Saturday, September 25, 2021

Weight loss journey

Hello everyone!

I’ve never posted anything on this subreddit before but I feel like its finally time.

My weight loss journey has been a rollercoaster all throughout my life. It all started when I was in the second grade and I went to the doctor one day to find out I weighed 160lb. They said I had to lose weight immediately or I will face many complications in the future. I still remember that the only difference they made in my behavior was to cut out orange juice. Simply by doing that, I lost 8lbs! It was crazy how much juice I used to consume and the amount of sugar in it. However, that wasn’t the only thing contributing to my weight. I had a routine of eating a McFlurry after every session of my karate class because I always thought I deserved a reward for the hard work I put in the class. I had karate classes almost everyday so I was gulping down a cup of sugar with m&ms everyday. But I kept going back and forth with the weight for a few years.

Fast forwarding to the summer between middle school and high school, I went to visit my close family for a month in India. I used to visit them every summer with my parents, but this was the first time I went alone. For some reason I just wasn’t enjoying food anymore and decided to eat when I felt like it. I ate a total of 5 meals in 1 month. I went from 160 to 120 pounds. When I got back home my parents didn’t even recognize me. However the strangest thing was that my parents took me to my favorite restaurant and I took a bite of the food and immediately threw up. By having an aversion to food for a whole month, I couldn’t even eat my favorite meal.

Throughout the next year I slowly gained that weight back until I got to 150. However with the rapid fluctuations in weight I developed gynecomastia (male breasts). You can imagine how difficult high school must have been with that. I remained at that weight for the next 5 years until the worst year of my life started. I developed schizophrenia in college from a sequence of events I don’t want to elaborate on. I was hospitalized and put on medication. As some of you know antipsychotic medication makes you gain weight like crazy.

After 3 years on the medication I just decided to stop because I had gotten too big. That was now a year ago. I am currently 23 years old, 5’8 male that weighs 180lb, the highest I’ve ever been. I have been lifting weights irregularly for the past 6 months and think I have built up a good amount of muscle. Now the trouble is losing the weight as well as trying to reduce the gyno without surgery. My goal is to reach 155 with the amount of muscle I have and not lose any strength. I tried CICO for a few weeks but my weight just fluctuates too much between days I lift and don’t. I calibrate my calories intake for what I’m doing that day, but one slip up and I’m right back to where I started. I know consistency and dedication are the biggest contributing factors to weight loss but my family makes it very difficult to have self control and restraint 24/7.

Any recommendations?

TLDR; -Weight problems since childhood. -Was anorexic for a little while. -Developed gynecomastia. -Gained a lot of weight from antipsychotic medication. -Now trying to lose fat after gaining some muscle. 23yr male 5’8 SW:180/GW:155

submitted by /u/FOB_Shyam
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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