like I always have. My clothes had been getting tighter, but that I brushed off too. Nonetheless I decided to check my weight that day, just in case. I got up on the scale and I was in for a shock, it cracked. So after going out and getting myself a new fancy scale I found my weight to be 250 pounds. I couldn't believe it, this might sound naive, but I thought I was closer to 200ish.

That day I decided to lose weight and as a doctor, I did what any obese doctor with a sedentary lifestyle trying to lose weight would do, I spent the next 5 hours laying back on my sofa doing a literature review on weightloss. I was disappointed not to find a magic pill, but the information I gained was very valuable. Based on that, my weight loss plan was as follows:

  • Download a weight charting app and monitor my weight regularly
  • Start counting calories
  • Set up realistic goals on monthly basis, in my case it was the 7th of every month that I would assess my progress and set a new goal for the month.
  • Set up a dietary plan based on macros. (My plan was not exactly the healthies so I won't be sharing it, but I did supplement it a fair bit to deal with the deficiencies)
  • Manage my cravings by eating low calorie bulky food (I suggest looking up the satiety index, the paper is a bit old but still very useful)
  • Always have food around (This may sound counterproductive but having filling healthy low calorie food around stopped me from giving into my cravings as I never felt hungry anymore)
  • Cook my own food. I know exactly what I am eating and it allowed me to very meticulously monitor my macros. I also bought an instant pot and an air fryer both made life much easier.
  • Set up a steps target. I found myself parking further away from work and taking the stairs all the time just to reach my daily target.
  • Find a partner with the same goal and compete. I am extremely competitive and actively competing against someone was a great motivation for me (I won).

There is a bit more to it but those were the main headlines.

6 months later, I now weigh 171 pounds having lost 84 pounds in the process. Still 186cm.

submitted by /u/temp4521
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

F39/265- Need to lose 80-100 pounds- Help

I weighed around 210 in my early 30's but gained 50 pounds in the last 3 years after 2 pregnancies. Really looking to lose all that before I turn 40 next year. my kids are young and i cant keep up with them. I eat vegetarian but lot of carbs. Finding it difficult to choose non-carb options. I walk 2-3 miles a day but that doesn't seem to help with my weight. I have to focus on eating right. With two littles, I don't have lot of time to meal prep and meal time is all over the place. I want to try intermittent fasting (Skipping dinner) without changing diet...does this work? Anything out there that can help with meal planning? I have been planning this weight loss for last 1 year but posting this feels like I am committing to it. Btw, my first post on reddit.

submitted by /u/pointofarches
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Cherries and Weight Loss: 5 Surprising Reasons This Fruit is a Summer Superstar

Life may not be a bowl of cherries, but a bowl of cherries may do wonderful things for your life. We’re here to tell you why this summer fruit is the cherry on top of your healthy diet. When it comes to these sweet little red gems, you’ll be shocked that something so delicious can be so good for you. Our health and wellness experts have done some research on the benefits of cherries and how they can help you reach your weight loss goals.

Superfood Saturday: Why You Should Eat More Cherries

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Here are five reasons to add cherries to your SmartCarb shopping list:

1. Cherries put out the fire.

The Leaf cherry benefits for your health

Cherries can help you keep the pounds at bay during your weight loss journey by reducing a damaging process in your body called inflammation. Research shows that obesity can cause inflammation. It’s a chemical reaction triggered by your immune system that, in response to an injury, can help it heal. The problem is that when it becomes chronic, inflammation can cause significant damage to your arteries and organs. “Overeating increases the immune response. This increased immune response causes the body to generate excessive inflammation, which may lead to a number of chronic diseases,” says Science Daily.

Runaway inflammation might also contribute to weight gain. One study, published in the journal Diabetes, found that men who had high levels of certain inflammation-sensitive proteins in their blood were more likely to gain weight. “This relation could contribute to the relation between inflammation, the metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease,” says researchers.

Cherries contain high levels of compounds called anthocyanins, which may quell the damaging obesity-related inflammation that can lead to disease, says According to, the Oregon Health and Science University says that these beautiful little berries, particularly tart cherries, have the highest level of anti-inflammatory compounds of any food. That gives them the potential to put out the fire that puts on the pounds during your weight loss journey!

