Friday, September 3, 2021

You can eat fast food often without ruining your diet.

I just want to share something that helped me during my weight loss struggle, that might help others.

During my weight loss journey, I would often crave fast food. When I was much larger, fast food to me meant going to spend 20 bucks on a combo meal, an extra burger, large fries, etc... I really indulged. And always felt guilty.

A small victory for me was being able to go to a drive through, and simply order a burger. No combo, no going wild with it. Just a burger. It satisfied the craving, and felt like a victory because I defeated the mindset of "if I'm cheating, I may as well go all in!"

Going out and having an 800 calorie burger and diet coke, is much better than turning that same outing into a 2000+ calorie combo meal or binge. It also helps create a healthier relationship with food, and feels like a major testiment to my willpower. Now I can simply have 2 Oreos without destroying half the box. Small victories like this really transition into a much more successful and easier diet in my opinion.

I'm not sure if this will apply to everyone, but try it! Next time you get a craving, don't deny it. Be reasonable with it, and see if it doesn't make your relationship with food that much better!

submitted by /u/NetWorthFinally0
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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