Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Could I get some help please? I feel like I'm running out of ways to improve (long post)

I've been on a weight loss/fitness journey for about 6 months now. My ultimate goal is to get in really good shape through bodybuilding, however I've got a bunch of weight to lose. I've taken up advice from a handful of people including some friends who're really into bodybuilding and they've all suggested I focus on cutting my weight down and then when I'm in a good place, to do a healthy "lean" bulk up.

So to focus on the weight loss first; I'm 6'4/193cm and somewhere between 115 and 120kg (2 different scales give me 2 different numbers) at 26 years old. I'd estimate around 25-30% body fat. I'd say I'm more than chubby but a lot of the people around me tell me I'm not fat fat - I think my height helps spread it out lol.

I go to the gym 6 times per week following a push/pull/legs routine which usually keeps me in the gym for about 1.5 hours. My daily steps is usually around 7000. Going by all of the above, I used a few online calculators and took an average suggested calorie intake of around 2500 calories to lose weight. I ate that much for about 2 months and realized I'm not losing any weight but I gained a bunch of strength, most of which would've been adaptation but maybe 2500 was a calorie surplus for me.

After further advice I started reducing my calories by about 200 at a time, and I'm currently down to around 1900. I have still not started losing weight. I've for sure become more lean, shirts are fitting a bit different, my arms are actually filling out a bit due to slight muscle gains but I still have the layer of fat around my mid section and legs that I simply can't get rid of. I understand that muscle weighs more than fat and that my scale weight might not be 100% indicative of my progress, but there's no way I'm gaining enough muscle to counterbalance all fat loss.

So here's my diet:

60g oats + a small squeeze of honey for breakfast, about 250 calories
300g chicken breast + 40g (raw) boiled rice for lunch - I usually add 100 calories to this on MyFitnessPal so I have room for sauce if I need it, 550-600 calories
Dinner varies but it's usually something quick like a sandwich, 2x slices of bread (200 calories) + 4-5 slices of sandwich ham (100 calories~), 300 calories total
2 scoops of whey + squeeze of honey + 350ml milk after the gym, about 450 calories
Then I'll throw in a protein bar if any of the above meals were less than usual, 200 calories

I do not do cardio other than my daily walking because my calories are already so low and cardio would only increase the deficit - I don't really care for the cardiovascular benefits right now. I sleep 6-7 hours per day and drink probably 2 litres of water a day if not a bit more (should be more I think but I'm trying). I went to the doctor last week about something unrelated and had blood tests, all my kidney/liver etc functions were fine, I don't know whether or not they'd have picked up on thyroid issues from those tests but I'm wondering if I need to go get that tested?

Does anyone have any advice or suggestions or see any glaring issues with what I'm doing? The only logical next step would be to reduce to 1600 calories but that seems really low for someone my size who's going to the gym and will for sure have an impact on any progress I'm making strength wise...

submitted by /u/Semprolive
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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