2. They have a secret ingredient that creates calorie-burning fat.

weight loss tips

There’s another beneficial compound in tart cherries that might surprise you: melatonin. You probably know it as the hormone your body produces to help put you to sleep. However, according to Science Daily, researchers from the University of Granada have found that it might also help you control your weight.

In their studies on obese diabetic rats, published in the Journal of Pineal Research, scientists found that melatonin can help control weight, even without curbing food intake. According to Science Daily, “melatonin consumption helps control weight gain because it stimulates the appearance of ‘beige fat’, a type of fat cell that burns calories instead of storing them. White adipose tissue stores calories leading to weight gain whereas ‘beige fat’ (also known as ‘good or thinning fat’) helps regulate body weight control, hence its metabolic benefits.”

3. Cherries might help you sleep.

The Leaf cherry benefits for your health

According to Healthline, melatonin can also help you get a good night’s sleep, another factor in keeping unwanted pounds at bay. Scientists have discovered that people who don’t get enough sleep at night experience an increase in hunger and appetite, particularly for calorie-laden foods, says Mayo Clinic. One reason: Lack of sleep may affect the hormones that regulate hunger. Another: Fatigue makes you look for energy in all the wrong places (like the kitchen) and may discourage you from exercising too.

Can’t sleep? Click here for five reasons why! >

8 Red Foods You Need in Your Life

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4. Cherries may improve your heart health.

tart cherry juice

While you’re getting in some melatonin by sipping a glass of tart cherry juice, you may also be reducing your risk for heart disease. Researchers at the University of Michigan Health System found that rats who were provided a whole tart cherry powder on a high-fat diet didn’t gain as much weight or body fat as the rats who didn’t eat the cherry powder. According to Science Daily, “their blood showed much lower levels of molecules that indicate the kind of inflammation that has been linked to heart disease and diabetes. In addition, they had significantly lower blood levels of cholesterol and triglycerides than the other rats.” The rats who ate cherries also experienced another benefit: less weight gain in their stomachs. Belly fat is said to increase the risk for heart disease.

5. Cherries may counteract a high-fat diet.

The Leaf cherry benefits for your health

What about sweet cherries? Don’t pass them by. Research out of The University of Tasmania found that mice on a high-fat diet who were treated with inflammation-reducing compounds from sweet cherries gained 19 percent less weight than mice whose high-fat diet wasn’t supplemented with the compounds.

Obviously, sweet cherries are available in the produce section of your supermarket. Eat them out of hand, toss them in a green shake to mask the taste of kale or spinach or pit and freeze them for an icy snack (you can buy cherry pitters for under $20). You can get your daily dose of tart cherries by drinking juice (available in bottles and as concentrate) or popping a few dried tart cherries—also right there in your market. Make a refreshing summer drink by combining tart cherry juice with no-calorie seltzer and add a non-calorie sweetener to cut the tartness if needed.

Both sweet and tart cherries are considered a SmartCarb on the Nutrisystem plan, meaning they’re packed with nutrients and fiber but low to medium on the Glycemic Index. One cup of cherries is only 77 calories, has 2.5 grams of fiber and supplies 39 percent of your daily recommended amount of vitamin A, says the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA).

Looking for some healthy recipes to enjoy this delicious fruit? Check out some of our favorite ideas below:

Fill your summer menu with fresh, fun and fruity sweets! Check out these mouthwatering and nutritious dessert recipes from our expert recipe developers at The Leaf. Enjoy these healthy treats throughout the summer months or any time of year for that matter!

12 Nutrisystem Frozen Foods Perfect for Your Summer Menu

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The post Cherries and Weight Loss: 5 Surprising Reasons This Fruit is a Summer Superstar appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Welp, I did it. I weighed myself after 2 years of avoiding it. Time to get real. Advice welcome!!

I’ve gained 25 pounds to an already pretty high weight. Sitting in at 353 right now - about 25lbs more than I thought I was max. I knew the pandemic wiped me out but I didn’t realize how much. I’ve become pretty complacent with my diet and exercise regime… pretty much eating whatever I want with no regard in addition to completely procrastinating on doing anything physical. Would love any advice anyone has for stepping back into the process.

I feel pretty embarrassed…. And ashamed. Im turning 30 this year and I want to take control. I don’t want to let this keep getting the best of me.

