Friday, July 16, 2021

Will I be healthy when I reach a healthy bmi?

Hey guys, first of all, thank you for all the inspiration and support. I find it truly helpful and I wouldnt be where I am today if it weren't for reddit and everyone sharing their journeys and tips. So I've come here once again to get thoughts from people who know more than me when it comes to weight loss and being healthy :)

Long story short, I lost 60 lbs and gained it all back again. But I lost it again and I'm only 15 lbs away from a healthy bmi. I seriously never thought I would be able to lose weight again so when I stop and think about my accomplishment i am proud. i feel like im going to be successful hitting my goal this time around and I hope I can keep the weight off for good. The most important thing for me is living a long healthy life and I almost feel stupid for letting my health go down like this. But I dont want to beat myself up. I havn't been taking care of my body well for most of my life, it's time to just be kind to it.

I'm 5'4 and 160 and the main reason I want to lose more weight is to be healthy. Pretty much everyone is telling me not to follow the bmi cause I'm an outlier and I'm going to have to make a new goal. Some people have said I shouldnt pick a scale goal and maybe should try to pick an inch goal cause my stomach is still huge. I have a 40 inch waist and haven't been able to find anyone else at my height and weight looking at pics on here and on progress pics. When i was focused on a healthy bmi number it seemed easier to get to my goal, but getting to my goal is not going to work and I kinda dont know what to do.

I guess my question is how do i know when im healthy if i cant really on the bmi scale? i guess just inches? how do i know when I'm actually at a healthy weight and can go into maintenance? I'm 10 lbs from my original goal weight but no one believes me when I tell them. I had to get on my scale cause my friends and family didnt believe I lost so much weight and I had to post pictures on here of my scale so people would leave me alone cause they needed proof. I guess I feel like a fish out of water. I feel like I did everything and now I'm basically at my goal and found out that my goal wasn't good enough and I don't know what to do or how to make a new goal or how to figure out when I'm actually in a healthy range.

i have my progress pics, scale pics, bmi, everything is all on my profile if you want to know more about my journey

submitted by /u/applepuddin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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