Sunday, September 26, 2021

I gained 40lbs (18kgs) and want to get in shape but I don't know how. A little scared and lost - please help!

Hi there. I (23/F) don't love to talk about this all that much but I made a throw away account just cuz it makes me feel better about openly discussing it.

I never had to worry about weight too much in high school and leveled out at about 120lbs (54.4kgs). When I started college I got really into working out and would train for about four hours a day four or five days a week. (Maybe a little excessive but I was having fun).

My weight didn't change much but I had abs and visible muscle tone. I felt good and active and strong. But when my class load increased a couple years later I pretty much put exercise on hold and focused on school and my social life more.

I put on 10lbs (4.5kgs) in just a few months . I wasn't stoked about this as I had never gained weight like that before but I realized my lifestyle had changed dramatically and I wasn't too surprised or bothered by it.

But then the pandemic hit. I didn't notice that I changed my activity level or eating habits that much but in a year I put on an extra 30lbs (13.6kgs) and I now weigh in around 160lbs (72.6kgs)! My abs are now a round belly. I can see the weight in my face and limbs. I have much more of an ass than I used to. I've gone up a few bra sizes and a few pants sizes. And I keep finding new stretch marks.

I go back and forth between acceptance and sadness about how out of shape I've gotten and how big the number on the scale now is.

I just feel like, even if the weight I put on isn't unhealthy the rate at which I've gained it is. I was avoiding the scale for the longest time because I knew it wouldn't be good news. After the initial shock, the new number has motivated me to try and lose it! Which is why I'm here.

I've never really tried to change my weight before and gaining so much so fast has kind of scared me. I'm super intimidated by trying to navigate all the diet and weight loss tips the internet has to offer (or sell) and I am mostly just looking for advice on how to get started.

It's been so long since I've exercised regularly that I've lost the itch and it just seems like a huge mountain that I don't know if I have it in me to climb. But I'm open to any words of wisdom.

How much of weight loss is exercise vs. how much is diet? How fast is too fast to lose or gain weight and how can I determine and set attainable and healthy goals? How can I help myself not get too hung up on the way my body is now and maintain a positive self-image while still motivating myself to get in shape?

I'm a little reluctant to set a goal weight as I'm scared of getting discouraged by checking the scale too often. I think I'd rather just shoot for fitting into my clothes again, do some of the physical activities I used to be able to do, and to maybe uncover that muscle tone that I used to like to show off.

Any advice is welcome. Whether it's practical, physical, or emotional.

Thanks so much in advance! It really means a lot.

TL;DR: I gained 40lbs (18kgs) and went from 120lbs (54.4kgs) to 160lbs (72.6kgs) in about two years. I want to get in better shape and lose some of the weight but I'm a little scared and don't know how to start. Any advice?

submitted by /u/Just_Aunt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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