I’m posting this here because in the past when I’ve lost weight, this community helped a bunch. Hoping to make it a habit to get back in the weight loss mindset and this post is my way of kicking that off.

Happy logging, folks. Today marks day three for me.

submitted by /u/_away__we__go_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What am I doing wrong?

26F SW: 181lbs (82.5kg) CW: 174lbs (79 kg) Body fat: 34%

I've been trying to consistently eat healthy and exercise regularly for the last 3 months but can't manage more than 3 kg weight loss. Haven't lost anything in a month despite eating even healthier and exercising even more.

I do 16:8 intermittent fasting most days and exercise 4 times a week. Have cut back on carbs (though still eating around 60-100g a day). It seems one day of eating bad (and by bad I mean eating a jacket potato for lunch instead of salad is enough to reverse a whole week of weight loss).

Previously I lost 10kg in 3 months with a similar lifestyle (when I was 21 lol).

How to I get my metabolism up? How quickly did you see results when you started? What could I change?


submitted by /u/Cute-Froyo6837
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, July 15, 2021

5ft 11 265lbs 18 - Was 280lbs - Question about calculation and like a weight loss plan.


I tried losing weight at 14-18 but never really committed until April 21st I was 280lbs. I started eating "healthy" for 2 weeks (kind of). broccoli chicken rice - sometimes a bowl of cereal or a snack would be the unhealthy option. On 4 separate days within the 2 weeks I did a 30m workout: weight lifting, squats and some push ups. I got down to 265 in 2 weeks and I was like wtf? "this is going realy well" I was gonna keep going until may the 4th I kind of just stopped - Was watching star wars and just passively started eating junk food well... went back to the old ways. Didn't really think about how easy I fell out of it. Today was the goal I had set in april the 21st and well it came around very fast and yunno the cycle of losing weight and nothing happening then stopping and you realise how much you could've done in that time that was wasted but I thought about it and I lost 15lbs for the 1st time in my life. Last time I didn't have any clue except water and "healthy food"





BMR - so the weight I lose if I was in a coma 2500

Caloric intake to maintain body weight : 3100

at the moment I want to lose weight and gain a bit of muscle so 190lbs is nice goal.


right here is how i see it, just gonna explain what my brain thinks?

BMR - so the weight I lose from doing nothing 2500

Caloric intake to maintain body weight : 3100

eating 1000 calories

2100 caloric deficit because 3100 - 1000 = 2100

over calorie burnt in that day: 2500 BMR + Caloric deficit 2100 = 4600 sounds kind of high

If that's wrong can someone help with like a little plan yunno.

Since I'm finished at school now and well got nothing to do until September when ill get a job. during summer, now till September the 1st , I've got nothing to do and video games are boring now. Sad but the truth, I have no friends, like zero all my past friends do ket and cocaine now plus acid, I have never done drugs or had a drink before, at 17 they were doing weed and I was like that's fine if its a little bit and a one time thing for teenagers but after a year later I kind of just slowly faded away and left there group. No family members to go see except when I go outside about once every 2 months to see my grandad who is elderly and not well. bored 24/7. My dog is the only thing keeping me active every day when I chase him around and he chases me XD. Don't know why I'm typing my whole life story here.

265lbs to 190lbs or well when I can start working on building large amounts of muscle. I got a running machine and the will power to use it plus I'll buy some weights. Just inside workout. I don't know if your allowed to ask for plans on here. I heard people hate dry chicken and that it's horrible but The meal can be whatever, coming from someone who is 265lbs Ill eat anything when I'm hungry, so looking for a low calorie but will fill me up. Sorry if I'm asking for a lot just there is never a simple answer with these things. My mom once kind of jokingly said every pound I lose I get 10$ which I thought with that money I could lose like 80 and buy a new graphics card but ill just buy them something with it like a necklace or a watch or give it back in the end. See I know I'm gonna lose the weight this time because there are no distractions in my life and I conjured the discipline to do so. realistically I hope to lose all the weight by sometime in September but most of it during this and next month. yeah that's about it - I have severe asthma issues which will be a problem but I'm not running marathon so its fine. If its too much too asks for a plan a link to one will be fine, just need something. Man its tuff clicking the post button.

A Workout plan:

meal plan:

explain the calculations:

general advice would also be nice :)

submitted by /u/Ordinary-Knowledge63
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from loseit - Lose the Fat