Sunday, September 26, 2021

finally reached my goal weight!! excited to share!! and some questions!

hey guys, i originally posted this but it wasnt approved. Perhaps because I didn't add enough information about my journey? I will try again cause I was really excited about sharing about reaching my goal weight. I will add a ton of tips that will hopefully be helpful and if you have any questions i would be more than happy to answer them. ive spent at least 100 hours in this sub in the past few months reading and sharing tips and i want to help others who arent as far along in their journey!

i haven't posted in here in a while but wanted to stop by because I finally reached my goal weight!! I was originally about 225 and now I'm 145. I'm about 5'4 so I'm now at a healthy bmi!! I have a new pic in my profile. I still have a lonnnnnng way to go, but I've stopped looking at the scale for the most part. In the past I had lost 70+ lbs doing strict Cico but gained it all back. This time I did intuitive eating and intermittent fasting and I am at an even healthier weight than when i lost weight the first time around. This is monumental for me because after I gained weight, I didnt think i could lose weight again. i quit trying for 2 years. but i had a health scare and almost died and came back better than ever.

here are some tips that really helped me. if you need clarification or there is anything i can help you with, just ask!!

  1. make things as easy as possible. what helped me was taking the path of least resistance with everything. I drank 1 more glass of water a day. I ate 2 burgers instead of 3. i ate half the ice cream instead of the whole container. stuff became 2nd nature. and if it didnt, i moved on and tried changing something else.
  2. i didnt give up anything i loved. i didnt give up certain foods, this goes along with making things as easy as possible. i want this to be fun and enjoyable. why should i be miserable just cause im trying to lose weight?
  3. i didnt lose at an extremely high deficit. i didnt count calories. i listened to my body. if my body craved meat, i ate meat. if it craved veggies, i ate veggies. if it craved ice cream or chocolate or cake or fast food, i would have that, but just a couple.
  4. i didnt keep any food i would over eat or binge in the house. for me these are chips, candy and ice cream. so if i wanted those things, i went and got a package and enjoyed them.
  5. I drank lots of seltzer, tea, and diet soda. i also drank a lot of milk. all kinds of milk anywhere from fat free to whole fat milk. milk fills me up and makes me feel satisfied. i read tons of stuff on here that said not to drink your calories, but it works for me. don't be afraid to experiment and try different things that make you feel satisfied. every single person is different.
  6. my go tos that fill me up are soups, salads, sandwiches, yogurts, cottage cheese, meat, eggs, crackers, fruit, smoothies.
  7. meal planning helps for me. even if that means just having an idea in my head of what im going to eat the next day.
  8. intuitive eating/ intermittent fasting / volume eating / cico aka calorie counting all work!! they are based on the same ideas but executed just a little differently. you just have to figure out what works for you and that's going to be different for everyone! every body is different.

if theres one thing that i wish i could tell everyone who posts here it's this:

  1. you dont have to lose 2 lbs a week!

I see soooooo many people automatically putting their calculators to 2 lbs a week. You don't have to do that. After losing 70 lbs, gaining it and losing it again plus even more, I truly believe slow and steady is key! again its gonna be different for everyone, but if you're not enjoying your weight loss journey, give it a try. you shouldnt be miserable on your journey. if you're not enjoying yourself, you're more likely to quit and see it as a chore. it should be fun and easy! if its not, switch it up until it is!

i really hope some of these tips help someone. these are the main things i did to lose 75 lbs and its gonna be different for everyone but i hope you got some good ideas to build off of! Seriously though, the world is cruel, just take it easy and be kind to yourself.

and now on to the next chapter of my weight loss journey. i hope its okay to ask for advice now!

im gonna go to the dr for a check up after all this soon just to make sure im healthy and everything. i feel good but i lost muscle. my heart actually feels weaker if that makes sense? i want to talk to the docs about finding out if its okay and safe to up my workout routines.

one last thing i wanted to mention and hopefully get an opinion on. i have a long distance partner that i see a few times a year and we've been seeing each other for 3 years. i haven't seen him since covid so about a year and a half, but i have been showing him pics so he knows i lost weight and its been positive. he said he would be attracted to me no matter what. he's straight up into fat women though and we started seeing each other because he liked my body type at the time. he said he would be into me at any size cause its my personality that he likes and i trust him but its still in the back of my mind.

he was average weight the entire time i knew him but looked thinner than average. he gained like 40 lbs during covid and i find him more attractive than before. he's like... 220 6'0 or 6'1. he has a stomach overhang and i think its cute as heck and cuter than his flat stomach. this is making my head spin. like i feel like a hypocrite and a bad person cause i find fat more attractive than skinny. i feel bad that im more attracted to him when he's overweight but i cant help what i find attractive. he's not trying to lose weight or anything. he likes himself better like this too. he was always thin so he likes the feeling of being big. i havent told him im more attracted to him at a higher weight, but i just feel bad that i think that. i feel like a hypocrite because im actively trying to lose weight to be healthier, posting in weight loss subs and all that and i find him more attractive when he's overweight. like i feel wrong and i know im not a bad person but i feel bad about it.

anyways, thanks for reading everyone!

submitted by /u/applepuddin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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