Friday, September 3, 2021

Strength training while targeting weight loss?

Wondering what y’all’s thoughts are on strength training when in calorie deficit?

For diet, I’ve currently got a target deficit of a little under a pound a week, and I add any exercise (based on Apple Watch estimate) back into my calorie budget.

For strength, I’ve been doing bodyweight stuff for about an hour 3-4 times a week and taking whey protein afterwards, but still targeting a calorie deficit on those days.

Weight loss is definitely the bigger goal for me right now. I figured any muscle / strength gained in the mean time is a plus. That said, I’m wondering if those things are at cross purposes of each other? Should I adjust either one for a better effort of losing weight over time? My goal weight is about 6 months out at my current rate of loss.

Interested to hear y’all’s thoughts. Thanks!

submitted by /u/vertazontal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

You can eat fast food often without ruining your diet.

I just want to share something that helped me during my weight loss struggle, that might help others.

During my weight loss journey, I would often crave fast food. When I was much larger, fast food to me meant going to spend 20 bucks on a combo meal, an extra burger, large fries, etc... I really indulged. And always felt guilty.

A small victory for me was being able to go to a drive through, and simply order a burger. No combo, no going wild with it. Just a burger. It satisfied the craving, and felt like a victory because I defeated the mindset of "if I'm cheating, I may as well go all in!"

Going out and having an 800 calorie burger and diet coke, is much better than turning that same outing into a 2000+ calorie combo meal or binge. It also helps create a healthier relationship with food, and feels like a major testiment to my willpower. Now I can simply have 2 Oreos without destroying half the box. Small victories like this really transition into a much more successful and easier diet in my opinion.

I'm not sure if this will apply to everyone, but try it! Next time you get a craving, don't deny it. Be reasonable with it, and see if it doesn't make your relationship with food that much better!

submitted by /u/NetWorthFinally0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Small Motivation to Exercise

Hi everyone,

boy, I haven't posted here in a while. Anyway, my little sister got me on tik tok and there are so many awesome workouts. I have really been procrastinating working on my arms and well, exercise in general really, but you just search what you want and the videos are so short that it doesn't feel like a huge commitment. They literally just tell you the exercises to do, you write them down, and do them. Time just seems to fly away. Sorry if this has been posted before but I figured any motivation for exercise in this pandemic is a good thing. Lol. My arms are burning!

One thing I would recommend is not to get too deep into the weight loss philosophy on there. You get every piece of advice and it can be super confusing.

Have an awesome day!

submitted by /u/weighingthelife
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I can't lose weight no matter what I do. A calorie deficit isn't working.

I used to be 350 pounds. I dropped down to 175 by following MyFitnessPal, and tons of weight lifting. It took about 2 years, but the weight loss was consistent and worked as expected while following a deficit. I got down to 14% body fat, with a solid amount of muscle.

Fast forward through corona, and I can't do it again. Ive gained 60 pounds through a horrible diet and alcohol. I needed to get my weight back under control.

I've done it before. I'm following the exact same process. Tracking calories, weighing my food, working out consistently. I've entertained the possibility that I'm overeating, but this is not the case. And I'm also aware that starvation mode is a myth. The law of thermodynamics is a law. I can't defy it. But I can't lose weight as a 230 pound man eating 1400-1500 calories a day while working out.

I'm a muscular 230 pounds, but I can definitely stand to lose about 30 pounds. I'm currently 23% body fat

I'm at a loss, and I just want to vent. Has anyone else experienced this, while being absolutely sure they they aren't overeating?

submitted by /u/cantdropit68
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

(Rant) I subconsciously sabotage my weight loss because I was constantly body shamed as a kid

I have lost a significant amount of weight (40+ lbs) a few times in my life. I was able to do it because I really wanted to be “pretty”. Now that I’m in my early 20s with new found freedom, I really want to style myself the way that I want. Unfortunately for me, I have gained all the weight back and more and I’m now category 2 obese.

I was always a tall and thin kid. I was very “pretty” and people would always remark how tall and pretty I was. When my family moved away from my grandparents house, my mom would often body shame me and call me fat. But, she would also exclusively over feed me with junk food and buy me as much soda and snacks as she could. I gained some weight, but I was never fat.

When I was in middle school, I had enough of the body shaming and started to starve myself. I lost a lot of weight, and maintained until high school. I was put on meds for my “temper” by the request of mother so I gained 80 pounds and became obese for the first time. I lost the weight again and gained and lost one more time, all major weight loss.

Now, I’m stuck. I really want to lose weight, but I still can’t get over the bitterness I have in my heart from all the fat shaming and feeling like I’m just losing weight so I can be attractive to men. I don’t want to be a pretty girl anymore, but at the same time, I want to be attractive.

At this point, I just want to lose weight so I can look good in a pixie and dye my hair blue and dress myself in masculine clothing. I know that I can do that now, but I will get ridiculed more if I do.

Thanks for reading my post, hope this relates to someone out there.

submitted by /u/Roses_in_the_Rain
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Losing 200 gm (0.45lb) per day!

So, I started my weight loss journey on August 2nd, 2021, and I bought a smart scale which arrived on August 31st. I started using it the second day (September 1st) first thing in the morning and at that time my weight was 106.4 kg then I weighed myself again on September 2nd and my weight was 106.2 kg. Today, I weighed myself again and my weight is 106.0 kg. Since I work out 6 days a week, I'll lose 1.2 kg per week.

Even though I'm happy that I'm losing weight, but I'm afraid that I'm losing it so fast that I'll get loose skin.

My question: Am I losing weight so fast that I'll get loose skin?

submitted by /u/Nameless-Death
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm Looking For a Accountability-Buddy to Help Me Lose Weight

Hey there, good morning, how-do-ya-do? I've been going through a crazy transition and realizations over weight and health in general. I've realized how much my mind can play a factor in losing weight and my overall happiness. To wrap this post up quickly, I'm looking for someone who can keep me accountable for my weight loss goal. I don't have many people in my corner to help me, and I just feel like having someone who we can strictly talk about weight would help me a lot.

I'm not exactly overweight, either. I'm just looking to shed the COVID weight, and it's given me a newfound respect for body builders, first time gym goers, dieters, and everyone in between. These 20 lbs have been the most frustrating thing to lose, and I know it's my fault, hence why I'm here. If you are interested in texting or emailing, that would be awesome, cause I could really use that extra push. And I will always been glad to give you that boost, too. Sometimes, that's all we need. Thank you and much love

submitted by /u/orangestockingcap
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from loseit - Lose the Fat