Monday, September 27, 2021

[Advice needed] My weight loss journey that feels like a roller coaster ride.

H: 5’3 l SW: 123 lbs l CW: 117-118 lbs l GW: 110 lbs

Age: 24

Background story:

TL;DR below

Since puberty, my weight has always been in the 120s (mainly 121 lbs), it would sometimes go up to 127 lbs if I ate more or it would go down to around 119 lbs if I didn’t have much appetite.

Sometime during the start of the pandemic last year, I was eating lesser than before so my weight actually dropped to around 118-119 lbs without me trying hard. I wasn’t counting calories at the time, not even on an active diet. I was surprised to see the number on the scale, given that I’ve been eating whatever I want, this kinda encouraged me to take diet seriously for once so after some research, I decided to adopt the CICO method and set my daily calorie intake at 1200 cal. I held on to this pretty intensely, I cut off all oils (seriously any kind of oil, I was even afraid to eat egg yolks at some point) it quickly became rather toxic for me because I was too concerned with what would make me gain weight and lose all of progress I’ve made so far.

So I started eating lesser and lesser, 1200 cal seems too much to me even, I would only feel comfortable if my calorie intake for the entire day didn’t exceed 900 cal. Fast forward to about 3 months after, I was at the lowest weight of my adult life, I was at around 98-100 lbs. I would try to sneak in some exercises here and there but overall I was pretty much secondary, since I didn’t have the energy to move around. My body would get cold very easily and I was having sleeping issues as well.

I started binge eating and purging not too long after. At first it would only occur once or twice per month, then once a week and a point that I purged almost every day of the week. I was so concerned with it and became rather depressed soon.

It’s so overwhelming because it feels like I’ve lost control over myself, I don’t know if I was hungry or not, or when should I stop eating.

Sometime this year, I started running, in hope to cope with my eating disorder, and it was quite a success at first, but I quickly dived back into a very unhealthy eating pattern because I was still afraid that I might be gaining weight.

This led to a full blown binge eating episode that lasted for about two months. But I wasn’t purging, I grew tired of it.

I was also really afraid of weighing myself, so I don’t really know how much did I gain, but I could see and feel it clearly. One day I decided to just weigh myself on a whim, it wasn’t so bad, I was actually surprised to see that I haven’t reached 132 lbs.

Tired of having to binge eat and live unhealthily, I’ve decided once again to try to go on a diet but more sustainable this time round! It’s been almost a month since I started. I’m feeling better now and I really hope that I’ll be able to win this battle!

TL;DR Became obsessed with calorie counting and developed both anorexia nerviosa and bulimia nerviosa (eating disorder).

My diet plan for now:

Calorie intake: 1,100-1,300 cal Exercise: Daily runs and walks


Women with smaller frames, how much do you eat? And how much do you lose on a weekly/monthly basis?

Apple Watch calories burn accuracy? I’ve been running+walking for about 1.5 hour daily, it says on my watch that I would burn about 500 cal, is this accurate?

Thanks so much for reading!

submitted by /u/After_Lake_1987
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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