Sunday, September 26, 2021

I have less than 10 pounds left to lose

The scale has been 145 for the last few days. It's kind of wild to think about, but that means I have less than 10 pounds to lose to get to a normal BMI.

When I started out (199 pounds), I didn't know if weight loss would be achievable or how long it would take. The "no longer obese" number (163) felt so far away, let alone a healthy BMI. I didn't even let myself think too much about a normal BMI goal for a long time.

Part of it is the pandemic. I'm really thankful that I was able to have a lot of free time, which opened up the opportunity for me to start cooking more and exercising without feeling endlessly busy and stressed. (I used to commute around 2 hours per day.) Part of it is also a new job, which is a lot less stressful and has better hours than my last job. So of course if my life ever changes back to working longer hours or commuting more, I'll need to figure out how to maintain the weight. (I've since moved to a new city so should have a shorter commute regardless of working from home or not, which will help.) But I have established relatively easy, enjoyable habits that I honestly think I'd keep up even if my life got a lot busier.

I look at myself sometimes and think, who am I? Not the physical looks part - I was never that unhappy with how I looked when I was fat - but the rest. I'm lifting weights a bit most nights, I go to yoga classes (what?), I go hiking now and then. I never ever ever ever envisioned myself doing regular exercise, let alone enjoying it. Who knew working out didn't have to be miserable? Start slow, guys.

And while I eat less, it's nothing too crazy. I eat the foods I enjoy, but I cook more often, and I try to eat more fruits and vegetables and stuff. This doesn't mean salads nonstop - I am really really not a salad person - but I just eat my personal favorite "whole foods" more often, which means a lot of potatoes and tomatoes and peaches and beef and chicken and peppers and roasted vegetables, and yes some green vegetables too but rarely a salad. And also a lot of my personal comfort foods like mac & cheese and meat loaf, and honestly as long as the portions are reasonable it's usually a lot better than the takeout I was eating before.

It's been a long "journey," about a year and a half now, but thought I'd make a post to share the milestone of only being 10 pounds away from "healthy."

submitted by /u/Wqo84
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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